Sophora is a tree that originated in Asia. More precisely, the countries from which it comes are China and Korea.
Due to its beautiful crown, it is cultivated in Japan. The Japanese Sophora is a deciduous tree with not very large dimensions. This makes it a very preferred plant for landscaping and garden design. It is often found in Bulgaria in most of the garden centers, flower shops, and even online garden shops for varietal flower seeds семе на домати.
It reaches about 25-30 m in height, has relatively rapid growth, forms a very dense and almost rounded crown.
In the process of developing the species of the plant change. At a young age, the bark of Sophora is light gray and smooth, while when it changes, it becomes deeply cracked and dark gray. The bark of young twigs and shoots is green. These features make the sophora extremely effective as a highlight in the design of Japanese gardens in combination with stone and other decorative materials.
This type of tree has a complex tendril leaf, which means that it is composed of other smaller leaves, which are an odd number.
In Sophora japonica these small leaflets can reach from 7 to 17 in number, as they are located opposite only one and it is located at the top of the leaf. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate in shape, with a pointed tip. The leaves of the Japanese Sophora reach about 5 cm in length.
Like most plants of the legume family, the flowers of Sophora are very beautiful and interesting. In color they are yellow – whitish or greenish-white. The flowers are gathered in apical inflorescences, which can reach up to 30 cm in length.
Leaf of Japanese sophora (Sophora japonica) The fruit is also very interesting, it is a non-cracking bean. The color is yellow – green.
Characteristic of the fruit is that it is soft and consists of several members in which the seeds are located.
Sophora can be seen in bloom between July and August.
Propagation is by rooting cuttings cuttings or by varietal special seeds. Propagation of plants by seeds is known in many species, but it is not so popular.
Cuttings are made by taking them in early spring or early autumn and placing them in sand or perlite, or a combination of both.
After observations and establishment of the appearance of roots, the cutting is transplanted into the soil substrate for its further development. Propagation by seeds takes place after the seeds have been collected, and collection takes place in the autumn after fruiting.
In our country this species is used a lot in places with a warmer and more favorable climate at sea, Petrich, Sandanski, Plovdiv and the leaves of Japanese sophora (Sophora japonica) in and others.
Used for landscaping streets and boulevards. It is also found in most of our spiders as single or group planted. It grows well by fertilizing with garden fertilizers.
Sophora is valued for not being demanding. It is a fast-growing species that is drought-resistant, shade-tolerant and undemanding to soil conditions. It tolerates urban conditions well and is used so much for it.
From this species can be found the form „Pendula“, which has strongly sagging skeletal branches, which give the root a beautiful and picturesque shape. This species of Sophora japonica „Pendula“ is widely used for single planting, as a tapeworm, so that its beauty can stand out and please the human eye.
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