Seeds of room maple (Abutilon) Abutilon hybridum

From some e-shop for gardening, you can order exotic seeds from abutilon (room maple) online. The diverse mix of house maple seeds will delight you in the colors – yellow, pink, and purple.

This plant is perfect for growing in hanging baskets and pots, it can also be grown in the garden. It is known as house maple because its leaves are surprisingly similar to those of the Acer tree (Maple, Maple) and belong to the mallow family (Malvaceae).

Abutilon is easy to grow, the requirements for its location are related to preferences for bright and warm places. It is best to grow outdoors because the small tree needs sunlight. During the winter months, store abutilon indoors.

It is important to remember that you need to prune it regularly to acquire a beautiful crown, and last but not least, do not forget to water abundantly and fertilize it once a week. Indoor maple seedlings are prepared in early spring when temperatures reach minimum values of about 18 degrees Celsius.

The seeds are sown in seedling pots, and after the young plant’s sprout, you can transplant them in the garden or in an outdoor pot.

Color Mix of pink, yellow, and purple bell-shaped colors.
Height 80 cm.
Flowering period From June to November.
Light requirements Outdoors, in sunny places.
Soil – Soil with a rich supply of nutrients.
Winter hardiness You need to store the house maple at a temperature between 12-15 degrees Celsius so that it can bloom next year. It is not winter hardy.
Longevity Low-growing deciduous perennial.

Location of the plant During the seasons with higher temperatures it is best to grow outdoors, and in winter at home.
Sowing time February – March.
Depth of sowing The seeds of the abutilon should be covered with a thin layer of soil, and then the young plants are transplanted to a depth of 7.5 cm.
Distance from each other 35 – 50 cm.
Germination time The seeds of the house maple germinate in about 3 weeks.
Watering Abutilon is a plant that needs frequent watering but be careful not to soak.
Fertilization Especially during flowering once a week should be fertilized with fertilizers for flowering plants that are grown in pots. The house maple (Abutilon) is an amazing plant that is not pretentious and is quite easy to grow. The preferred flowering plant is for decorating sunny rooms in hotels, restaurants, and cafes.

The beautiful bells of the tree impress with their delicate colors in pink, purple, and yellow. Due to the long flowering period is one of the most commonly chosen by professional interior gardeners to decorate large and bright rooms in private homes.

Seeds in one gram – 260 pcs.

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