Landscaping of yards and parks with Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana) 40

This type of fir is very similar to ordinary fir in morphological features. In our country it reaches a height of about 25 – 30 m, but in its natural habitat the mountains of the Caucasus reaches a height of 55 – 65 m.

Its crown is very dense, sometimes located at the base of the crown and has a narrow conical shape (sample photos taken by lorca56 and nautical2k), which makes it suitable for landscaping of yards and gardens, landscaping of private villas and houses. At first the twigs are hairy, but as it grows a little they become smooth. The leaves are 2 to 4 cm long, flat at the top, rounded or incised.

On the upper side the leaves are dark green and shiny, and on the lower side they are light green with two white stripes. The cones are relatively long, reaching about 20 cm. Fir cones are made up of two types of scales, one called seed or seed scales and the other type of roof or roof scales.

Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana разделител за райграс и градина) It is characteristic of the Caucasian fir that the roof husk, which is located behind the seed, protrudes and has a sharp tip curled to the base. This is a pretty good diagnostic sign by which professionals who deal with tree diversity (dendrologists) recognize this type of fir.

The distribution of Caucasian fir is not very wide. It is found in the mountains of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. As the altitude at which it climbs is a maximum of 2000 m, and the minimum altitude at which it can be found and at which it does not suffer damage is 800 m.

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Requirements for growing Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo) 39

This species is also not famous for its huge size. It reaches 20-30 m. Its crown is broadly conical in shape, which begins to rest from the base of the stem (this can be seen from the photo taken by montuno).

The twigs of the species at a young age are reddish-brown, and the buds on them are egg-shaped and are strongly resinous even if you grow them near plastic parking elements.

The leaves, as in the Greek fir in old age, are radially spread around the branch and are about 8-15 mm. long (sample photo taken by maesejose and tree-species).

They are hard and at the top are blunt or pointed. On top they have a waxy coating, which gives it a convex shape of color are gray-green, and the underside of the leaves has two faint whitish stripes.

Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo паркинг елементи пластмасови) The fringes of the Spanish fir are dark red, and the cones are cylindrical, reaching a length of 10-15 centimeters.

The seed scales are broad and triangular in shape with a rounded upper edge. The roof scales are shorter than the seed scales and are not visible in the closed cones.

Spanish fir is not a widespread species, it is found only in southern Spain, reaching an altitude of 1000 to 2000 m.

This type of fir is very light-loving, is not demanding to soil conditions and is relatively drought-resistant, withstands long periods of soil drought.

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Methods of reproduction and use of Pseudotsuga menziesii ssp menziesii 38

Green Douglas fir is a relatively large tree even if grown in a yard or garden bounded by a landscape grass limiter. It reaches a height of 120 m, and the thickness of the trunk reaches about 5 m. It is rarely produced in Bulgaria due to the lack of organic seeds from plants and vegetables.

The crown of the Green Douglas ландшафтен ограничител за трева is regular and resembles a cone in shape, with horizontally oriented branches (this can be seen from the photo taken by daryl_mitchell).

The bark is gray-black with deep cracking due to the growth and aging of the tree. At a young age, the branches of the Douglas fir are not hairy and yellow-green in color, later they acquire a gray-black color.

The buds resemble the shape of an egg, are slightly pointed at the top and are dark red in color. The leaves are flat with a linear shape and are 2-3 cm long, dark green above and with two white stripes below.

Green Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii ssp menziesii) On top are dull or almost dull. The leaves are arranged sequentially on the branches. They are oriented in two rows.

The male fringes are orange-yellow in color and are located in the axils of the leaves. Once ripe, the cones reach a length of 10 – 12 cm.

The cones are formed by about 50 seed scales and just as many coverings. The roof scales are three-part at the top, and the middle part is longer due to its strong draining.

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Use in green construction of Greek fir (Abies cephalonica) 37

This species does not reach great height, grows in the range of 25 – 30m.

The crown of the Greek fir is dense and conical, sometimes starting from the base of the stem (the general habit of the plant can be seen in the photo taken by the weisserstier).

In their initial development, the twigs are bare, shiny, and the buds on the twigs are very strongly tarred. The leaves are flat and about 2-3 cm long (as is clear from the photo taken by alexlomas), but they are hard and pointed at the top.

On the upper side the leaves of the Greek fir are shiny and dark green, and on the lower side they are light with two whitish stripes. In younger individuals, the leaves are located on the side and top of the branch, while in older individuals they are oriented radially around the branch and age in all directions.

Greek fir can be found in an online garden center or in the many ornamental nurseries in Sofia and Bulgaria, where it is grown in pots or in the ground, and must be edged with edging tape for grass.

Greek fir (Abies cephalonica кантираща лента) The male organs (fringes) are reddish in color and the young cones (female generative organs) are greenish. When the cones of the Greek fir ripen, they reach a length of 12 – 20 cm.

They are cylindrical in shape and highly resinous. As they mature, as with all firs, the cones fall apart. Shortly before decay is the best time to collect seeds of any type of fir.

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Growing and landscaping of parks with Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) 36

Japanese maple or as it is also known in the field of landscaping and landscape design with its Latin name Acer palmatum, is one of the most attractive plants for yard decoration (in the photo taken by asplosh, the overall look of the plant).

It is a tree that grows extremely slowly and that makes it so valuable and expensive. It is suitable for landscaping of yards, houses and villas, applied in a rocky corner or rock garden in combination with fragrant flowers for rock garden, it is also suitable for growing in pots.

It has fresh green leaves with 5 to 7 sections, which depending on the variety are deeper or shallower cut and in autumn turn reddish-gold and create an exceptional view that has inspired many artists and writers.

Japanese maple (Acer palmatum бетонови бордюри) This plant is generally small in stature and is quite suitable for growing in pots, which makes it much preferred by professionals and lovers of „small trees“ called bonsai.

Apart from Acer palmatum, suitable for vascular culture are its graceful varieties „Dissectum“, which has quite elongated leaves and reaches about 1.5 – 2 m in height in a large vessel and a width of up to 2 m, for example, the species „Ornatum“ (blue Dissectum Atropurpureum) is with burgundy, very fine and densely cut leaves, which is quite attractive and is valued for its high aesthetic value.

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Landscaping of parks and gardens with Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) 35

Shrubby peony is a very attractive plant that is used and known in all gardening services with its Latin name Peonia suffruticosa (selected photos were taken by fugzu, lobia and Tie Guy II).

In its homeland it reaches a solid size, about 150 -200 cm. From this species originate a group of cultural forms that are often used for landscaping and garden design. It is also used for landscaping of pre-block spaces.

This group of plants are perennial (their lifespan is over 2 years) and are valued for their beautiful flowering. They can be used for flowering in the yard. The leaves of the plant are 20 to 25 cm long and about 10-12 cm wide. And the flowers are quite large, with a diameter of about 15-20 cm. Flowering begins in May and lasts 10 to 15 days.

Shrubby peony (Peonia suffruticosa) The height during the flowering period, which reaches the plant, is about 80 to 130 cm. In colder winters, the upper part of the plant, which has not hardened, freezes.

And in very harsh winters and very low temperatures, the entire aboveground part of the plant can freeze, in such situations peony overwinters with its root system, and in spring it resumes through the buds that are at the base of the stems.

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Features and use in landscaping of Chamaecyparis sp. 34

False cypress is a very attractive plant that has been very popular for many years in Bulgaria, and not only that, it is the most popular plant in the British garden.

It is known in the field of landscape design and landscaping with its Latin name пластмасови бордюри градински Chamaecyparis sp. (sp. means species, which in Latin means species, when it is written Chamaecyparis sp. means that the genus of the plant is Chamaecyparis, and the species is not defined).

Characteristic of it is that it is quite fast growing, which makes it suitable for private yards and residences, where a quick decorative effect is needed. Due to its quality (rapid growth), it is not recommended to use for rock gardens and rocky flower corners if you do not prune it intensively.

There are also slower-growing forms of false cypress, which create quite successful and interesting combinations with all the flowers for rock garden. You can also recently find false cypress in a professional garden online store.

False Cypress (Chamaecyparis sp.) For example, you should not rush to plant Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Allumi’, ‘Columnaris’ or ‘Fletcherii’ just because they look pretty good in your rock garden, because in a year, your composition will be disrupted, and this plant already will not look large in your corner.

For the purpose of the rock garden, there are developed varieties of dwarfs, which are quite suitable.

You can find them in specialty flower shops or in decorative nurseries.

The leaves of the false cypress are scaly (resembling fish scales), and its twigs form flat fans. The cones it forms are round and quite small – about 1 cm (in the photos made by nautical2k and achelkr).

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