Melon seeds Gladiator F1 (Gladiator F1) – a new Bulgarian variety

Packaging / number of seeds: The new for 2021 variety of melon is available in packages of 1 g. In one gram you can find 25-30 pcs. melon seeds Gladiator F1.
Sowing rate: The number of Gladiator F1 melon plants in one decare of agricultural land is desirable to be 1200-1400 pcs. The sowing rate for pre-prepared seedlings is 60-70 g of seeds. If you are going to use the option for direct sowing of melons, then you will need 120 – 150 g of seeds. семена на пъпеш Гладиатор

Sowing period: The appropriate period for super early production in trays, for tunnel – March 25 – 30. Medium early in the trays, outdoors – after the danger of frost has passed 5-10 to 30 April.

Transplanting period: For transplanting under the tunnel the period is April 30 – May 5, and outdoor seedlings of melons Gladiator F1 can be planted from May 15 to June 1.

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Growing and using Peperomia magnolia 31

Peperomia magnolifolia is known in the field of landscaping and landscape design with its Latin name Peperomia magnoliaefolia, it is one of the dozens of species and varieties of peperomia (sample photos taken by zivpu and ProBuild Garden Center, Santa Cruz).

Naturally, like all types of peperomia, it originates from the tropics and is a very attractive indoor plant.

It is mainly used for interior landscaping (interior decoration of premises) and growing in plastic pots, it is perennial (this means that it has a lifespan of more than two years). пластмасови качествени паркинг елементи

It is characterized by the fact that it forms upright stems, and the height of the upright stems is about 40 cm. In older plants, these upright stems lie down even if you plant them outdoors in a parking lot.

When growing, the optimal temperature in the room should be from 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, because otherwise the plant loses its good appearance.

Peperomia magnoliaefolia Peperomia magnoliaefolia „Aureo – Variegata“ is valued mainly because it is a plant with variegated foliage.

It requires very intense lighting (this is a feature of almost all variegated forms of interior ornamental plants), and should be lit in the morning and afternoon to preserve the diversity of the leaves. When the light is very dim, the leaves completely lose their variegation and become completely green.

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Peperomia caperata – cultivation reproduction and features 30

Peperomia (Peperomia caperata) Peperomia (Peperomia caperata) is a beautiful exotic interior plant, which is quite common in Bulgaria and is often used in landscaping and in creating green areas or flower spots in gardens. In general, there are many species of this plant. пластмасова ограничителна лента за трева.

In this article I will introduce you to one of the most current types – Peperomia caper (sample photo taken by B&M Photography and Shnib Snuff).

Peperomia caperata (the Latin name by which it is known in landscaping practice is Peperomia caperata), like all peperomia originates from the tropics, is used mainly as a plant for interior decoration and is perennial (this means that its lifespan is more than two years ). It can also be used for garden exterior landscaping, but it must be placed in beds that are edged with a restrictive strip of grass.

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It blooms, but the flowers do not have much decorative value, it is used mainly because of the attractive leaves (it is used as a deciduous ornamental plant).

In general, the height of the leaf mass is about 15 to 20 cm, and in the flowering period it reaches up to 30 cm.

In order to develop normally, it is good for the room temperature to be between 18 and 20 degrees, and in winter it can be around 14 – 15 degrees, it tolerates short-term drops to 8 – 10 degrees.

Peperomia (Peperomia caperata) Peperomia requires intense lighting, but in no case direct sunlight, tolerates lower light intensity, but the leaf stalks lengthen and this leads to a deterioration in the decorative value of the plant. In order to develop well, a lot of light must be present in the interior.

Цялата публикация „Peperomia caperata – cultivation reproduction and features 30“

What are the requirements for the environment Peperomia griseo – argenteia 29

These two types of peperomii are quite relevant at the moment and extremely interesting exotic houseplants (photos are from the collections of jriro2000 and Jigme Datse).

Like all types of peperomii, these originate from the tropics and are used in our country to decorate the interior or garden. пластмасов ограничител за алеи 

They are perennials, which means they have a lifespan of more than two years. They are herbaceous plants and are valued mainly for their foliage (they are called deciduous ornamental plants – this means that the leaves have a beautiful effect). They bloom, but their colors have no decorative value. It is good to use an outdoor alley limiter in case you are landscaping the yard in the spring.
Peperomia, Peperomia griseo-argenteaPeperomia griseo – argentea (known in landscaping practice by its Latin name Peperomia griseo – argentea) has a leaf height of about 15-20 cm, and when it is in bloom with the inflorescences is up to about 30 cm.

The air temperature in the room where you will grow it is optimally around 20-22 degrees, and in winter – 15-16 degrees. This species tolerates short-term drops to 10 – 12 degrees, unlike Peperomia Magnoliefolia, which is much more capricious.

Цялата публикация „What are the requirements for the environment Peperomia griseo – argenteia 29“

Cacti (Cactaceae) – use, soil and cultivation 28

Cacti are a rather numerous and diverse family (professionally the cactus family is known as Cactaceae) (we present photos of different species taken by alykat, r-z and .Robert.).

They are perennial plants (with a lifespan of more than two years), can be single-stemmed (stemmed), can be tree-like, shrubby, semi-shrubby or herbaceous and are very often used for landscaping gardens. It is recommended to use them in interior landscaping of any home. пластмасов градински ограничител .

Cacti are succulent plants, which means that they have fleshy stems, through these fleshy stems they overcome high temperatures, accumulating large amounts of water and food reserves. They originate from the tropics and subtropical regions.

Cacti are used to decorate various types of rooms, mainly as potted plants. You can also use them for outdoor decoration, but only in summer and in winter they are harvested. When used outdoors, be sure to separate them with a garden grass stopper.

Cacti (Cactaceae) are mainly grown for interior decoration and are valued because they are perennial flowering plants that have a very interesting structure. They are characterized by a very long life (decades) and quite slow growth.

In areas like our country, which have a temperate climate, vegetation (active growth) begins in the spring, when the intensity of sunlight increases.

Цялата публикация „Cacti (Cactaceae) – use, soil and cultivation 28“

Ficus elastica – cultivation and propagation 27

Ficus elastica (Latin name Ficus elastica) is one of the most beautiful leafy ornamental interior plants. It is an evergreen tree that has a tropical origin (pictured by shearforce).

In its homeland it reaches huge sizes – about 30 meters in height and is often used for indoor (indoor) landscaping. градински кант за трева

In areas with temperate climates (such as our country) these exotic houseplants are grown as perennials (meaning they have a lifespan, over two years), a deciduous ornamental plant for interior decoration. Leaf-decorative means that only the leaves have decorative value (since Ficus elastica is a tropical species, it does not develop normally in the climatic conditions of our country and only its leaves have decorative value).

ficus-elastica (ficus elastica) The adult plant can reach the height that allows it space (to the ceiling of the room). Its leaves are usually 20 to 30 cm long and 8 to 10 cm wide (in the ordinary form the leaves are green and in some forms are variegated, as in the photo taken by LindaH).

The degree of branching of the plant and its shape can be easily adjusted by the so-called pruning (this is a special method of pruning, which removes the tips of the stem and branches, as well as removing unwanted branches).

When injuring part of the plant (twigs, leaves) flows white milky sap, which must be wiped with a damp cloth or damp cotton, it should not dry out on the plant.

Цялата публикация „Ficus elastica – cultivation and propagation 27“

How to grow Ficus pumila 26

This is a very attractive plant from the family of ficus, rarely used in the decoration and landscaping of gardens and yards.

It is known to professionals in landscaping, garden centers and almost all flower shops with its Latin name Ficus pumila (sample photos thanks to Eran Finkle and nautical2k), also called Ficus repens (repens from Latin means creeping, also called creeping). ficus). пластмасови паркинг елементи цена

It is an evergreen (this means that in winter it does not lose its leaf mass, in general its leaves fall in stages, and in their place come others) climbing shrub.

It is grown as a creeping potted flower type deciduous ornamental plant (this means that only its leaves have a decorative effect) for indoor use (interior gardens). It is not winter-hardy for our country, for this reason it is mainly used for indoor decoration.

The adult plant can cover quite large areas. It has special roots on the stems (called adventitious roots), with which it can be easily attached even on extremely smooth surfaces, such as glass.

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