Bulbs of Dutch tulip with scarlet red Merry Go Round variety

We present to your attention quality bulbs of Dutch red tulip variety Merry Go Round! Order for autumn sowing of bulbs now from the online store

Gardenshop.pro! This bright red jewelry can be part of your garden if you order online quality bulbs of red tulip Merry Go Round.

The beautiful tulips are suitable for the production of cut flowers, as they reach a height of 45 cm! Scarlet red tulips are sown in autumn. This period is usually chosen, which is about 6-8 weeks before the frosts are expected.

Depending on the climatic conditions, the period suitable for sowing the bulbs of red tulips are September, October, and in some years the conditions allow them to be planted in November.

It is good to know that the depth of sowing is extremely important for proper germination. Make holes 15 cm deep. Grasp the pear-shaped bulb by the top and place it in the nest. Cover with soil and do not forget to press well. Water with water to compact the soil. домати семена Semenata

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Bulb of fragrant white hyacinth Carnegie snowy accent in the garden

Gardenshop.pro presents a bulb of white hyacinth variety Carnegie. The unique white hyacinth is very delicate and beautiful! Its aroma is irresistible and grows to 25 cm, which makes it suitable for creating beautiful snow-white bouquets. It is highly valued when creating single groups or in combination with bulbs of blue hyacinths, tulips, daffodils and others.

The bulbs of the hyacinth Carnegie known as Hyacinth (from the Latin Hyacinthus orientalis) are large. Planting depth should be about 17 – 18 cm.

This is very easy. Grasp the bulb by the top and leave it in the prepared nest with this depth. Then cover it with soil. Seal by hand and pour.

If you are allergic or suspect that your skin is irritated, do not plant the bulb without gloves. In open planting, choose a sunny to semi-shady place. The soil must be well drained. Carnegie bulbs should not be planted in moist soils that retain water. семената домати семена

The distances between the hyacinths should be about 20 cm. Only when planting in pots can you plant them closer. You can even let them touch, but keep them covered with soil to retain moisture. Hyacinthus Orientalis Carnegie white hyacinths need fertilizing during the active season.

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Dutch yellow hyacinth bulbs City of Haarlem with a strong aroma

We present to the attention of all lovers of Dutch hyacinth bulbs yellow variety world-famous City of Haarlem. The interesting yellow hyacinth is of interest not only because of its attractive color, but also because of its wonderful aroma!

Each of us carries in his memories of spring the scent of hyacinth.

It is this strong and unique aroma that can surround you if you decide to get the bulbs of the great flower City of Haarlem. Are you surprised to learn that these super fragrant flowers are part of the Lily family. Perhaps the Dutch hyacinth bulbs are among the most sought after, as they have been grown in the Netherlands since the seventeenth century by growers, and there are thousands of varieties, including this delicate yellow City of Haarlem. домати семената семена

Apart from the huge variety of colors, this incomparable fragrance is also popular because it is a very unpretentious plant to grow even by novices.

Цялата публикация „Dutch yellow hyacinth bulbs City of Haarlem with a strong aroma“

Hyacinth bulbs with delicate lilac blue color Hyacinthus Orientalis Blue Pearl

Gardenshop.pro is pleased to present you bulbs of hyacinth blue, which captivates with its amazing aroma and rich kitschy color. The bulbs of

Hyacinthus Orientalis variety Blue Pearl are suitable for autumn sowing. Characteristic of these irresistible flowers is their pleasant aroma and very often their essential oils are used to create delicate perfumes and cosmetics.

By planting hyacinth bulbs in pots and small containers and left indoors at home, you will enjoy their special aroma at home. Make fragrant any room in which you put pots with pre-sown bulbs of blue hyacinth. Feel the fresh scent of the blooming „flower bells“ of hyacinths. When you have decided to decorate your yard, sow the bulbs of blue hyacinth in a suitable place. An important condition is that the soil drains well. домати семена гр.

Water retention in the soil can lead to rot of the bulbs. The food supply is also important for hyacinths. Sow Blue Pearl bulbs only in soils that are high in humus or well-fertilized to enjoy larger and more fragrant flowers that will be more durable. The required amount of sunlight is about 5 – 7 hours a day, so choose a well-lit place for them. It is necessary to make holes about 17-18 cm deep in which to sow the bulbs of the hyacinth.

It is good to leave a distance of 20-25 cm between the individual bulbs, as the beautiful and delicate blue hyacinth grows to a height of about 25 cm. The bulb of the blue hyacinth has a pear shape.

Planting is done by placing the pointed end up (the roots grow from the larger and rounder part in the autumn period). The flowering of the fragrant flower begins in the spring, when the bulb „wakes up“.

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Sprout seeds Sweet mixture of alfalfa and turnip

Garden online store added to its diverse catalog a sweet mix of seedlings containing 75% alfalfa and 25% turnips – seeds for germination. тротоарни плочки семената

Surely you have heard about the consumption of sprouts and how useful it is for the body. If you still haven’t taken advantage of this easy-to-grow mix, now is the time to give it a try. This way you will be able to diversify the table for hot summer days, as they are ideal for making cold salads, appetizers, even as a fresh addition to chicken bites.

The mix of sweet seeds for germination is highly valued by many renowned restaurants that grow their own salad products.

The method of cultivation is as follows:

The seeds for mix sprouts are soaked in cold water, where they stay from 6 to 8 hours. It is very important to spread them evenly on the grid of the sprouting machine. Add water to the lower level of the grate and keep it that way. After about 3-5 days you will see how the seeds germinate.

They are ready for consumption when their size reaches 3-5 cm, after which they are cut at the base with scissors. Try them periodically, because this way you will feel exactly when you like their taste the most and then reap your harvest. They are stored in a refrigerator, where they can stay for 3 to 4 days.

Цялата публикация „Sprout seeds Sweet mixture of alfalfa and turnip“

Seeds for germination Spicy mixture of lentils, red beans, mustard, alfalfa, turnips

Gardenshop presents to its customers a spicy mix of seeds for germination (germination) – 20% of lentils, red beans, alfalfa, mustard and delicious turnip seeds. They are easy to grow and you can do everything you need at home.

To cultivate the seeds for germination mix you need to follow the following steps:

1. The seeds are soaked for 6 – 8 hours in cold water. Then spread evenly on the grid of the seedling machine. Water is added to the lower level of the grate and maintained.

2. The seeds germinate in 3-5 days. When they reach 3-5 cm, the sprouts are cut at the base with scissors. Try them while they germinate in order to cut them when you like their taste.

3. You can store them for 3-4 days in a cool place after they are cut.
There are many recipes that use this mix, the most famous of which are the Chinese. полиетилен за оранжерии семената

And here is a suggestion for a salad with sprouts of spicy seed germination:
You need one tea cup of sprouts, one orange, one head of iceberg, two stalks of celery, 4 tbsp. yogurt, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and salt.

The method of preparation is as follows – the orange is filleted and mixed with lemon juice and milk. The salad and celery are washed and cut into a bowl. The sprouts are added to them and mixed. Add the dressing and season with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt.

Цялата публикация „Seeds for germination Spicy mixture of lentils, red beans, mustard, alfalfa, turnips“

Angelica Seeds – Angelica Archangelica, Healing Whistle, Angelica Tree

Gardenshop.pro is pleased to offer for online order special varieties of seeds of Angelica (Angelica Archangelica, Medicinal Squeeze, Angelica Tree) – the herb that has a proven analgesic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The plant is perennial and belongs to the family Umbelliferae. Forms a fleshy short rhizome with a characteristic odor.

The roots are collected in early spring or autumn.

The roots contain a substance that may increase the risk of photosensitivity and should be used with caution. The stem is erect green – purple, and on it the pinnate leaves are arranged consecutively.

It blooms in the period June – October with small flowers painted in green – yellow to white. The herb contains essential oil, angelic acid, flavonoids, coumarin, tannin, folic and valeric acid, vitamin B12 and more.

In nature, angelica can be confused with the plant Cicuta maculata, which is poisonous. That is why it is easiest to sow Angelica seeds from cultivated plants. The plant affects a number of diseases, has an expectorant effect, has a calming and analgesic effect on colic and digestive problems, is a diuretic and helps with urinary tract infections, flu and colds.

A curious fact is that northern peoples add from the medicinal plant as a flavoring to the milk of reindeer.
Цялата публикация „Angelica Seeds – Angelica Archangelica, Healing Whistle, Angelica Tree“