How to do propagation of magnolias 9

Magnolia, Magnolia grandifolia, Magnolias are one of the most beautifully flowering exotics used for landscaping a garden in a house, villa, restaurant, cafe or for landscaping public green areas. There are two ways to propagate magnolias – vegetatively and by seed.

One of the ways of vegetative propagation is through the so-called cuttings. These cuttings are taken from the „mother“ plant and placed in suitable conditions for rooting, namely greenhouse conditions.

In these conditions there is a suitable temperature and humidity of both the air and the substrate. Another way of rooting is by leading a low-lying branch, as it bends to the ground and is covered with a light soil mixture (a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand).

The branch is not separated from the tree and is constantly watered. After rooting, it is cut and moved to a new place in the garden for further development.

Another way of vegetative propagation that gives good results is transplanting. Wild types of magnolias produced from seeds are used for this purpose.

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