Professional grass mixture for stadiums and sports grounds Performance

Packaging: 5 kg, 10 kg.
Sowing rate: When building new stadiums for 30 to 35 square meters, 1 kg of seeds is needed (5 kg are enough for grassing a stadium or sports field with dimensions 142 – 165 sq.m.). When restoring old and damaged sports fields, a norm of 1 kg is recommended for 30 – 50 sq.m. тревна смеска за стадиони

Dredging resistance: Extremely high trampling resistance and very good regenerative ability.

Terrain lighting: In sunny areas, but also grows in partially shaded areas.
Need for watering: Regular daily watering without overwatering. The soil of the terrain should be kept constantly slightly moist, but in no case wet.

Features of mowing: The first mowing is done at a height of 5-7 centimeters. It gives the best decorative effect at low mowing – 1.5 to 2 cm, but it can be maintained without problems at 3-4 cm height.

Soil conditions: Nutrient-rich draining soils.

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Growing and using Peperomia magnolia 31

Peperomia magnolifolia is known in the field of landscaping and landscape design with its Latin name Peperomia magnoliaefolia, it is one of the dozens of species and varieties of peperomia (sample photos taken by zivpu and ProBuild Garden Center, Santa Cruz).

Naturally, like all types of peperomia, it originates from the tropics and is a very attractive indoor plant.

It is mainly used for interior landscaping (interior decoration of premises) and growing in plastic pots, it is perennial (this means that it has a lifespan of more than two years). пластмасови качествени паркинг елементи

It is characterized by the fact that it forms upright stems, and the height of the upright stems is about 40 cm. In older plants, these upright stems lie down even if you plant them outdoors in a parking lot.

When growing, the optimal temperature in the room should be from 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, because otherwise the plant loses its good appearance.

Peperomia magnoliaefolia Peperomia magnoliaefolia „Aureo – Variegata“ is valued mainly because it is a plant with variegated foliage.

It requires very intense lighting (this is a feature of almost all variegated forms of interior ornamental plants), and should be lit in the morning and afternoon to preserve the diversity of the leaves. When the light is very dim, the leaves completely lose their variegation and become completely green.

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Peperomia caperata – cultivation reproduction and features 30

Peperomia (Peperomia caperata) Peperomia (Peperomia caperata) is a beautiful exotic interior plant, which is quite common in Bulgaria and is often used in landscaping and in creating green areas or flower spots in gardens. In general, there are many species of this plant. пластмасова ограничителна лента за трева.

In this article I will introduce you to one of the most current types – Peperomia caper (sample photo taken by B&M Photography and Shnib Snuff).

Peperomia caperata (the Latin name by which it is known in landscaping practice is Peperomia caperata), like all peperomia originates from the tropics, is used mainly as a plant for interior decoration and is perennial (this means that its lifespan is more than two years ). It can also be used for garden exterior landscaping, but it must be placed in beds that are edged with a restrictive strip of grass.

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It blooms, but the flowers do not have much decorative value, it is used mainly because of the attractive leaves (it is used as a deciduous ornamental plant).

In general, the height of the leaf mass is about 15 to 20 cm, and in the flowering period it reaches up to 30 cm.

In order to develop normally, it is good for the room temperature to be between 18 and 20 degrees, and in winter it can be around 14 – 15 degrees, it tolerates short-term drops to 8 – 10 degrees.

Peperomia (Peperomia caperata) Peperomia requires intense lighting, but in no case direct sunlight, tolerates lower light intensity, but the leaf stalks lengthen and this leads to a deterioration in the decorative value of the plant. In order to develop well, a lot of light must be present in the interior.

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Bougainvillea glabra 24

Bougainvillea glabra is a very eye-catching plant used for landscaping yards with ornamental shrubs. It is known in landscaping of yards and private homes with its Latin name Bougenvillea glabra. It is one of the suitable shrubs for landscaping.

It originates from the tropics and is an interesting climbing vine of the genus Bougainvillea, which is attached by thorns.

It is grown as a flowering potted flower for the interior, because it does not withstand the winter conditions for our country. пластмасови ограничители за трева и алеи

It is also valued for its incredibly beautiful colors (pictured by pizzodisevo). This plant can reach a length of 10-12 meters.

Bougainvillea (as it is still found) is used in Bulgaria as a home potted flower. It can be exported to the garden during the summer months and surrounded by quality alleys.

Through regular pruning and pruning, however, it wants to acquire a bushy shape or even a stem shape (as in the photos taken by Foot Slogger and david.nikonvscanon).

Bougenvillea glabra, when you have acquired a bushy habit of your plant by pruning, in the summer you can take it outside together with the pot in which you grow it, in direct sunlight.

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Root – structure and characteristics 22

The root is a very important part of autotrophic plants, especially if it can be fenced with a landscape plastic grass limiter (качествен ограничител ландшафтен за трева). The root and root system is located under the soil cover. It plays an important role in attaching the plant to all types of garden soil.

In most cases, the root system is formed by a single central root and multiple branches, on which are located perhaps the most important parts – the root hairs. In addition to attaching to the soil, the root system also serves to provide the plant with the necessary nutrients and water to ensure its development.

The root also accumulates reserve nutrients, which is very important for the survival of the plant in extreme situations. There are also plants that are propagated by root cuttings. It has been established that primary synthesis of some substances takes place in the root, and this proves the important and specific role of the root in the life and development of plants.

In the seed is the germinal root, which gives rise to the primary root system.

After germination, this primary root is directed vertically down into the soil. After some increase, new first-order roots begin to emerge from it, and after some time, second-order roots appear on them, and so on. Thus, the root system is gradually formed. Root hairs are formed on the thinnest extreme roots.

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Types of nutrition in ornamental plants 21

Nutrition in deciduous and flowering plants is one of the most important events to which professionals dealing with landscaping and landscape architecture pay attention. No matter what climate zone you are in, whether you grow ornamental or agricultural vegetation, you will have to nourish your plants even if you grow them in high quality flower soil.

It is extremely important for the optimal development of ornamental vegetation in your garden, and not only ornamental plants, but also agricultural ones. This is done because basic and pre-sowing fertilization (which are also one of the mandatory and extremely important activities for vegetation) cannot provide the necessary nutrients for the plants, also especially if the soil is sandy (this means that it is permeable and does not retain moisture, the water you water quickly drains away, and with it the nutrients you have imported, which in turn makes the soil poor and unfavorable for your plants). landscape grass limiter качествен ландшафтен ограничител за трева

Feeding is done through two very popular ways, namely liquid and dry plant nutrition. The liquid is made with both mineral fertilizers (pictured by Don Nunn) and organic fertilizers (pictured by DRB62). Both types of fertilizers are introduced into the soil substrate in the form of solutions, which according to the needs of the plant and the area for which they are distributed are prepared with the appropriate consistency. This type of tote is very often used and valued for grassing gardens and yards.

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Dry feeding of ornamental plants 20

When maintaining gardens and green areas edged with grass stops, it is important to meet the needs of all ornamental plants. In order for your garden flowers and ornamental trees and shrubs to be as beautiful and healthy as possible, in order for them to develop optimally well, it is necessary to provide them with the much-needed nutrients. пластмасови ограничители за трева

This provision of nutrients is done by performing basic fertilization and so-called feeding, which complements the main fertilization (because the nutrients you have imported with it were not enough for your plant, or for one reason or another were exported from soil substrate, if the soil was sandy for example, when watering the nutrients are quickly washed away and the soil becomes depleted).

Feeding itself is done through two popular ways dry and „wet“ or is also called liquid feeding (liquid feeding is in the form of special solutions).

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used for dry feeding, as well as for liquid feeding. Organic fertilizers or natural fertilizers are mainly used to nourish perennial flowers (these are flowers that have a lifespan of more than two years), it is especially important to nourish them after rejuvenation (this means that they are performed a number of activities, such as pruning, cutting dried twigs, dividing the tuft, if they are tufted, which unloads the plant from much of its biomass, thus rejuvenating the plants and prolonging their life, as well as improves their decorative effect).

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