Дренажна мембрана за основи Ecodrain

Онлайн магазин Semenata Shop представя висококачествена дренажна мембрана за основи Ecodrain. Това е изолационен продукт, който е произведен от полиетилен (HDPE) с висока плътност. Дренажните мембрани намират широко приложение при хидроизолацията на стени, основи, плоски покриви, при вертикално озеленяване на сгради и създаване на покривни градини, при изолация на тераси, балкони и др.

Основно предимство на дренажната мембрана Ecodrain е безспорно нейната отлична механична якост. Плътния полиетилен позволява материала да издържа на натоварване от насипи с почва, чакъл, пясък и др. инертни материали. Това се цени високо особено при изолация на основи и различни части на фундаментите, при изграждане на сгради и съоръжения, които след изграждане биват засипани с различни материали.

По технически характеристики, посочени от производителя, материала може да издържи натоварване от 200 KN/кв.м., като това се равнява на натоварване от приблизително 20 тона на кв.м. Полиетилена, от който е произведена мембраната за основа и хидроизолации е и доста гъвкав, по този начин лесно може да се монтира на места и повърхности, които са с различни неравности.

Цялата публикация „Дренажна мембрана за основи Ecodrain“

Green plastic parking grids for grass form Seven Seeds ltd.

Garden e-shop Semenata Shop added to its catalog of garden flooring a high-quality product – Green plastic parking grids for grass from Seven Seeds ltd. for building green parking lots with a load capacity of up to 400 tons per sq.m.

These quality products specialize in the construction of different areas and purpose „green parking areas“. These are parking lots that are grassed, 96% of which are lawns. This is especially valued in the construction of buildings in highly urbanized areas, where the need for green space is high.

With the Green plastic car parking grids for grass, you can build parking lots in private yards, rural villas, gardens, public parks, residences, gated residential complexes, around residential buildings, panel blocks, hotels and hotel complexes, guest houses, hospitals and sanatoriums, holidays stations, etc.

With these products you can build parking lots around large shopping centers (malls), they are often used to build parking lots for trucks, parking lots for various types of construction machinery (excavators, dump trucks, water carriers, bobkat, excavator, scraper, paving machines, roller, etc. .).

The Green car parking grids for grass from plastic material is also used for parking for agricultural machinery – combines, tractors, seeders, various types of sprayers with trailers and semi-trailers, various types of agricultural machinery – balers, hay mowers, tanks, cultivators, belt loaders, and more.

Цялата публикация „Green plastic parking grids for grass form Seven Seeds ltd.“

Turfstone pavers for driveway from concrete 60 40 10 cm

Garden center online Semenata Shop is pleased to present an extremely high quality product for the construction of parking lots – Turfstone pavers for driveway from concrete 60/40/10 cm.

The Turfstone pavers for driveway from concrete are highly valued by all construction companies, private construction crews, gardeners, gardeners and landscape architects. With it, most often, as its name suggests, large and small parking lots are built around buildings with different purposes. In addition, with the parking lot of the body can be built garden pavements, terraces, footpaths, garden alleys, courtyards, road junctions and more.

The concrete turfstone pavers for driveway is a body made of concrete with dimensions 60/40/10 cm. There are 8 pieces left in the parking element. holes with a size of 10/10 cm, which are intended for filling with humus soil or various types of aggregates (quartz sand, construction sand, gravel, etc.).

The main advantage of the concrete turfstone pavers for driveway is its high resistance to load. It easily and quickly builds large areas for parking cars, light trucks, trucks – trucks, trucks, combines, tractors with trailers and semi-trailers, campers, caravans, buses, trolleys, minibuses, buses, crossovers, jeeps and others.

Concrete pavers for driveway do not have resistance to frost and alkali. This means that in order to thaw it is good to use suitable concrete preparations (for example based on Nacl, etc.). Keep in mind that detergents that contain sulfates can easily partially or completely damage the concrete floor.

The quality concrete Turfstone pavers for driveway is highly valued for its UV durability. This is especially important when creating parking spaces that are exposed to the sun all day.

Цялата публикация „Turfstone pavers for driveway from concrete 60 40 10 cm“

Interior landscaping with Soleirolia soleirolii

Soleirolia Soleirolii – general species Soleirolia Soleirolii is a very popular plant in our country for many years, which is quite attractive with its delicate and fresh green leaves.

It is known in the field of garden landscaping and more precisely in interior landscaping with its Latin name Soleirolia soleirolii.

It is appreciated by specialists in interior design, and many home flower lovers like and use it.

Soleurolia Soleurolia is a perennial plant, which means that its lifespan exceeds two years. For the climate conditions in our country (temperate latitudes), it is not winter hardy, but it can successfully replace ryegrass grass in your winter garden due to its soil cover qualities. He often grasses with the oil of various types of winter gardens. It is also used for landscaping the yard and garden, but with harvesting during the winter months.

Soleirolia, Soleirolia soleirolii. This is the reason why Soleirolia is used only for interior decoration. It is used as a decorative leaf because its colors are not beautiful and its leaves are quite spectacular.

They are quite small and numerous, about 3-5 mm in diameter. The leaf mass of the whole plant is about 6 to 8 cm high.

One interesting quality of it is that its stems easily take root when in contact with the soil. Due to this quality it is often used as a ground cover plant.

It grows equally well in both warm and cool rooms, but only if the air temperature does not fall below 8 degrees. Requires intense light, but not direct sunlight, because in direct sunlight the leaves turn yellow.

Цялата публикация „Interior landscaping with Soleirolia soleirolii“

Семена за домати червени за пюре Тодораки

Разфасовка / брой семена: 500 бр. професионални семена на домати за пюре Тодораки в оригинална опаковка.
Норма за сеитба: Около 2800 растения на декар.
Реколта: –
Период на сеитба: –

Период на разсаждане: Препоръчва се периодът на разсаждане да е два месеца и половина след сеитбата на домати тодораки.

Схема на отглеждане: 85 – 90/35 – 40. Около 2800 растения на декар.
Вегетация: –

Характеристики на плода: Домати за пюре семена Тодораки са професионален едроплоден сорт домати (200 – 220 гр. средно тегло).

Ранноплодни домати, с интензивно червен цвят на плодовете и изравнена продукция, която запазва своите търговски качества дълго време. Подходящи за отглеждане на всички направления – както за кратко, така и за дълго производство, на открито и закрито. Добра издръжливост на болести, ранно постъпване на продукцията и много висок добив.

Цялата публикация „Семена за домати червени за пюре Тодораки“