Dry feeding of ornamental plants 20

When maintaining gardens and green areas edged with grass stops, it is important to meet the needs of all ornamental plants. In order for your garden flowers and ornamental trees and shrubs to be as beautiful and healthy as possible, in order for them to develop optimally well, it is necessary to provide them with the much-needed nutrients. пластмасови ограничители за трева

This provision of nutrients is done by performing basic fertilization and so-called feeding, which complements the main fertilization (because the nutrients you have imported with it were not enough for your plant, or for one reason or another were exported from soil substrate, if the soil was sandy for example, when watering the nutrients are quickly washed away and the soil becomes depleted).

Feeding itself is done through two popular ways dry and „wet“ or is also called liquid feeding (liquid feeding is in the form of special solutions).

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used for dry feeding, as well as for liquid feeding. Organic fertilizers or natural fertilizers are mainly used to nourish perennial flowers (these are flowers that have a lifespan of more than two years), it is especially important to nourish them after rejuvenation (this means that they are performed a number of activities, such as pruning, cutting dried twigs, dividing the tuft, if they are tufted, which unloads the plant from much of its biomass, thus rejuvenating the plants and prolonging their life, as well as improves their decorative effect).

Burnt manure is usually used for feeding (it is very important that it is burnt, because otherwise you risk scalding the plants; the decomposition of manure releases a large amount of heat, which literally kills the vegetation, and you risk damaging part of the plant or the whole plant, the roots can be damaged, which necessarily leads to its death) or peat compost (a special mixture of peat and compost, can be found in specialized garden centers, if you can not find a ready mixture you can buy only peat and only compost and make your own mixture).

The technology of dry feeding is as follows. Burnt manure or peat compost is poured superficially between plants, usually in the fall or spring (as in the photos taken by natjwest and Stephen Cochran). It is poured in a layer of 5-10 centimeters or in nests around the plants.

The norm is about 5-8 kg per square meter (it should not be overdone because it can drastically change the acidity of the soil substrate). To feed the summer flowers can also be used burnt, dry manure or peat, which is spread in a layer 2-3 cm thick and serves as a mulching substance, which in addition to nourishing role, retains moisture in the soil, reducing evaporation from the surface. of the soil also hinders the development of weeds.


Feeding is desirable in the evening in cloudy weather and if possible after rain. If it has not rained and it is necessary to spread the fertilizer in dry weather, it is good to water once with 10 liters per square meter, then once again with 20 liters per square meter.

One of the most important conditions for feeding with organic fertilizers is that they should be 2-3 centimeters away from the root collar (to avoid direct contact, because no matter how burnt manure, for example, can burn the plant and can to obtain a deterioration of its decorative effect and even the plant may die).

When feeding perennial flowers (these are flowers that live more than two years), it is recommended to feed after the second year (in more sandy soils) and after the third year (in more clay soils), this is done because organic fertilizers are strong and can damage young plants that have not yet fully developed their immune system, which makes them vulnerable, and mineral fertilizers can be imported after the second year of planting because they have a fixed consistency and can easily be control their norms.

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