Seeds of Bulgarian tomatoes Pink Magic

Seven Seeds Ltd. is pleased to present you varietal seeds of Bulgarian tomatoes Pink Magic семена на домати розова магия! These tomatoes are high-yielding indeterminate (tall, have no growth restriction in height), medium-early with a powerful stem.

The fruits are located about 2 – 3 on a flower wrist. Variety Pink Magic is resistant to tobacco mosaic, verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt and is tolerant to alternaria, septoria and anthracnose.

Enjoy the big and delicious Bulgarian non-cracking soft pink tomatoes – Pink magic! The average weight of pink fruits is about 350 – 500 grams and they have a smooth surface.

This Bulgarian variety is very tasty, the tomato is fleshy and medium firm. Pink Magic tomatoes are a variety for fresh consumption (they can also be used for cooking).

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Landscaping with Centenarian (Agave americana) 62

Agave or centenarian is a rather bizarre plant, known in the field of landscaping and landscape design with its Latin name Agave Americana. In natural conditions it is an attractive garden plant.

This plant makes incredibly beautiful compositions and combinations with abundantly flowering garden plants, is often used for landscaping of a villa or house, landscaping of gardens in residences and other representative green areas, landscaping of cafes and restaurants.

In general, the agave is an evergreen plant (which means that in winter its leaves do not fall off, but are preserved in the same form as they are in other seasons). It forms extremely interesting rosettes, which are composed of broad lanceolate leaves with sharp tips.

Цялата публикация „Landscaping with Centenarian (Agave americana) 62“

Ways to prune plants in the garden 59

How to properly prune the plants in our garden? This is an event that is quite important for garden design and yard design, but it is also important to know how to do it optimally well for the plant. Different prunings allow the plants to be arranged with different garden furniture.

Regular pruning is quite important for the optimal development of our plant, to stimulate its branching and further development. In addition to trees and shrubs in green areas, there are other plants that need specialized pruning – these are our beautiful garden flowers. редене на пластмасови паркинг елементи

For example, if you cut the shoot of a plant (this is the branch that has grown this year, summer – grown, grown in summer) above the bud, from this bud will appear two new shoots (two new branches). This type of pruning stimulates the growth of the plant, favors flowering and fruiting. Cutting can be done with different tools. One of them is pruning shears. They can also be used for cutting when laying plastic parking elements.

The question is when to do the pruning, it depends mostly on the plant, its specific growth and habit.

Цялата публикация „Ways to prune plants in the garden 59“

Constant care for plants 58

Garden maintenance activities are quite important to grow well, to have good growth, to have large and abundant flowers and fruits, our plants. It is good to have subscription support for green areas. When maintaining a garden in the yard and house, you should constantly pay attention to your ornamental plants, their needs and whims. The best solution for this purpose is to hire a company that offers subscription maintenance of gardens, but necessarily at reasonable prices, especially if you use quality grass mixtures.

If you have decided to do it yourself for this purpose, it is good to know the intricacies of gardening. There are a large number of currents in the landscaping of gardens and yards. The differences come from the culture, the way of life, the economic condition of the country and respectively the climate. For example, Canada is a country with a diverse climate and cultures. There are different types of gardening. But whatever the peculiarities, attention must be paid to post-plant care. тревни смески качествени

In most species, and even in all plants, some small care is constantly needed to keep them in good condition, especially during flowering.

Цялата публикация „Constant care for plants 58“

Growing flower pots in winter 55

This is one of the disadvantages of most garden and balcony flowers, namely that they do not withstand our harsh winter (with the exception of only some winter-hardy species), if we do not take measures against it.

Low temperatures affect them a lot because the containers in which we grow them cool down quite quickly, and the water in them freezes, which not only damages the plants, but can also damage the containers if they do not have the necessary elasticity, especially vulnerable are ceramic pots. break from the pressure of the ice. Plastic containers are quite suitable in this regard, but in any case the plant dies, unless they are made of quality cold-resistant plastic and pour them with insulation or put them in a greenhouse of Israeli polyethylene for greenhouses. израелски полиетилен за оранжерии

It is important to store your non-winter hardy plants indoors before the autumn frosts begin. The place should not be heated, it is good to be dry, and the temperature should not fall below 0 degrees.

Цялата публикация „Growing flower pots in winter 55“

How to collect and pick herbs? 50

Bulgaria is an incredibly beautiful and attractive country, this is due to its extremely beautiful nature.

In the Bulgarian territories, there is a great variety of plant species, both trees, shrubs and grasses. We will pay attention to the variety and medicinal qualities of herbaceous plants and the specifics of collecting seeds and herbs.

In ancient times, herbaceous plants had a different purpose, those that contained organic compounds and were used to treat humans were called medicinal plants or herbs. Other herbaceous plants were used to feed man, to decorate his homes, and some were used for clothing. семена

Some of the herbs contain too many poisonous substances, but a bouquet of forest herbs still prepare medicines and decoctions for both external use and internal use at home.

Цялата публикация „How to collect and pick herbs? 50“

Plants in different pots 49

In order for our interior plants to develop normally, whether they are leafy ornamental or coniferous, it is extremely important to know how, as true professionals in the field of landscaping and landscape design, to decorate with them and plant them professionally in pots, planters and various by type of boxes.

It is very important before we start to know the species and their specifics. What are their needs, what space they need and respectively what soil is needed especially if growing them near concrete paving slabs.
Plants can survive and develop optimally (and get their respective decorative appearance and lifespan) in your yard and garden if and only if we provide them with the conditions they so need. бетонови тротоарни плочки

We must not only provide them with enough space, but also feed and water them regularly, and we must also prevent excessive retention of soil moisture. Excessive watering causes the root system to rot and this can permanently damage or kill your plant. In order not to get this thing should be watered sparingly, both according to the moisture requirements of the plant species and the conditions of the environment in which you grow it (air temperature and humidity).

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