Packaging: 5 kg, 10 kg.
Sowing rate: When building new stadiums for 30 to 35 square meters, 1 kg of seeds is needed (5 kg are enough for grassing a stadium or sports field with dimensions 142 – 165 sq.m.). When restoring old and damaged sports fields, a norm of 1 kg is recommended for 30 – 50 sq.m. тревна смеска за стадиони
Dredging resistance: Extremely high trampling resistance and very good regenerative ability.
Terrain lighting: In sunny areas, but also grows in partially shaded areas.
Need for watering: Regular daily watering without overwatering. The soil of the terrain should be kept constantly slightly moist, but in no case wet.
Features of mowing: The first mowing is done at a height of 5-7 centimeters. It gives the best decorative effect at low mowing – 1.5 to 2 cm, but it can be maintained without problems at 3-4 cm height.
Soil conditions: Nutrient-rich draining soils.
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