How to collect and pick herbs? 50

Bulgaria is an incredibly beautiful and attractive country, this is due to its extremely beautiful nature.

In the Bulgarian territories, there is a great variety of plant species, both trees, shrubs and grasses. We will pay attention to the variety and medicinal qualities of herbaceous plants and the specifics of collecting seeds and herbs.

In ancient times, herbaceous plants had a different purpose, those that contained organic compounds and were used to treat humans were called medicinal plants or herbs. Other herbaceous plants were used to feed man, to decorate his homes, and some were used for clothing. семена

Some of the herbs contain too many poisonous substances, but a bouquet of forest herbs still prepare medicines and decoctions for both external use and internal use at home.

But in order for a person to be able to cope on his own, to prepare the necessary medicinal decoction or syrup, he must be very well acquainted with the plants and the ways of their collection, drying and storage.

Without being familiar with plants and their properties, one should not try to prepare medicinal materials from herbs, because this can lead to bad consequences.

There are many cases of poisoning from ignorance of the plant, there are even deaths. For this reason, mass production and trade in herbs in Bulgaria is determined by very strict laws and licenses.

Before starting to collect herbs, one should be familiar with plants, in addition to plants, how to recognize them from nearby species (because both fungi and herbs have plants – twins, which are not very useful, but on the contrary can even be harmful), but also with the technique of picking, storing and drying.

If you are an amateur and pick herbs only for your own consumption, it is good as a good ecologist to try not to uproot the plants so as not to disturb their population.

One must also know exactly which part of the plant is used in what quantity in order to know in what quantity to harvest it.

If you do not need a large amount, do not take, because this stops the spread of the plant species.

The most important thing is the knowledge of each herb, so that it can be recognized and not be confused with another close to it, which can instead of helping in the treatment of man lead to deterioration and even worse consequences .

These bad effects can be nausea, vomiting, upset, dizziness, high blood pressure, headaches and many more. If you suspect any of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately after taking an herb to prevent major complications.

Nevertheless, collecting herbs remains a pleasant activity in nature in the fresh air and in a pleasant environment (in nature).

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