This species is one of the ornamental shrubs, a member of the family Berberidaceae – Sour thorns. The common sorrel is a deciduous shrub that is naturally distributed and is found in Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus and Crimea. Barberry reaches a height of 2 maximum 3 meters.
Young twigs of this species are ridged and yellowish, often with triple or single spines. The thorns originate from modified leaves. The leaves of sorrel are arranged sequentially on the columns.
The individual leaves are ovoid – elliptical to obovate, with a rounded or rarely pointed tip, and tapering wedge-shaped to the base resembling small seeds of pink tomatoes.
The length of the leaves reaches 4 centimeters, at the end Common sorrel (Berberis vulgaris) leaves are finely and sharply toothed.
The flowers of the common sorrel are yellow in color, gathered in drooping clusters, fragrant, up to 6 centimeters long, located on the bitten twigs. This species with fragrant flowers is suitable for use in the garden.
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