Peperomia magnolifolia is known in the field of landscaping and landscape design with its Latin name Peperomia magnoliaefolia, it is one of the dozens of species and varieties of peperomia (sample photos taken by zivpu and ProBuild Garden Center, Santa Cruz).
Naturally, like all types of peperomia, it originates from the tropics and is a very attractive indoor plant.
It is mainly used for interior landscaping (interior decoration of premises) and growing in plastic pots, it is perennial (this means that it has a lifespan of more than two years). пластмасови качествени паркинг елементи
It is characterized by the fact that it forms upright stems, and the height of the upright stems is about 40 cm. In older plants, these upright stems lie down even if you plant them outdoors in a parking lot.
When growing, the optimal temperature in the room should be from 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, because otherwise the plant loses its good appearance.
Peperomia magnoliaefolia Peperomia magnoliaefolia „Aureo – Variegata“ is valued mainly because it is a plant with variegated foliage.
It requires very intense lighting (this is a feature of almost all variegated forms of interior ornamental plants), and should be lit in the morning and afternoon to preserve the diversity of the leaves. When the light is very dim, the leaves completely lose their variegation and become completely green.
But the other extreme should also not be allowed.
The direct sun, combined with high temperatures (especially during the summer noon hours) causes the leaves to turn yellow and they fall off. This type of peperomia needs moderate but regular watering of the substrate, allowing a slight drying of its surface.
The soil in which you should grow your Peperomia magnoliefolia „Aurei-Variegata“ is a mixture of leaflets, burnt manure, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 1.
Shallow containers are usually used for peperomia, and it is mandatory to pour a drainage layer of coarse sand on the bottom of the container (maybe fine gravel, perlite, expanded clay and other aggregates, which are easily found in any specialized garden center).
The drainage layer should be about 2-3 cm thick. Peperomia usually multiplies in spring and summer.
The ways are through green stem cuttings (this means that the cuttings are not hardened), the temperature should be around 24-25 degrees and the humidity should be moderate so as not to rot.
Another way is by dividing the plant in the spring.
Like Peperomia Caperata, magnoliefolia can also be propagated by rooting a leaf, but then the new species loses the variegation of the leaves because this type of peperomia is obtained by selection methods of hybridization.
Peperomia usually cannot be propagated at home with flower seeds.
Photos: zivpu, ProBuild Garden Center and Santa Cruz