Coriander is an herb with a long history behind it. Today, the herb is used in large parts of the world as a flavoring in cooking, but it has also appeared as a medicinal plant, and it is mentioned in Papyrus Ebers, the Bible, A Thousand and One Nights, as well as in several ancient Sanskrit writings. минерални торове цени
Scientific name (Latin): Coriandrum sativum
Family: Apiaceae
Grow your own coriander or how to plant easy plant like this.
Are you going to grow your own coriander? Congratulations! Although coriander is an annual plant, it will provide you with a seed crop that will allow you to continue to grow your own coriander for years to come, provided it thrives and is cared for properly. The best thing about coriander is that you can basically use the whole plant, and nothing needs to be wasted.
Both leaves, top shoots, seeds and root can be used in cooking in one way or another, and it is fine to freeze large crops if you want longer shelf life. Fresh coriander can be stored for about a week in the refrigerator.
You can both pre-cultivate coriander indoors, and you can plant it directly in a planter or outdoors. If you want to create good conditions for a long growing season, it is recommended that you sow the coriander inside first. There are also different types of seeds, depending on whether you want a leaf crop or seed crop.
Put seeds and sow inside
You can sow the seeds early in the year, around March, if you plan to pre-cultivate indoors. Until April, it may be appropriate to plant them out, as long as the weather and climate allow.
It should be at least 5 ° C outdoors before the coriander is planted out.
Plant in sowing soil of approx. 0.5–1 cm depth, and make sure that the sowing is kept moist until it begins to germinate. You should also make sure to sow the seeds thinly.
You can advantageously repeat the sowing again at 2-3 week intervals if you want a leafy crop.
Plant out
Once the seeds have begun to germinate, it is time to plant the coriander. The germination period takes about 1-2 weeks. When planting, the coriander prefers a sunny, warm and windless place with light, airy, humus-rich and nutrient-rich soil. Be sure to cultivate the soil well before planting.
Feel free to make small raised rows of soil to plant in. Coriander does not thrive near fennel, as it can damage the coriander’s development.
Place the plants at approx. 15–30 cm intervals, and at a row spacing of approx. 30 centimeters.
When can I start harvesting coriander?
When you see that the plant is starting to turn yellow, it is time to cut it. This usually happens in the period August to September, but it can vary from plant to plant. Then hang it upside down in a cardboard box to catch the seeds that fall off. You should also take care of the root, as it too can be used for cooking. Cut up the root and mix it into the food, or freeze the fresh coriander for later use.
When it comes to leaf crops, you can either pick the tender leaves as needed to use them directly in cooking, or you can wait to harvest everything until the top leaves start to look like dill. You can freeze the leaf crop for later use.
Advice for the care of coriander
In order to give the coriander the best conditions for growing up into a fresh and fertile plant, it needs a certain type of care. If you thin out to a planting distance of approx. 10 cm and makes sure to keep the weeds away, the coriander will thrive, and especially in combination regular watering, especially during hot periods. You can also fertilize the ground in the spring, and then over-fertilize a couple of weeks after you have sown. The soil should also be loosened occasionally.
Coriander – this is how it is used around the world
Coriander is a well-known herb used around the world. In Southern Europe and Asia, coriander is grown as a spice, as we also do in Norway. The fruits are usually used as a spice, in the pharmaceutical industry as well as as flavor enhancers, where the taste in some cases can replace pepper. There is also an industry of liqueur and liquor production where coriander is an important ingredient during production.
In Asia, both the seeds and the leaves are used in cooking. The leaves are used much like parsley while the seeds are often the main ingredient in, for example, garam masala and in many curries. In Mexico, coriander is often found in salsa and guacamole, but then Mexican coriander is used first and foremost. Coriander is also used in many different spice blends made in North Africa.
Medical use
In medicine, coriander is used to relieve bloating, relieve cramps and to stimulate the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices. It is also said that the plant has an antiseptic function. In parts of Europe, coriander has also been known to relieve diabetes, and according to current research, coriander can stimulate insulin production in the body and lower high cholesterol levels.
Coriander has its origins in southern Europe and in Asia. According to historical statements, it was the Benedictine monks who brought coriander to Norway around the 13th century. Coriander was one of several herbs and spices found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. In immature form, the coriander seeds are characterized by a scent that can be compared to berry tea or blood tea, which is also the basis for the name that comes from the Greek word koris, which means exactly blood tea. In dried form, the seeds get a far more pleasant, nutty taste.
Brief facts:
Coriander can grow up to 60-100 cm tall.
Used as a spice in large parts of the world.
Gets small flowers in white or light pink.
Flowers in the period June to July.
The name comes from the Greek word „koris“ which means bloodthirsty, which originates in the unpleasant odor secreted from immature coriander seeds.
Thrives in climate zone 1–6.
One of the most used aromatic herbs in cooking is coriander or coriander. In addition to providing large doses of flavor, it has numerous medicinal properties. A great way to take advantage of these benefits is to plant coriander at home so that you can always have it on hand, in addition to being much cheaper.
If you want to know how to sow coriander, do not miss this oneHOWTO article in which we tell you how to do it in its different forms: with seeds, without seeds, in pots or in furrows. In addition to a series of cares and recommendations for planting coriander at home.
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How to sow coriander seeds
How to plant seedless coriander
How to grow coriander and its care
How to sow coriander seeds
When it comes to growing coriander with seeds, there are two methods to do it: in a pot and in rows. Next, we are going to tell you step by step how to do it in each of the ways.
Before starting, an important fact: from each coriander seed that you sow, two plants will be born. This information is key when deciding how many seeds you are going to sow.
Sowing coriander seeds in pots
If you want to plant your coriander seeds in pots, this is the best way to do it to get plants that grow strong:
To start planting coriander you must choose an appropriate pot. We advise you that the pot is large enough so that it does not have problems when growing. It is better to sow it from the first moment in the definitive place instead of in seedbeds or in plastic bottles, since it is a plant that does not support transplantation well.
Fill the pot with a little soil, if it’s fast-draining, the better. At this time of planting, you can add a little fertilizer.
Water with a little water, just enough to moisten the soil.
Spread the seeds on the ground, distributing them throughout the pot.
Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil of about 5 millimeters. Coriander seeds should never be more than 1 cm deep.
It is recommended that you place the pot in a sunny place, since coriander needs a lot of sun exposure to grow.
The first seeds will begin to germinate in about 7 to 10 days from sowing.
You must keep the humidity, but be careful not to flood the plant, you just have to keep it moist. At UNCOMO we recommend watering the potting soil with the help of a sprayer to prevent the seeds from moving with the force of the water.
You can harvest cilantro when its stems are 4 to 6 inches tall. So that the plant continues to grow beautifully and you can use the coriander regularly, it is advisable to cut two thirds of the leaf each week.
Sowing coriander seeds in furrows
If, instead of pots, you prefer to sow your seeds in the ground, the process does not have much difficulty, you just have to follow these steps to know how to plant coriander at home:
Choose a piece of land that is in the sun to sow the seeds.
Prepare the soil and apply organic compost on the surface layer, use about 6 or 8 centimeters of compost approximately.
Rake the compost with the soil to make it smooth before you start sowing.
Sow the seeds keeping a separation of about 15 centimeters between them. The recommended depth for the seed grooves is approximately 5 millimeters.
When the seeds start to grow and reach a height of about 2 inches, you can start fertilizing them. At this point, the coriander plant is already established in the soil, so it doesn’t need a lot of water, it just needs moisture in the soil.
To collect the leaves of your coriander plant, you can do it with those leaves and stems that measure around 10 centimeters. The fresh sprouts are the ones that will leave a fresher flavor if you use it for cooking.
How to sow coriander – How to sow coriander seeds
How to plant seedless coriander
And if you do not want to wait for the seeds to grow to have your coriander plant, there is a way to plant coriander without using seeds, you will only need the stems that you buy in a supermarket or greengrocer. Read on and find out how to plant seedless coriander!
Planting seedless coriander in a pot
This is the step by step you must follow if you want to know how to plant coriander with root in a pot:
Buy a coriander bouquet at any store or supermarket.
Fill a glass of water to just under half and place the coriander stalks inside.
Throughout the days, fill and change the water, as the plant will absorb what it needs.
After a week or 10 days, the stems will begin to take small roots.
When the roots are long enough, it is time to transplant the coriander into a pot.
Once planted, pThey will roast about 15 days until sprouts begin to emerge.
Planting seedless coriander in furrows
And this is how you will have to proceed to know how to sow the coriander from the stem in rows:
Follow the same steps above to plant potted seedless cilantro up to spot number 5.
At the point where the coriander bouquet begins to take root, it is time to prepare the soil.
Prepare the land where you are going to sow it by applying some organic fertilizer such as guano.
Rake to mix the soil with the compost and leave the holes to plant the bouquets you want.
Before planting, be sure to remove any wilted or older leaves. The important thing is to plant the new roots that have emerged on the stem.
It will be enough to bury the grown roots of the coriander.
Water the soil just to add a little moisture.
How To Plant Coriander – How To Plant Coriander Without Seed
How to grow coriander and its care
Once you have your coriander plant or plants, you must carry out some basic care to guarantee its correct growth and be able to use its leaves at any time. We recommend checking out our article on how to care for cilantro and take a look at these easy-to-apply tips for growing and caring for cilantro for a long time:
Find a sunny spot to locate your coriander plants, as they require plenty of sunlight. In this way, you should choose a land that receives light for much of the day or place the pots on the terrace or balcony.
The best season of the year to grow coriander is spring. You should wait for the last colds of winter to pass to avoid that the low temperatures impede the growth of the plants.
Cilantro is a dry climate plant, so it is only necessary to water it if the climate is hot and arid. To do this, it is better to spray with a little water than to water it.
If the plants reach a length greater than 5 cm, it is advisable to remove the smaller plants and eliminate the weeds. In this way, the bouquet will grow stronger.
We do not recommend sowing coriander during the summer, since it is a type of plant that does not develop well in very hot climates.
Coriander and parsley are one of those plants that you should always have at home to prepare highly aromatic dishes without having to travel to the supermarket. If you want to know how to sow aromatic plants at home, here we tell you more.
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Coriander and its history
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), also known as Cilantro is an annual herb, grown mainly for its fruit as well as its tender green leaves. It belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is a smooth and erect annual herb 30 to 70 cm tall, broad lower leaves with crenely lobed margins, finely cut upper leaves with linear lobes, small, white or pink flowers in compound terminal umbels, fruits – schizocarp, globular, yellow- brown, ribbed, 2 seeds, ripe seeds are aromatic. It is native to the Mediterranean region. It is an annual flowering plant that belongs to the parsley family. It came from southern Europe, North Africa and western Asia and was first cultivated as early as 2,000 years BC.
It was grown in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and was one of the most popular spices in ancient Egypt and Greece as well. The ancient Egyptians believed that coriander could be used as a food in the afterlife while the ancient Greeks consumed it as food and also used it as an ingredient for perfumes. All parts of the cilantro are edible, however, not everyone will appreciate the taste of the cilantro. According to medical studies, one’s genetic makeup determines whether or not a person will like cilantro.
The fruits have a fragrant smell and a pleasant aromatic taste.
The smell and taste are due to the essential oil content, which varies from 0.1 to 1.0% in dry seeds. These essential oils are used to flavor liqueurs, confectionery preparations and also to mask unpleasant odors in pharmaceutical preparations.
Ground dried fruits are the main ingredients in curry powder. Whole fruits are also used to flavor foods such as pickles, sauces, and confectionery. Young plants as well as leaves are used in the preparation of chutneys and are also used as toppings in curries, soups, sauces and chutneys. It also has medicinal properties. The fruits are said to have carminative, diuretic, tonic, gastric and aphrodisiac properties.
Climate and soil
It is a tropical crop and can be grown all year round (except the very hot season, i.e. July-August) for its leaves, but for a higher fruit yield it must be grown in a specific season. A dry and cold climate, without frost, especially during the flowering and fruit set phases, favors good fruit production. Cloudy weather during the flowering and fruiting phase favors the incidence of pests and diseases. Heavy rains affect the harvest. Being an irrigated crop, it can be grown on almost any type of soil as long as a sufficient amount of organic matter is applied. It prefers a sandy soil.
The coriander leaf
Coriander looks a lot like parsley because it has flat, toothed leaves. However, this is where most of the similarities end. Parsley has a very mild flavor, but cilantro is pungent and strong. Some people even describe the taste as a little „soapy“, but that’s a matter of preference.
If you harvest coriander leaves before they cut down or go to seed, they taste better and are recommended for people living in zones eight or higher. Coriander grows best when planted in the shade during the hot summer months.
Coriander is great in recipes for soups and stews, sauces, pesto, dressings, risottos, salads, and even enchiladas and corn soup. If the coriander leaves are harvested when they are young and small, they will taste better, as they tend to get a little bitter if the growing period goes on for too long. The leaves and stems of the coriander plant are bold and spicy and often used in salsa dishes, while the seeds tend to be delicate and sweet and are more often used in dishes such as smoked meats, some Indian dishes, and even sweetbreads.
Coriander seeds
The small coriander fruits are also its seeds and are green in the first phase of growth and then turn brown during ripening. Once the whole plant is ready and ripe, hang it upside down and tie a paper bag to the stem to collect the seeds that will fall apart. After only a few days you can collect all the seeds because by then they will all be at the bottom of the bag. There are numerous recipes that use coriander seeds, including lentil soup, curry paste, various stews and soups, burgers and other types of meat, and even lasagna. Other dishes where they are delicious include baked goods and stir-fried dishes. During the first part of the plant’s life cycle, you can harvest the leaves of the coriander plant, but you must wait until the end of the crop if you wish to harvest the seeds instead.
1. Prickly coriander
Also known as Culantro, it is popular in many Caribbean and Asian dishes. You can use culantro in place of leaf coriander if you wish, and if you grow it yourself, keep in mind that it prefers moist soil with plenty of shade.
If you find a place to order this coriander variety, look for it in the „ethnic“ or „global“ sections of the store. The plant itself looks like long-leaved lettuce and produces small blue flowers. When fully grown, Culantro can grow up to 30cm tall with 5cm wide leaves.
One of the most interesting things about this plant is that it is used both for flavoring food and for medicinal purposes. It has a strong aroma and flavor when used in various dishes and when used for medicinal purposes it has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Culantro is actually different from cilantro, although they are botanical cousins and is in the same family as parsley, carrots, and parsnips.
2. Summer Indian Coriander
Summer Indian cilantro is a herb and a biennial, it grows best over the course of two years and needs a moderate amount of maintenance, which means you need to know something about coriander cultivation if you want to plant this type of seed. It stands up to about 60cm tall and can be bothered by some pests, so if you grow it, you should be on the lookout for these.
3. Mexican coriander
Known for being a low maintenance plant that attracts butterflies to your garden and is easy to grow, Mexican cilantro blooms in mid-summer and is usually considered a biennial plant. It is also used for medicinal purposes and is known to help with conditions such as snake bites, infertility, high blood pressure, earache, fever, burns, and even malaria.
4 Coriander Potluck
There is a moderate amount of maintenance to this coriander variety, which is why it is not recommended for novice growers. When growing it, the grower needs to be aware of things like pH levels, water requirements, sunshine, and soil conditions, to name a few.
5. Vietnamese coriander
Vietnamese cilantro is often considered to be tastier than regular cilantro. Also known as Rau Ram, Vietnamese cilantro has narrow, dark leaves with smooth edges and markings on either side of the leaf veins. If you want to put this type of cilantro in your salads, you can use a whole sprig, including the stem. If you cook with it, you can cut it up and add it to foods like noodles and even soups and stews. If you grow it, keep in mind that it loves a lot of moisture and afternoon shade. As for growing Vietnamese coriander, it is quite easy to grow. It works well in hot tropical climates and, in addition to seasoning, is also used for medicinal purposes, now specifically to treat various types of stomach problems, such as basic stomach pains and even indigestion. Oddly, it is also a food known to suppress sexual urges, which is why it is sometimes eaten by Buddhist monks. Because of its versatility in numerous food dishes, it is an excellent addition to anyone’s herb garden and is commonly included in dishes such as ceviche and Pico de Gallo.
Soil preparation
To prepare for outdoor cultivation, the soil is plowed 3 to 4 times at the end of winter and the field must be planted immediately after plowing to break up the clods and avoid soil moisture. If you grow in pots, prefer sandy, well-drained and slightly acidic soils.
Coriander is sown from late March to early September. For a consistent summer harvest, sow small quantities every 3 weeks. The best months for leaf production are late spring and autumn. Coriander will grow best when sown directly into the ground rather than grown in a greenhouse and transplanted. Bury the seed about 2cm deep and keep a distance of 30cm between plant and plant, arranging rows. Seeds stored for 15-30 days show better and earlier germination than freshly harvested seeds. Seeds soaked in water for 12-24 hours before sowing also improve germination. Germination occurs in 10-15 days.
Fertilize every two weeks with a balanced, organic water-soluble fertilizer such as Bionova’s Veganics Grow after the plants reach a height of about 5cm. Keep the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Coriander grows best when the leaves are harvested regularly.
The first watering is carried out 3 days after sowing and subsequently at intervals of 10-15 days depending on the humidity of the soil.
The harvest will be ready in about 90-110 days depending on the variety and the growing seasonquotes. Harvesting should be done when the fruits are fully ripe and begin to change from green to brown. The plants are cut and stacked in small piles to then be cleaned and dried in partial shade. After drying, the products are stored in jute bags lined with paper or in vacuum-sealed containers such as TIGHTVAC to better preserve their fragrance.
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Diseases and plant defense
In the germination phase, coriander is often attacked by caterpillars that feed on the tender leaves and in the flowering phase by aphids. It is advisable to spray the crop with natural pesticides such as Vebi’s BIO NETTLE to control aphids: chemical pesticides could damage the colonies of bees which are necessary for pollination and fruit production. Oidium (Erysiphe polygoni) is a serious disease, which can damage an entire crop if allowed to proliferate, especially in the initial phase of growth. It is recommended to spray with a micronized sulfur solution such as VEBIZOLFO WG at intervals of 10-15 days. Gray mold is caused by a bacterium called Helminthosporium and can be controlled by washing the plants from time to time with products such as SULFUR SOAP from Antika Officina Botanika.
Have fun growing this adorable aromatic herb and indulge yourself in the kitchen with traditional recipes from around the world!
Coriander (Coriandum sativum) is a plant belonging to the botanical family of Apiaceae. It is native to the countries bordering the Mediterranean, but also in the East it is widely used, especially in place of parsley, so it is sometimes also referred to as Chinese parsley. The Iberian Cilantro nomenclature is also famous.
However, whatever you prefer to call it, it is a plant to be counted among the spices, even if the leaves do not have a pleasant aroma. The part used, in fact, are the dried seeds. Coriander seeds are rich in beneficial properties and therefore are used not only in cooking, but also in herbal medicine
The plant is also quite rustic and easy to grow in the garden starting from sowing.
In this article, we therefore discover all the secrets for sowing coriander correctly, how to take care of the cultivation, and what its beneficial properties are.
Topics covered [hide]
1 Botanical characteristics of coriander
1.1 Leaves
1.2 Flowers
1.3 Coriander seeds
2 Where can coriander be grown?
3 Which exposure does the plant prefer?
4 What is the ideal soil in which to sow coriander?
5 How coriander is sown
6 The cultivation of coriander
6.1 Irrigation
6.2 Cleaning from weeds
7 When to harvest coriander seeds
8 Properties and uses of coriander
8.1 Share the article with your friends
Botanical characteristics of coriander
Coriander plant
The coriander plant has an annual cycle, this means that it must be re-sown every year. It is herbaceous, with a thin and not very branched tap root. The stem can reach a height of 60 cm and is branched at the top.
The basal leaves have a long petiole and some variability in shape. They can be whole with the margin just incised, divided into 3 toothed leaflets or pinnate with fan-shaped lobes that narrow in a wedge shape at the base.
The leaves present on the upper part of the stem are instead bi or tripennatosette, with linear lobes, inserted alternately on the stem with an increasingly shorter petiole. The petiole widens at the base in an amplessic sheath. They are edible, but they do not have a particularly pleasant taste, so they are rarely used in our culinary tradition as an aromatic herb.
The inflorescence of the coriander plant is typical of apiacea and is similar in appearance to that of fennel, cumin and dill. It is made up of umbrellas made up of 5-10 peduncles, each of which bears from 4 to 12 flowers. The petals are white or fleshy pink, small in the internal flowers, much larger (and sometimes partially divided in two) in the petals located on the periphery of the inflorescence.
Flowering is summer.
Coriander seeds
Coriander seeds
From the flowers develop the fruits, or the precious coriander seeds. The infructescence has well-defined physical properties: it is formed by 2 plano-convex achenes which, joined together, form a sub-spherical fruit with thin ribs that go from the upper pole to the lower one.
Where can coriander be grown?
Coriander, having an annual cycle, can be grown almost anywhere. It is a plant of Mediterranean origin, so this is by far its favorite range. Therefore, although much more widespread in the East, the coriander plant cannot be considered exotic.
Which exposure does the plant prefer?
To obtain coriander seeds ripe at the right point and of medium-large size, the best exposure for the plant is in full sun. However, it also grows well in partially shaded areas.
What is the ideal soil in which to sow coriander?
The soil for cultivating the coriander plant should be soft and well drained, with a good amount of organic matter that can be obtained by adding compost (link) before sowing operations.
How coriander is sown
The best way to sow coriander in the vegetable garden is direct sowing. The ideal time to do this is early spring and until the month of May. It is easy to find the seeds in specialized stores.
Sowing can be carried out by broadcasting or in regular rows, the important thing is that the seed bed is refined in order to favor budding. The seed should be buried about 1 cm deep, for example using a rake. Once sown, the soil must always be kept well moist, until the sprouts emerge.
When sprouting, it is necessary to thin out, keeping a sprout every 5/10 cm.
Similar techniques can be used to sow coriander in pots.
The cultivation of coriander
During the crop cycle, irrigation of the plant is only necessary in particularly dry periods, therefore in the absence of precipitation. Do not overdo the wetting, in order to avoid water stagnation problems.
Cleaning from weeds The only crop care that the coriander plant needs is cleaning from weeds. Weeding can be done manually or with a small hoe. To avoid this laborious operation, you can opt for natural mulching with straw, which will also allow us to have more humid earth and therefore irrigate less frequently.
When to harvest coriander seeds
Coriander is harvested for seeds, so it is necessary to wait for the end of flowering, which occurs in summer. The umbels containing the seeds must be cut together with the peduncle, after which, they are gathered in bunches and hung in a ventilated and shaded place.
When they are well dried, the bunches are beaten on a sheet of paper, in order to make the seeds fall. These keep well in glass jars.
Properties and uses of coriander
Coriander seeds contain precious active ingredients, essential oils such as linalool and pinene, mucilage and tannins. They have flavoring, aperitif, digestive, carminative, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties. Furthermore, if properly dried, they have a fresh and pleasant aroma and are used in numerous recipes, especially in oriental dishes and in the famous curry. They are also used in the preparation of digestive liqueurs with herbs and in vermouth.
In the pharmaceutical sector, the particular aromatic characteristics of this plant make it possible to correct the taste and smell of some medicines, especially laxatives.
Coriander and its seeds are also used for phytotherapeutic purposes in infusion or tincture, to promote digestive processes, eliminate stomach cramps, colitis and, in general, all problems related to poor digestion.
Coriander overview
cilantro, alias coriander, coriander, coriander. It is a plant species of the Dicotyledon, Umbelliferae, Umbelliferae, and Coriander genus. It is a one- or two-year herbaceous plant.
Coriander can be cultivated in the open field in spring, autumn and winter. It is not advisable to water too much in the seedling stage. When the seedling grows to 10 cm, the plant grows vigorously, so it should be watered frequently to keep the soil surface moist.
While watering, apply quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer 1 to 2 times at the same time. Pay attention to cultivating and proper thinning, and remove weeds when thinning. In summer, it needs to be properly shaded and protected from torrential rain. Drain water in time after rain to ensure that the seedlings emerge neatly.
Coriander seed planting time and season
The planting of coriander is usually selected in autumn in August and September. The coriander grown at this time will look very good, and there will be fewer pests and diseases, and the quality will be very good.
Choose fertile and air-permeable land, plow the land deeply, cut the soil into pieces, and add base fertilizer; when choosing varieties, it is best to choose small-leaf varieties. Although small-leaf varieties have small leaves, they are very cold-resistant and have a strong fragrance; when choosing seeds Choose fresh, plump seeds.
Sprinkle the seeds directly on the whole ground, cover it with a thin layer of soil, pour it with water, and use straw to cover and moisturize. Usually, it will germinate in about a week.
Coriander seed planting methods and steps
Coriander Seed Soaking Sprout
Coriander seed soaking to germinate: Pour appropriate amount of warm water, the temperature is between 18-22 degrees, soak for 8-10 hours, filter out the water, cover it with a small piece of damp cotton cloth to keep it moist, place it in a ventilated place, about 48 hours later It can be seen that the head of the seed swells, which is the germination.
Coriander seedlings
Seed treatment should be carried out before sowing coriander. First, rub off the outer layer of coriander seeds, and then soak in water for one day, then remove them and wrap them in a damp cotton cloth, and finally place them in an environment suitable for seed germination. Germination, after about seven to ten days, almost all the buds will emerge.
After the sprouts are all out, you can start sowing. When sowing, pay attention to watering the ground first, and then spread the seeds that are sprouting in rows, cover the seeds with fine soil, and finally cover them with a layer. The film, when three to four leaves grow, uncover the film and breathe it.
Steps for sowing and raising seedlings of coriander: Fill a small pot with cold water, pour the seeds into the water, and use buoyancy to sort the seeds naturally. The deflated and bad ones will float on the water, remove the floating seeds or impurities, and sink in The bottom of the pot is good seeds.
Prepare the planting soil, spread the seeds on the soil, and lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil (1 cm thick). After budding, put it in the sun and water it in the morning and evening.
Coriander planting
In order to create suitable growth conditions for coriander and achieve suitable conditions of temperature and humidity, many times of meticulous field ploughing, soil loosening, and weeding are required. When the seedlings grow to about 3 cm, thinning and setting seedlings are carried out.
Plowing, soil loosening, and weeding are generally 2-3 times throughout the growing period. For the first time, when the seedlings are on top of the soil, use a light hand hoe or a small rake to lightly break the soil and loosen the soil to eliminate the compaction layer. At the same time, pull out the weeds unearthed to facilitate the growth of seedlings.
The second time is when the seedlings are 2-3 cm high, and the drill can be used to loosen the soil appropriately with a small flat hoe, combined with pulling up weeds.
The third time was when the seedlings were 5-7 cm high. In this way, early ploughing, soil loosening, and weeding can promote the vigorous growth of seedlings. After the leaves are sealed on the ground, no matter whether they are drilled or broadcasted, the soil is no longer cultivated to loosen the soil, but attention should be paid to pulling out weeds.
Coriander seed management after sowing
Watering management after coriander planting
Coriander is drought-tolerant and wet-loving. Always keep the garden soil moist, so that the plant grows fast, the leaves are fresh and tender, and the yield is high. Water once a day after sowing to promote rapid germination. After unearthed, remove the cover grass in time, and irrigate with small water once every 3 to 4 days. Flood irrigation is not suitable for large water to prevent the plants from getting muddy, affecting growth and reducing quality.
During the prosperous production period of coriander, the water demand is large, so small water should be poured frequently. Water should be lightly watered every 5~7 days. Basically, during the growth period of the whole plant, water should be watered 5~7 times to keep the soil moist.
When the land is about to thaw in the early spring, harrow the land in time to remove the dead leaves in the first autumn to promote the increase of ground temperature and the early rejuvenation. Water after turning green. Water each at the budding stage and the end of flowering. Enter the pod-setting period without drought or watering to prevent greed and late maturity.
Fertilization management after planting coriander
Coriander likes cold weather conditions, it requires a lot of potassium, followed by nitrogen, and phosphorus is the least. However, there is an adequate supply of nitrogen throughout the growth period. When the nitrogen is insufficient, the plants are short and the leaves turn yellow. Coriander requires a small amount of fertilizer in the early stage of growth, and the amount of fertilizer required increases as the plant grows.
After the first crop is harvested, the stubble is removed, and 4000~6000 kg of mature high-quality organic fertilizer and 40~60 kg of compound fertilizer are applied per acre. After evenly spreading, deep plough 20 cm, prepare the ground as a border, and sow.
Coriander pest control
The first disease is called „Sclerotium disease“. To treat this disease, the soil must first be disinfected. Then, we have to spray a thousand times the sclerotium cleansing agent once, and then spray it again after ten days, about the third time around Lichun.
The second type is „leaf blight“. The leaves will turn yellow-brown after infection. If the temperature is too high at this time, it will cause widespread rot. To deal with this disease, we can use carbendazim 600 times to 800 times the medicine for prevention and treatment. There is also to strengthen management, such as paying attention to ventilation, controlling the amount of watering, and so on.
The third type is „root rot“, which threatens its roots, causing the roots to turn yellow-brown, soft rot, or even cut off. This disease usually occurs in October, which is the end of autumn. To prevent this disease, we can also choose to spray carbendazim, and we must pay attention to the humidity control, and the amount of water must not be too much.
Coriander harvest
Coriander is about 30-40 days after sowing at high temperature, and 40-60 days after sowing at low temperature. In terms of yield and quality, the plant height is generally 30-45 cm, with 10-20 leaves, and a single plant weight of 20~ It is best to harvest at 50 grams, but it is better to harvest at a plant height of 25 to 35 cm for off-season cultivation. The parsley is harvested too early and the yield is low: too late, the leaves are rough and hard.
The harvest of coriander in summer should be carried out in the morning, and the shed should be carried out in the evening in winter. The harvest of coriander can be divided or harvested at once. When harvesting, the roots can be dug up to remove the soil, old yellow leaves and other impurities, and the bundles are put on the market after washing.
Autumn cultivation can be stored for consumption in winter and spring in addition to recent consumption. The storage method is mostly buried and frozen. Before eating, take it out and place it at 0°C~10°C to slowly relieve the freezing and still maintain its freshness and taste.
On the wall, on the lookout … the coriander grows!
The characteristic smell of coriander, whose Latin name means „bug herb“, divides the world of connoisseurs. The reason for this are genes whose code makes the light green herb pleasantly fresh and spicy for some, with background aromas of orange, lemon or even with nutty hints of heavenly scent. For the others, around 17% of the European population, it smells repulsively soapy and pungent, like the antibodies of some stink bug species. Which genus do you belong to? Try it! Growing coriander is very easy and worthwhile in any case, because the spherical seeds, which are excluded from the coriander gene, are edible and give your food a wonderful Asian touch.
Location & soil
Use his preferences!
The coriander plant is versatile and all of its parts are edible. Depending on which parts you prefer to harvest, another place in the garden is recommended.
If you want to harvest the seeds of the coriander, give it a place in full sun. It blooms here particularly early and abundantly. For the leaf harvest you prefer to choose a partially shaded location. Coriander does not tolerate frost and drought well. Always keep the soil well moist and plant the attractive herb next to dill, mint, or garlic. Coriander belongs in the lowest zone of a herb spiral.
As a heavy eater, coriander needs a soil rich in humus. Before sowing or planting, dig in a shovel of compost or fertilize the soil. Coriander does not tolerate waterlogging, so always ensure that the soil is loose.
Order herbal snail directly from us in our shop:
Herbal snail angular
Modern design for the garden and terrace
Herbal snails are easy to build yourself from larger stones. For those who prefer it modern and straightforward, we recommend the galvanized version. Not rounded, but with straight side edges, this herb snail looks best free-standing in the garden or on the terrace. Due to the different heights, a wide variety of herbs feel right at home here.
Sowing & planting
Herb bed and kitchen board
You can easily grow cilantro in pots and pans around the house or on the patio. Keep in mind that the coriander becomes relatively large with a stature height of up to 90 cm. About three plants fit into a 12 cm diameter pot. If these become too strong, remove the weakest.
In the garden you sow the round seeds in late spring in 1 cm deep furrows, frost-free from the beginning of May in rows 30 cm apart. The seedlings will show up after two weeks. When the seeds have germinated, you can isolate the plants to 30 cm. Coriander germinates regardless of light, but should be covered with soil or a net or fleece, because birds like to peck the seeds.
Planting depth: furrows of 1 cm
Plant spacing: 30×30 cm
Plant out in the bed: late April / mid-May, frost-free
No-till: from May
Germination time: 11-14 days
Cultivation period / ready for harvest: annual, leaves can be harvested continuously, seeds can be harvested from mid-August
Do you want to sow coriander?
In our shop you will find certified organic coriander seeds. If you would like to plant it directly, then test our organic seeds for small-fruited coriander and our herbal packages „Our classics – small“, „Our classics – large“ – this is where coriander comes to your home.
Three good reasons to grow coriander
The umbel flowers are approached by many insects, including bees and wild bees. This is good for the environment and for your garden!
Coriander replaces parsley in soups and sauces, giving it an Asian touch
Coriander strengthens the immune system and has an antibacterial effect. In times of increasing antibiotic tolerance, medicine is also rediscovering the germicidal effect of coriander.
Bees and butterflies love coriander plants
Easy to care for and grateful
Coriander is easy to grow and will give you plenty of round seeds in the summer. You don’t have to do a lot for that. Just keep the cilantro free of weeds throughout the season. Fertilization is no longer necessary after sowing.