Ways to water ornamental plants 17

Watering in the garden is one of the most important gardening services for the proper maintenance of your garden, especially if you use a decorative grass limiter, and this is important for all types of flowers and not only flowers, but also all types of plants in your green areas.

The flowers should be watered regularly, especially if the soil is permeable (this means that their water regime is disturbed, ie they do not retain the absorbed moisture, and it swells, and thus becomes indigestible to vegetation). градински ограничител за райграс трева

When planting seeds for seedlings of summer flowers, you must water abundantly and daily (as in the picture with the watering can made by indichick7), and after strengthening the plants you can limit watering to once or twice a week (other watering options are many , but the most trivial is with the help of a hose, the photo was taken by Beth-Harper).

Feather flowers (these are perennial flowers that have a lifespan of more than two years) should be watered more often in the first year after planting. Only if you grow a xerophyte (a plant that can withstand prolonged drought) do not need regular watering.

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Beautiful retaining wall! What do we need to know? 16

There is an accessory that is almost always present when you do landscaping of a villa – a retaining wall. To be attractive a retaining wall in the yard or garden, it must be built of quality and effective materials (as in the photos taken by Mason2008, AlexWitherspoon and Hitchster).

Nowadays, there are many and varied ways to achieve this goal. Starting from bricks, aerated concrete blocks ytong, concrete, reinforced concrete, stones (natural and artificial) and even wood. пластмасов качествен ограничител за трева и райграс

Some professionals in the field of landscape design and landscaping even make combinations of these materials, which are quite successful. But undoubtedly the most beautiful and environmentally friendly remains the retaining wall, built of natural stone, this is already a wonderful finish spruce decoration of the yard and garden.

Retaining wallThe main rules we must follow when building retaining walls are: small stones should not be used, the stones should be uniform (to be of the same type), it is best to order the stones from the nearby quarry or from specialized shops, if possible choose the stones yourself, be on site when the stones are delivered to you, put the biggest stones at the bottom (as a base), because this way the wall becomes much more stable.

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Nutrition of ornamental plants 15

Nutrition is extremely important when starting garden and yard landscaping, especially for the normal development of your garden flower seeds, ornamental trees and shrubs, your indoor plants and crops. Regardless of the geographical location, whether you are in Bulgaria or the United States, there are no plants that do not need nutrients in one amount or another. To do this, you need to maintain the humus content of the soil in the garden at a good level.

Feeding is necessary and is carried out throughout the growing season (period of active vegetation development usually from early spring to late autumn, different types of plants are different, examples of spring fertilization in the photos taken by mariecarianna, noii’s and … jc …, the very period of active vegetation is characterized by the formation of new twigs and leaves, active growth of roots and aboveground part in general), because the main and pre-sowing fertilization can not fully meet the needs of plants for nutrients to develop optimally. It is especially important when growing garden flower seeds. градински ограничител за трева

In the case of ornamental vegetation, which is used in the field of landscaping and landscaping, the selected forms and species that require fertile soils need regular nourishment (these are genetically derived plants that have different requirements from the original, normal species and are usually much more demanding). Feeding is also done in cases when the soil is not fertile enough or is permeable, which means that when watering the nutrients are easily removed from the soil (usually these are more sandy soils).

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Weeding of flowers in the maintenance of green areas and home gardens 14

When maintaining green areas, one of the important measures that is highly valued is to remove weeds. Weeding in gardens is one of the most common gardening services, which is important not only to achieve maximum decorative effect, but also to protect plants from harmful weeds that stop or hinder their development (as in the photos taken by Editor B and niiicedave).

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of different types of weeds in size, shape, color, brand and price, devices that contribute to easier and faster removal of unwanted weeds. ограничител за трева пластмасов

It is recommended to start weeding as early as possible in the spring and to do it systematically throughout the season. It can be performed at any time of the day. plastic stopper for grass

Weeds in the garden Weeding is good to do together with loosening the soil, because it is more appropriate.

Undoubtedly, the best time for weeding is after rain or after abundant watering, because then the soil is moist and weeds are easily removed by roots, and after they are uprooted, they do not appear for much longer.

It is very important to remove weeds by roots or, if it is not possible, to cut them to the maximum depth in order to limit their development or spread as much as possible.

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A Spiders are growing in size as a result of global warming 13

Global warming, even if kept within two degrees, will irreversibly change our lives. The effects, in most cases unwanted and harmful to us people will manifest in all sorts of ways. Today we will tell you about the changes that will occur with insects.

Danish scientists from the University of Aarhus conducted long-term research on the Greenlandic predatory spider species Pardosa glacialis. They found that as rising average annual temperatures caused global warming, spiders began to increase in size as their skeletons became denser and larger. пластмасов ограничител за трева

According to observations, for the ten-year data collection period, the average increase in size is within two percent. Such an increase is extremely rapid in terms of evolution. In the past, such an increase in size has also been observed, dictated by the same or similar temperature reasons, but this has been happening for hundreds or thousands of years.

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In Alaska, wild ducks refuse to fly south 12

Naturally, the explanation for which is global warming and the increase in average annual temperatures, which in turn affects the soil substrate for flowers and plants, ecological news sought for you by eko.com. The source of the news is the US Geological Survey, under whose „cap“ a number of biological environmental observations are being made.

According to researcher David Ward, the percentage of wild geese (Branta bernicla nigricans) that do not fly south to traditional wintering grounds south of California, on the Mexican peninsula, has increased and in 30 years the number of geese is already a whole. 30% or about 40,000 wild geese, up from 4% thirty years ago. ограничители качествени за трева

The reason for this abnormal behavior is the increase in stocks and habitats of the species of seagrass (Zostera), which is the main and favorite food of wild geese from the Izembek reserve, a protected area that is over 40 kilometers long.

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Fish for decorative water areas 10

In addition to beautiful water flowers and ornamental fish, they always bring life to the pond. They are interesting and charming while performing various life activities. Interestingly, scientists from the United States have found that 15 minutes a day contemplation of ornamental fish calms blood circulation and calms the nervous system.

Their role in changing the ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the water is often exaggerated, but they are very useful because they reduce the population of mosquitoes and tadpoles by eating most of their larvae.

Another myth is that they affect the clarity of the water, but this is not very true. When choosing fish for your ornamental water area in the garden the most important factor is the size. If money is not a problem for you, you will probably turn to the beautiful Japanese fish „who“, which are quite modern in the construction of garden ponds in the design and landscaping of yards.

But you must know that they require an area of ​​at least 8 square meters and a depth of about 1.20 meters. Do your best and study the requirements of the fish you will use so as not to torture the animals and kill them. готини бетонови павета 20 10 6

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