Ficus elastica (Latin name Ficus elastica) is one of the most beautiful leafy ornamental interior plants. It is an evergreen tree that has a tropical origin (pictured by shearforce).
In its homeland it reaches huge sizes – about 30 meters in height and is often used for indoor (indoor) landscaping. градински кант за трева
In areas with temperate climates (such as our country) these exotic houseplants are grown as perennials (meaning they have a lifespan, over two years), a deciduous ornamental plant for interior decoration. Leaf-decorative means that only the leaves have decorative value (since Ficus elastica is a tropical species, it does not develop normally in the climatic conditions of our country and only its leaves have decorative value).
ficus-elastica (ficus elastica) The adult plant can reach the height that allows it space (to the ceiling of the room). Its leaves are usually 20 to 30 cm long and 8 to 10 cm wide (in the ordinary form the leaves are green and in some forms are variegated, as in the photo taken by LindaH).
The degree of branching of the plant and its shape can be easily adjusted by the so-called pruning (this is a special method of pruning, which removes the tips of the stem and branches, as well as removing unwanted branches).
When injuring part of the plant (twigs, leaves) flows white milky sap, which must be wiped with a damp cloth or damp cotton, it should not dry out on the plant.
During the growing season (this is the period of plant growth) it is good to maintain an optimal room temperature, which is between 18 and 2 degrees (but ficus can tolerate higher temperatures).
In winter, the optimum air temperature is about 10-15 degrees.
ficus-elastica (ficus elastica) Ficus requires intense lighting, but in no case direct sunlight combined with high temperatures. Tolerates morning and afternoon heat well.
The soil should be medium in mechanical composition, rich in nutrients, with a slightly acidic to neutral pH reaction (pH 6.5-7). Mandatory proper and regular watering. This is necessary because when dried, the leaves of ficus fall off, and when it is wet, brown spots appear on the leaves and also fall off.
It tolerates dry air relatively well, but grows better at higher humidity, especially during the growing season. You can control the humidity by spraying it periodically.
Ficus is propagated by green stem cuttings, and after pruning must be immersed in lukewarm water so that the milk juice can drain.
The optimum temperature for rooting is about 25-30 degrees and requires high humidity.
The leaf blades should not be shortened (part of the leaves are not cut, the difference with the whole leaf is rooted), but wrapped around the top of the cutting to reduce evaporation.