Naturally, the explanation for which is global warming and the increase in average annual temperatures, which in turn affects the soil substrate for flowers and plants, ecological news sought for you by The source of the news is the US Geological Survey, under whose „cap“ a number of biological environmental observations are being made.
According to researcher David Ward, the percentage of wild geese (Branta bernicla nigricans) that do not fly south to traditional wintering grounds south of California, on the Mexican peninsula, has increased and in 30 years the number of geese is already a whole. 30% or about 40,000 wild geese, up from 4% thirty years ago. ограничители качествени за трева
The reason for this abnormal behavior is the increase in stocks and habitats of the species of seagrass (Zostera), which is the main and favorite food of wild geese from the Izembek reserve, a protected area that is over 40 kilometers long.
According to the lead biologist, birds usually wait for the storm season around Alaska and the Arctic Ocean to end and head south using the headwind. Now, however, with an increase in seagrass stocks, helped by a reduction in ice cover and the amount of floating sea ice, they prefer to spend the winter in Alaska. Which will inevitably lead to an increase in the population of these protected birds.
How this fact will affect the ecosphere and the interesting nature in Alaska is difficult to assess. If the sea level rises by 2 meters, it will completely flood the territory of a protected area – reserve.