How to choose suitable pots for plants 48

How to choose pots for our leafy ornamental or flowering ornamental plants for the yard or garden? This is a very interesting issue that poses a great challenge, namely achieving unity. Unity is the most important condition for the creation of a unique and beautiful landscape design of the yard and garden, as well as in the interior landscaping of offices, hotels, homes and restaurants.

When growing plants, there is a huge variety of different types of flower pots.

The flowers and the pots in which you grow them should form a single whole, the pot should look as if it is part of a plant. Combined in this way, flowers and dishes can form incredibly beautiful accents in your yard or garden, and vice versa, if they are not harmoniously connected, they can look out of place and, accordingly, irritate and cause discomfort.

These design tips are strictly individual for everyone. However, the purpose of the garden is to please you, not to follow canons set by someone, but always pay attention to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for flowers. минерални торове за цветя

Of great importance is not only the size of the container for Plastic container for ornamental plants, but also its shape and the material from which it is made.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of vessel shapes – right, wrong. In the USA and Japan, the unique shapes made by various famous sculptors are used and are extremely popular at the moment.

Artists sell their creations for indecent amounts, but fortunately many people look for them and buy them. The price of an author’s pot varies from 28 to 50 thousand euros. In most cases, however, this pot is not suitable for vegetation.

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Suitable soil for ornamental plants 47

The use of fertile soil is one of the most important elements for landscaping and landscape architecture and for the development of all plants. From the soil they get the water and nutrients they need. Plants need different types of ingredients, which are contained in the soil. There are many types of mixture of garden soil with other types of soil and different types of soil improvers.

The so-called pH reaction of the soil is also extremely important, some plants prefer more acidic soils, others more alkaline, and still others neutral soils (it is possible to use mineral fertilizers for trees and shrubs that control Ph levels).

It is good to get acquainted in detail with the preferences of plants for the soil and their need for various substances. It is also important whether the soil is calcareous or not, some flowers prefer calcareous soil, and others can not even live on such flower soil. минерални торове за дървета и храсти

The other quite important role for the normal growth of heavy clay soil, cracked by summer drought of plants plays the mechanical composition of the soil.

Some plants prefer more sandy soils, which have a better air regime and are more draining, but some moisture-loving species prefer more clayey soils, which in turn have a poor air regime but retain moisture quite well.

Цялата публикация „Suitable soil for ornamental plants 47“

Create your own flower paradise (patio plants) 45

Nowadays, it is very rare to find a garden or patio without at least one plant. Because they – the plants connect us with nature in our industrialized world and hectic daily life. With their huge variety, they find their way to everyone’s heart.

Patio plants are not one species or variety, they are a huge variety of species, shapes, varieties that can be successfully grown in pots (boxes and pots, etc.) and in flower beds and various decorative groups (a combination of trees, shrubs and flowers). It is important to know that there must be subscription maintenance of green areas to make them look as good as possible. This should be done by professionals who have graduated from a specialized university for landscaping. минерални торове качествени

Fertilizing with quality mineral fertilizers and preparing to maintain a green area is extremely important for the development and health of all flowers in a garden.

Цялата публикация „Create your own flower paradise (patio plants) 45“

General rules for collecting herbs 44

Each herb in the garden and your yard is different in itself, but the characteristic of all is that they are collected when they have accumulated the largest amount of active substances to be most useful.

Depending on the conditions in which the herbs grow, their stages of development are different, and this leads to different amounts of the drug substance.

The amount of the drug also depends on climatic conditions, soil conditions, latitude and others. Thus, some herbs accumulate more substances in different seasons, some accumulate them in the spring arcs in the fall. The age of the plant also plays a big role in the amount of substance.

Spring is the best season for picking the buds of plants, because during this period they are richest in medicinal substance. (This does not apply to houseplants that are fertilized with ordinary mineral fertilizers минерални торове обикновени).

The flowers are collected in different phases of their development. It is advisable to pick the flowers by hand by placing them in baskets, but it is not advisable to press them. The flowers of some plants are collected before they are completely dissolved, and of others when the flowers are completely dissolved. Mixing colors of similar species is not recommended.

Цялата публикация „General rules for collecting herbs 44“

Kitchen garden or vegetable garden 43

What is a garden in the kitchen? – This is not only a decoration and a manifestation of style, but also a clever way to grow seeds of fresh spices for cooking near the stove. This way, in a plastic flower box you will always have fresh parsley, dill, mint, basil and much more on hand.

In the urban environment, where we lack gardens in which to plant our favorite spices, the kitchen garden is a good solution to the problem. Минерални торове качествени

In Japan and China, this is a fairly modern „technology“ even in some of the most reputable restaurants. It is not very popular in Bulgaria yet, but many people grow spices on the balcony or at home in boxes.

Buckwheat and garden plants can have different purposes besides aesthetic. You can use different types of spices, fruits, vegetables, because they not only contribute to the abundance of your kitchen, but also with their leaves, flowers and ripe fruits give your balcony or kitchen garden a aesthetic charm and uniqueness.

In general, some types of spices and herbs (such as basil, parsley, lettuce) are quite sensitive and you need to take this into account by finding a sheltered place and especially from the rain.

An interesting proposal for a garden

It is also good to be careful with the different types of animals that inhabit your home herb garden, because both humans and snails like parsley and basil. In order not to eat your „harvest“, it is good for these species to provide a place that is above ground level, and for smaller species you can place them even in hanging containers.

Цялата публикация „Kitchen garden or vegetable garden 43“

Use in landscaping of white fir yards (Abies alba) 42

The common (Abies alba в прозрачен полиетилен за оранжерии) fir is a relatively tall tree, reaching about 60-65 m. The crown while the tree is young is conical, and with age it acquires a cylindrical shape.

This type of tree is one of the most used in Bulgaria for landscaping and landscaping of private and public green areas. It is often offered at reasonable prices from most of the nurseries in the country, it can be found in various specialty garden stores, it can even be found in a larger garden center online, and not infrequently you can find it in Israeli polyethylene for greenhouses transparent.

The bark at a young age is smooth and light gray with resin bubbles on it. As a result of its development and growth, the bark cracks into thin tiles and acquires a dark gray to black-brown color. The young twigs are light brown and covered with hairy hairs.

The buds on the branches are ovoid and resinous. With the exception of the upper part of the crown, the leaves on the branches are arranged in two rows, and the generative organs are formed in the upper part. The leaves are flat with two white stripes on the underside and are about 2-3 cm long (as can be seen from the photos taken by fauxto_digit and pastilletes).

Цялата публикация „Use in landscaping of white fir yards (Abies alba) 42“

Landscaping of gardens and yards with Abies concolor 41

Concolor, Silver fir, or as it is also known by its Latin name Abies concolor is a type of fir tree for landscaping, which reaches a height of 50 m. The collor forms an extremely dense conical crown (in the photo taken by nautical2k, full height).

In infancy, the silver fir stem is covered with a smooth light gray bark (pictured, which made brewbooks), which in the process of growth and growth of the tree cracks very deeply. Young twigs are yellowish gray or gray-green and are characterized by light hair.

The buds of Abies concolor градински разделители за трева are round and slightly tarred. The leaves (needles) are linear in shape and are flat, reaching a length of about 4 – 8 cm. bluish silver (pictured on brewbooks). Unlike the other firs of the Concolor, the leaves are colored the same on both sides and are arranged in two rows on the branches. The male fringes acquire a pink-red color.

These characteristic features of the Koncolorka fir make it one of the most preferred for landscaping and design of green areas, especially if you have well arranged the garden with garden grass dividers. It can be found in most of the renowned garden nurseries in Bulgaria at reasonable prices. Very rarely you can find seedlings or varietal seeds of this species of conifers.

Abies concolor The cones of the Concolor, on the other hand, are purple in color, and when ripe they turn brown. They have a cylindrical shape and reach a length of about 8 – 15 cm, characterized by a slight elegant narrowing to the top. The covering scales of the cone are shorter than the seed ones and remain hidden between them. As with other species of fir, after ripening the cone disintegrates and the seeds „take off“.

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