Magnolia Large-flowered (Magnolia grandifolia) One of the most attractive flowers (shrubs, trees) for gardening are magnolias. They are exotic plants with very beautiful blooms. In some species, flowering is in early spring before leafing (as in the photos made by romdos and swimboy1) and is quite spectacular – others are evergreen (meaning that in winter their leaves do not fall or fall partially, as in the photo taken by Renzo Ferrante).
These features make them extremely preferred for landscaping activities by professional gardeners, as well as by lovers of landscaping and landscape design.
Magnolias are light-loving plants, but at the same time they are shade-tolerant (but like all plants they need light). They develop an extremely strong root system, which means that they are not very suitable for growing in pots or pots.
In order to grow well, magnolias must be outdoors (suitable for growing in private villas and houses), they can not grow indoors, this greatly impairs their decorative effect.
Magnolia large-flowered (Magnolia grandifolia) Their reproduction is very difficult, but planted outdoors show high vitality.
During the hot summer months, abundant watering is necessary, which is done early in the morning or late afternoon, after the sun has set, it is good to even irrigate the leaves (with a hose, but still in the afternoon or morning).
Observations show that magnolias grow better on neutral and acidic soils. They do not develop well on karst terrains.
For watering it is not recommended that the water be hard (calcareous). Magnolias like the soil in which they grow to be well stored in nutrients, and last but not least to be fresh (this means to have enough moisture, but not too wet).
In poorer soils it is recommended to add compost, fertilized with burnt manure, leaflets, quality soil for flowers and more. to improve the nutrient supply of the soil.
Magnolia grandifolia Fertilizing with fertilizers is also recommended, but with great care and strictly following the instructions. After flowering magnolias, fertilizers with high nitrogen content should be used.
During the second half of their development, growth decreases and the formation and formation of flower buds begins. Therefore, in mid-summer fertilize with fertilizers high in phosphorus and potassium. At the end of July, the larger flower buds begin to appear.
If September begins, fertilization should be stopped, because the winter hardiness of the plants is violated and they can freeze in the coming winter.
Photos: Renzo Ferrante, romdos and swimboy1.
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