How to grow Venus hair (Adiantum capillus – veneris) in your home 91

Venus hair is a houseplant that is found in every home or exotic greenhouse made of Israeli polyethylene.

It originates from countries located in temperate and subtropical regions.

As dimensions do not reach great height and width, even sometimes they are identical. The dimensions of the veneered hair are in the order: height about 15 – 30 cm and width about 15 – 25 cm.

Sometimes the plant acquires a spherical shape. It cannot be said that it is demanding to light, but it shows the best indicators in growth and decorative qualities when it is in partial shade. тротоарни плочки за двора

High temperatures do not reflect well. It also does not tolerate abrupt changes in temperature, from warm to cold and from cold to warm. The most favorable temperatures for Venus hair are 13-18 degrees in summer and 10-13 degrees in winter. Watering should be careful, although the species loves water.

Цялата публикация „How to grow Venus hair (Adiantum capillus – veneris) in your home 91“

Flowering and use in landscaping of Acidantra murielae 90

This plant is not very popular in our country, but this does not mean that it does not grow in our country or that it is not so beautiful. This species originates from Abyssinia.

Its size is neither very small nor very large, it gets medium size.

The height of the acidantra reaches 80 cm, which makes it suitable for growing indoors as well as business buildings or in greenhouses made of special polyethylene for the greenhouse.

Its flowering is not very long, it blooms in July-August for about two months, but on the other hand the flowers are beautiful and can be found with white and cream flowers.

Regarding light Acidantera requires direct sunlight. Acidantra (Acidantra murielae) In direct sunlight, this plant grows very well and acquires an amazing decorative effect.

The plant during the growing season requires not very high temperatures but not very low, grows well at medium temperatures around 20 degrees. It has bright colors and can be used in the garden.

Цялата публикация „Flowering and use in landscaping of Acidantra murielae 90“

Methods of reproduction of Achimenes (Achimenes grandiflora) 89

The homeland of this funnel-shaped plant is North America or more precisely Mexico.

With its size, it is very suitable for a houseplant, as its size allows it to be grown in an apartment. Achimenes reaches a height of 50-60 cm and a width of 40-45 cm.

Its flowering is in the summer, and the flowers are funnel-shaped with purple or pure white flowers. For its good development the plant requires a lot of light, but in no case direct. Direct light can cause the leaves to burn. Achimenes feels best at temperatures below 15 degrees and it is good to limit it with a landscape grass limiter. ландшафтен ограничител за райграс

Higher temperatures do not reflect well on the plant. At high temperatures it loses its decorative effect. Achimenes is not demanding on air humidity. It does not require very dry air, nor is it very humid. Feels great in moderate humidity.

Цялата публикация „Methods of reproduction of Achimenes (Achimenes grandiflora) 89“

Origin and methods of cultivation of Aphelandra (Aphelandra squarrosa) 88

Afelandra is a wonderful houseplant with attractive colors that is used in the interior or in a greenhouse of special polyethylene for greenhouses. With its non-standard leaves and colors it gives fragility to any home.

Afelandra originates from South America or more precisely from the country of coffee-Brazil.

The plant is not famous for its large size, reaches a maximum height of 70 cm and a width of 40 cm.

Flowering of Afelandra is not very long lasting only two months, July and August. The flowers are bright yellow and oblong, facing upwards with a non-standard shape. ограничител пластмасов за трева

For maximum decorative effect in winter, aphelandra squarrosa should be in a well-lit place to preserve the brightness and strength of its colors, and in summer it is good to choose a place to decorate with afelandra in your garden and yard. with partial shade so as not to burn the leaves.

Regarding the temperature, it does not tolerate low and high temperatures, it develops best at medium temperatures in the range of 13-18 degrees in winter and 18-25 degrees in summer.

Цялата публикация „Origin and methods of cultivation of Aphelandra (Aphelandra squarrosa) 88“

Ways of growing Aristolohia (Dutch pipe, Aristolohia durior) 86

Aristolochia is a very interesting plant, which is known to professionals in the field of landscaping and landscape architecture with its Latin name Aristolohia durior.

The unusual name of this species comes from its flowers, which quite resemble small pipes.

Despite this interesting resemblance, the colors themselves are nothing special, they are usually hidden under the large leaves and have a rather inconspicuous yellowish-brown color, which contrasts perfectly with lighter floor tiles for the yard. градински плочки подови за двора

What makes aristology preferred is the decorative effect of the leaf mass.

In general, the Dutchman’s pipe is a climbing plant and is extremely suitable for landscaping walls, fences, and can also be used to create the ideal natural barrier, it can also be used as a „roof“ for pergolas, outdoor gazebos and more.

Цялата публикация „Ways of growing Aristolohia (Dutch pipe, Aristolohia durior) 86“

Interior arrangement with Anthurium scherzerianum 85

Anthurium is a beautiful plant that originated in Guatemala.

In our conditions it does not reach large sizes, so it is suitable for growing in an apartment and in a room. Used for interior design. Anthurium is one of the plants with attractive colors used in the interior. градински павета бетонни

It reaches 25 – 30 cm in height and 30 – 40 cm in width. It can be used as an accent in interior design.

In its natural habitat it can reach larger sizes than these.

It blooms very nicely from spring to autumn with beautiful heart-shaped flowers, from which emerges a curled up cob. It is much preferred for interior landscaping of houses, villas, offices and office – buildings, office buildings and more. It is one of the plants with red flowers used in the interior garden, especially if it is laid with antique concrete pavers or quality paving slabs.

Anthurium leaves are relatively large, fleshy and heart-shaped, like the flowers. The colors are very different in color, but the most characteristic are bright red.

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The amazing flowers of the citrus Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 84

Pineapple is one of the wonderful interior species that have an amazing color, but when the necessary conditions are not provided it is very difficult to bloom, especially if it is around concrete floor tiles for the yard.

The origin of Pineapple is Paraguay and Brazil.

Within Bulgaria, this plant is used mainly as an interior, due to its demanding temperature conditions, but tolerates planting in pots.

It can also be used as a garden plant, but with harvesting in the winter. It is best used as an accent in interior design.

Its leaves are large, oblong and serrated on its periphery. Its colors are very attractive, having the shape of a cob. подови плочки за двор

In size in our country Pineapple reaches about 80 cm in height and about 70 in width, in its natural habitat or a place with similar conditions can reach larger sizes.

Цялата публикация „The amazing flowers of the citrus Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 84“