Packaging / number of seeds: The new for 2021 variety of melon is available in packages of 1 g. In one gram you can find 25-30 pcs. melon seeds Gladiator F1.
Sowing rate: The number of Gladiator F1 melon plants in one decare of agricultural land is desirable to be 1200-1400 pcs. The sowing rate for pre-prepared seedlings is 60-70 g of seeds. If you are going to use the option for direct sowing of melons, then you will need 120 – 150 g of seeds. семена на пъпеш Гладиатор
Sowing period: The appropriate period for super early production in trays, for tunnel – March 25 – 30. Medium early in the trays, outdoors – after the danger of frost has passed 5-10 to 30 April.
Transplanting period: For transplanting under the tunnel the period is April 30 – May 5, and outdoor seedlings of melons Gladiator F1 can be planted from May 15 to June 1.
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