The next time you eat an avocado or use it in a recipe, keep a drink. Growing your own avocado bush is fun and easy. It’s the perfect task for all ages – in the garden or indoors, and it’s also a great project either for class or at home! минерални торове
Sprouting in water
Seed preparation
Image titled Plant an Avocado Tree Step 1
Remove the seed. Carefully cut the avocado so as not to injure the stone in the center of the fruit. You can do this by cutting around the entire skin / fruit about an inch deep and then twisting both halves in opposite directions to open them. Carefully remove the seed and set it aside. (planting tomato seeds)
To avoid wasting fruit, use avocado pulp to create a tasty dip / icing known as guacamole.
Clean the stone. Gently wash the avocado seed and remove all pulp. Use warm water and your hands and avoid using soap. Be careful not to remove the seed husk, which is light brown, as this may destroy the seed and there is less chance of it growing.
Insert the toothpicks into the stone. Hold the stone with the „narrow“ (pointed) side up and at regular intervals insert four toothpicks in the center, about 5 mm deep. This allows you to level the seed inside the glass without completely inserting it into the glass.
The stone should sit in water about 2.5 cm, remember when you insert toothpicks into the stone.
Fill the glass / jar with water. Put some water in a small narrow container (preferably a glass) until it reaches the top edge. The opening of your container should be wide enough to easily fit the entire width of the avocado stone. However, make sure that it is not too wide, otherwise the toothpicks will not reach it and the stone will fall inside.
Place your avocado seed (with toothpicks inserted) on top of the container. The toothpicks should sit on the edge of the container, leaving the stone only half immersed in the water. Make sure the pointed end is up and the round end is in the water, otherwise your avocado will not grow.
Wait for the stone to germinate. Place the container of avocado in a warm, undisturbed place – near a window or other well-lit place to begin the process of rooting and growth.
Change the water every 1-2 days. Do this to make sure that impurities (such as mold, bacteria, fermentation, etc.) do not slow down the germination process of the avocado. Make sure that the base of the avocado always remains moist and immersed in water.
Wait patiently for the stone to release the roots. For the next 2-3 weeks, the brown outer layer of the avocado begins to dry out and wrinkle, and eventually peels off. Soon after, the seed should begin to open at the top and bottom. After 3-4 weeks, the root should begin to appear at the base of the stone. [1]
So keep watering the plants. Be careful not to break or injure the root. Give the avocado oven time to establish its roots. Soon the avocado germinates at the tip and releases the developing leaf, which opens and other leaves begin to grow.
Planting avocado
Choose a place. Avocado roots are very special in terms of ideal climate and growing conditions. Most of the time, avocado bushes should be planted in pots and moved due to changing weather. Consider growing avocados outdoors only if the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees Celsius during the year. [2]
Prepare the soil. Avocado shrubs prefer soil at almost any pH level, but one that contains little salt and drains well. The soil may not be too fertilized until the shrub is at least 1 year old. From then on, use fertilizer 10-10-10 twice a year to help the bushes. Otherwise, use a regular substrate and add some stones to the bottom of the pot to help swell the excess water. [3]
Twice a year you can fertilize the plant in a ratio of 10-10-10 to help the tree grow. You can place stones on the bottom of the pot so that the water does not stick inside and its excess drains freely. [4]
Prepare a flowerpot. Use a 20-25 cm large terracotta pot filled with enriched soil 2 cm below the rim. The best is a 50/50 mixture of topsoil and coconut fiber. Smooth and gently suffocate the soil, add more clay as needed. Once the soil is ready, dig for a narrow hole deep enough for the roots and stone of the avocado.
Prepare the seed. When the roots are copious and the leaves have regrown at the tip of the stem (after at least one pruning), your avocado baby is ready to plant in the soil. Remove the sprouted stone from the water container and carefully remove all toothpicks.
Plant avocado seed. Carefully bury the avocado seed in the soil so that the upper half peeks out the soil above the soil surface. Gently choke the soil around the stone.
Keep the bush hydrated. Water the plant daily or so often that the soil stays moist. Avoid spilling to the point where the mud becomes muddy. If the tips of the leaves turn brown, the shrub needs more water, while when the leaves turn yellow, the shrub gets water too much and needs to let it dry for a day or two. [5]
Take care of your avocado. Continue to take regular care of your plant and it will be in a few years You have an attractive and low maintenance. Your family and friends will be impressed to know that you have grown your own avocado bush from the avocado seed saved from your guacamole recipe.
Growing in soil
Some growers have found that if an avocado is allowed to germinate in water, it will grow into a long, thin trunk that usually does not bear fruit. In this case, it is better to let the avocado seed grow in the soil without soaking.
Get a quality avocado. Remove the pulp and stone. It works best if you cut the avocado around.
Dig under the stone to remove it. Grab the stone with a knife, twist and easily remove the stone.
Find the pointed end of the stone. That’s the tip of the stone.
Choose a place. You can look at the above method to select a suitable place. Dig turf or choose any place that is suitable for planting.
If you can, plant two trees, these plants like company.
Place the seed with the flat end in the clay. Squeeze the clay around the stone with your hands. Do not step on the soil around the stone, you could crush it.
Follow the cultivation recommendations above. Start fertilizing as soon as the plant peeks out from the ground. Do not fertilize it earlier, otherwise the root system will not fully develop. You can expect the first fruits in three to four years.
Harvest avocados when they are large and bloated. Avocados do not ripen on the tree. Harvest it and place in a paper bag to ripen. When the avocado softens, it is edible.
Growing an avocado tree: the necessary equipment
While growing an avocado tree in your home isn’t rocket science, you still need to make sure you have the right material. There is no point in breaking the bank either, you with all the items to hand.
A glass of water ;
A few toothpicks;
A pot ;
Of the earth.
Then be sure to follow the steps correctly for a successful growth. When you collect an avocado pit, after eating, wash it off with clean water. Then plant 3 or 4 toothpicks inserted at 5 mm, no more, point up. Finally, the avocado should be placed in a glass of water. The best thing is to place your future avocado tree in a warm room. When you see that your kernel will be split, it means that the root is showing up.
How to plant an avocado in the ground?
Once the root and stem emerge, put the pit in a light potting soil. Make a planting hole and incorporate a little compost into it. Install your plant and fill your hole with moistened potting soil. Install your avocado tree in the sun or partial shade, preferably sheltered from the winds. The soil should be light and drained, neutral or acidic but not at all chalky. Better to plant it in the spring, when the sunny days return.
Avocado tree: caring for this exotic plant
The avocado tree is very easy to care for. If you are growing an avocado tree in a pot, make sure the bottom is draining by pouring in clay balls. Directly in the garden, your soil should not be too compact. Watering should be regular but not excessive! Outdoors, he loves exposure to the sun from May to September. Likewise, when indoors: bring the avocado tree near a window with a light curtain so that the sun’s rays do not damage it. Using a mist sprayer, also wet the leaves with soft water.
How to keep a lawyer?
When you buy an avocado, you don’t always think about eating it in the days to come. To store it well, wrap it in a sheet of newspaper or in a paper bag. Also remember to protect it from light and in a warm place. Alternatively, you can also place the avocado in a fruit basket, next to apples or bananas. These two fruits have the advantage of quickly ripening foods placed next to them. If you have half an avocado left: don’t remove the core and pour in lemon juice, then wrap it in cling film.
What are the virtues of the lawyer?
As incredible as it is, avocado does have many beneficial properties for our health. It helps, for example, with digestion, because it is a fruit rich in fiber. It is also rich in several vitamins: C, E and K! Enough to help your organization manage all the attacks made to it. Avocado is an ally for heart problems, cholesterol and especially inflammation.
Discover the step by step process for planting and growing an avocado tree, as well as our care tips.
Growing avocados at home is easy and fun, try it too!
Avocado is one of the most consumed and appreciated fruits in the world, an exotic fruit that has also taken hold in our country for some years.
Planting avocados is also possible in Italy, in the confined space of a balcony or terrace. To do this, simply taste an avocado, obtain the seed and follow our advice.
Come and plant avocado at home
Come and plant avocado at home
Avocado (Persea americana) is a tree native to South and Central America appreciated for centuries for the goodness of its fruits.
A plant that needs a tropical or subtropical climate to grow at its best, but which can also be grown in Italy.
Unlike other species, the cultivation of avocado is particular because it involves germinating the seed in water and only after some time transfer the plant in a pot, let’s see how it is done.
To get started, get:
a ripe avocado seed, cleaned of washed pulp
a container
Begin to insert the toothpicks around the circumference of the seed, so that the ends are resting on the edges of the container and the core located at half height.
Fill the container with water until the base of the seed (the less rounded end) is immersed then move the pot to a sunny position, as it can be in front of the window tightly closed.
The avocado takes from 2 to 6 weeks to germinate, in this period do not germinate anything but add water as needed and wait for nature to take its course.
Avocado: what care to reserve for the plant
Avocado: what care to reserve for the plant
Once the seed has emitted vegetation, the avocado must be followed with certain precautions. First of all to ensure that the plant is not too widespread in the sun; although it is a tropical plant, in fact, the young leaves are very sensitive to light. Try to place the vegetable in partial shade, perhaps in a location that can count on a few hours of direct light a day.
The avocado will grow a little at a time and you may notice that in addition to the vegetation, the roots will also begin to develop.
As soon as the main stem reaches 6 cm in height, cut it; this operation will serve to strengthen the roots and promote the development of new and stronger vegetation.
Wait until the stem grows to 6 cm then prune it once more, shortening it by about 3 cm. In the following weeks you will notice that it will produce new leaves and roots of ever greater size, so much so that within a month they can plant the avocado in the ground.
How to transplant avocado
How to transplant avocado
To plant the avocado, use a pot of at least 30 cm in diameter; fill it with a mix of universal soil and expanded clay then, after having extracted the toothpicks, place the plant on the ground, being careful to leave the upper part of the seed above the ground. Water the soil abundantly then place the pot in the sun avoiding too bright exposures.
Keep avocado plants healthy by watering constantly but without exaggerating (the soil should never be soaked with water) and always ensuring a temperature above 4 ° C.
With these little tricks you too can grow avocado at home or on the balcony and grow it into a real tree.
Avocado in the kitchen: an exotic flavor to your dishes
Avocado in the kitchen: an exotic flavor to your dishes
Although in Italy it has been obtained in common use for a short time, avocado is a fruit used a lot in traditional Mexican recipes.
In addition to being good for the body, avocado is a versatile and tasty ingredient in cooking, suitable for both savory and sweet preparations.
Certainly the most famous recipe is guacamole sauce, a pairing that has accompanied Mexican meat dishes since the time of the Aztecs.
In modern times, avocado has become a real collective passion, thus creating delicious and healthy recipes, such as avocado toast, avocado salads but also many dishes that combine salmon or shrimp with avocado: a riot of flavors for the palate!
In its natural environment, the avocado plant can become a large tree of up to 20 meters, but it will hardly be that tall at home. The plant comes from warm skies, and therefore it must stand indoors. It prefers a light growing place and it is important that the plant is watered regularly. In the summer, however, you can let the plant go on holiday in the garden, as long as you make sure to place it in a protected place.
How to grow your own avocado tree
Avocado tree step 11. In the middle of the avocado fruit is a large seed that you can easily germinate and grow.
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Avocado tree steps 2 and 3
2. Remove the outer layer of the seed and insert toothpicks or similar into the seed so that it can rest on the edge of a glass of water – the lower part of the seed should be in contact with the water.
3. Remember the tip should face up. The first thing that comes to mind is the root, and then comes the stem and leaves.
Avocado tree steps 4 and 5
4. Put the plant in a pot with mulch without damaging the roots.
Avocado tree
5. Place the plants lightly and water regularly.
You do not need to germinate in water – you can also plant the stone directly in a pot with soil.
How to care for your avocado tree
As the avocado tree grows vigorously, you need to water and fertilize well from spring to fall, especially if you place the plant warm and sunny, which the tree appreciates. During the winter period, you keep the tree drier and place it at temperatures above 10º C. It is a good idea to repot the avocado tree in early spring in fresh potting soil in a larger pot.
See what else we write about: Plants and Avocado
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The most beautiful plants are sometimes plants you make yourself. It does not have to cost the shirt or be difficult to get it green and lush inside. Growing avocados is super easy, and with a little patience, vips you have a nice plant! I use 3 simple methods to get the growth started.
Avocado green plant
My avocado plant 3 months after it started to sprout. Newly planted in a larger pot.
Avocados are available in almost every store all year round. Very healthy and good, but often a little frustrating .. I occasionally miss the degree of ripening, and get avocados that have become ugly in the flesh. Whether they are ripe or overripe, we can still use the stone to make a new avocado plant! Easy and simple with a minimum of aids. I have 3 ways to start an avocado stone. Two of them are more decorative, but the latter is in my experience the fastest way to grow avocados 🙂
Avocado stone
Make sure the bottom of the stone comes down. The bottom is noticeably flatter, and a little different in the colors of the shell. Here there are also some marks in the shell after the knife.
If you are going to grow avocados, the preparations are simple. Carefully divide the avocado in half so that the knife cuts as little as possible into the stone, small tears do not hurt. Once you have tilted the stone out, for example with a spoon, it should be rinsed well. Residues of pulp on the stone can cause rot and mold. Then it’s clear
Whichever method you use, it is worth noting what is up and down on an avocado stone. It’s a little sharper at the top. The bottom is flatter, as well as different shades in the shell. Remember to set the right path for best results.
New green plants
The easiest way is to put the stone in a small swivel glass or suitable vase. If you have different vases, it can be very decorative in e.g. the kitchen window
If you have a small swivel glass or a vase with a good swing at the top, the avocado stone can be placed straight up. Fill with water so that the bottom of the stone is in water, remember to top up what evaporates. The water can advantageously be changed once a week, and at the same time rinse the vase well.
Plant avocado inside
In the vase vase, it is easy to see when the stone cracks open, and the magic begins to happen.
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avocado plant
The most common way to start an avocado stone is to use 3 toothpicks
The method we most often see in magazines and elsewhere is with the help of three toothpicks that are inserted into the pages. They can be angled a few degrees upwards. That way, the glass does not have to be so full for the stone to have good contact with the water. A kitchen glass is perfect. Here the stone can hang so that the water reaches a good cm up on the stone. Remember to top up with water as it evaporates, and feel free to change it once a week.
avocado plant
The toothpicks are inserted a few mm in from three sides, and hold the stone in position above the water. This also looks pretty cool on the windowsill.
avocado plant
A pot with plastic does not look so cool, but works very well 🙂
In my experience, underheat and even moisture provide fast germination for most seeds. I therefore use a well-drained moist soil in a pot, also to grow avocados. The stone is halfway down the soil, well filled with water, and pulls a bread bag over to keep the moisture even. By placing it on the bathroom floor, it gets even underheating. Since it is in a tight bag, no large extra water is needed.
avocado plant
When the stone cracks, and the sprout peeks up, it should get as much light as possible.
I look regularly to see when the stone cracks open, and the sprout peeks out. As soon as it looks up, I put the pot as brightly as possible in the window sill.
avocado plant
When the sprout begins to grow, it stretches quickly before the leaves peek out. At this stage, it is advisable with maximum light for the leaves to develop before the stem becomes too long
Starting a stone to grow avocados takes from a couple of weeks and upwards. There are several factors that control this. The first signs of germination are that the stone cracks. When it does, it does not take long for a small sprout to appear. From the bottom, it will at the same time peek out a root that draws water. Once it has started well, it should be planted in a pot with good flower soil. (If you have not used the last method above) Putting the stone directly in a pot of soil will be most gentle (and natural) for the roots. If the avocado is planted at the turn of the year, the plant will normally get off to a good start in the spring with lots of light and the growing season.
avocado plant
After a while there is good growth and strong root. Many thanks to my colleague who let me borrow a picture of his beautiful avocado plant. Photo: Johanne Koivunen Hoff.
Avocado or Persea Americana belongs to the avocado genus with about 150 different species. It is actually in the Laubær family where we find well-known spices such as cinnamon and bay leaves (more obvious :-)) There will be a large tree that does not bear fruit until it is around 10 years old, but it probably does not happen in this country. I have been asked some questions about whether there will be any fruit in the living room, but hardly, the living room can not provide good enough conditions. The avocado we eat grows in tropical and subtropical areas, and is largely from South America. Here in Norway, it works great as a green indoor plant, and out on summer vacation. Outdoors it should be sheltered on a terrace, balcony or in the garden.
Stone fruit avocado
Delicious avocado can be a great plant in the living room. This stone has now become a plant of well over one and a half meters
Funfact: Avocado is classified as a stone fruit and not as a vegetable 🙂
Avocado is a powerful tropical tree that grows up to 25 meters in height. Despite this, it grows well even in the room, content with a small pot on the windowsill. Growing your own tree is not at all difficult: it requires a fresh bone, a pot of soil, and a little luck.
Remember that our apartments are far from the natural habitat of the avocado: for him it is a very cramped environment in which the tree will not even grow to the ceiling.
At home, the avocado barely bears fruit. If you’re lucky, the first ovaries can be seen in 3-5 years. To increase your chances of blooming, grow multiple trees at once – this is necessary for cross-pollination.
Avocado leaves perfectly clean the air from harmful impurities, saturating it with oxygen.
How to prepare a bone?
Only ripe fruits are suitable for growing avocados. They can be difficult to find, since either immature specimens or already black ones that have lost their useful properties are usually imported into our country. A good fruit should be dark and firm: when you press on the pulp, a dimple is formed, which quickly straightens.
It is important to get the bone out without breaking its shell. To do this, make a circular incision, gently touching the bone with the knife. Take both halves and twist gently in opposite directions. This will help to gently separate the pulp from one half, and then gently remove the pit from the other half using a tablespoon. Rinse the pit and let it dry to prepare for planting.
How to plant an avocado?
There are two ways to plant an avocado seed: indoor and outdoor.
For both methods, you will need a pot with a diameter of 20-25 cm with a drainage hole, high-quality drainage and fertile soil (it is desirable that the composition includes lime, peat, humus and coarse sand). Pour 2-3 cm of drainage at the bottom of the pot and fill in the soil so that it remains loose.
Good for beginners. Plant the bone with the blunt end into the ground about 3 centimeters deep so that 2/3 remains on the surface. Water the seedling regularly to keep the soil from drying out. With proper care, the first shoots can be seen in 2-3 weeks.
Significantly increases the chances of seed germination and is interesting to observe. It will require a small container of water, toothpicks and an awl. Mentally mark the „equator“ of the bone, and along its line make 4 shallow holes with an awl without damaging the core. Place toothpicks in these holes to act as spacers. Place the seed in a container of water with the blunt end down, and add water so that it covers 1/3 of the seed. Add water daily to keep it at this level. When the roots reach 3 cm, and then a crack appears between the cotyledons, the seed is ready to plant in the ground. Remove the toothpicks and plant it so that the top third is exposed to the open air. Don’t tamp the soil too tightly.
How to care for an avocado?
First of all, carefully monitor the soil and do not allow it to dry out – the earth should always be moist, but in no case damp. The plant loves a humid microclimate, so it is advisable to regularly spray the leaves.
Avocados love bright, but diffused light, so windows facing west, east or north are ideal. During the hours of the active sun, the plant must be shaded so that the leaves do not get burned. In winter, on the contrary, it is worth taking care of additional lighting.
4-6 months after planting, the plant will begin to need fertilizer. About once a month during the period of active growth (from May to September), use complex fertilizing following the instructions on the package.
Since avocados are native to the tropics, their optimal summer temperature is 22 – 28C˚, in winter: 18 – 20C˚.
With a little patience, you will watch the miracle of the birth of your own exotic tree from an ordinary bone!
And if you love plants, take a look at our catalog of potted flowers. We will deliver any plant directly to your home or to your beloved recipient, wherever he is!
Choose a suitable planting environment
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 1
Find a warm planting area with partial light. Avocado is a subtropical plant and loves sunlight. It is native to the central United States, Mexico and western India, so it prefers a warm and humid environment. [1] California can also grow avocados, and good light is a necessary condition for their healthy growth. However, excessive light can cause damage, especially when the avocado tree has not grown to the fullest foliage. Therefore, if you want to grow avocado trees from the core, you need to choose a planting area that has sunlight during part of the day but cannot continue to receive direct sunlight.
The sunny window is very suitable for avocado growth. Put it on the edge of the indoor window, the avocado tree can enjoy part of the sun, and you can control the appropriate temperature and humidity.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 2
Avoid cold, wind and frost. Avocado trees cannot survive in bad weather.[2] Snow, cold wind, and sudden drops in temperature will kill avocado trees. If you are in the tropics or subtropics and the climate is relatively mild, you can safely keep avocados outdoors all year round. If your area freezes in the winter, let the avocado tree stay indoors for the winter.
Different varieties of avocado trees have different cold tolerance. Generally speaking, the following avocado varieties will be severely injured when the temperature drops to the listed temperature. [3]
West Indian avocado: -2.2-1.7 degrees Celsius
Guatemalan avocado: -2.8-1.7 degrees Celsius
California avocado: -3.9-1.7 degrees Celsius
Mexican avocado: -6.1-2.8 degrees Celsius
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 3
Use well-drained, nutrient-sufficient soil. Like other garden plants, avocado trees like soft and nutritious soil. Such soil provides sufficient nutrients for plants and is also convenient for drainage and ventilation. After the roots of the avocado tree grow firm, some soil rich in humus and organic matter should be used.
In the beginning, soil was not needed. The avocado core was originally hydroponic and then transplanted into the soil.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 4
Use soil with a low pH. Like other horticultural plants, avocado trees like soil with low pH, which is acid soil. The most suitable pH value is 5-7. If it exceeds this pH value, the avocado tree’s ability to absorb nutrients such as iron and zinc will be greatly reduced, hindering its growth. [4]
If the pH is too high, organic matter can be added, or alkali-tolerant plants can be transplanted into the garden. Aluminum sulfate or sulfur can also be added to the soil. For details, see the article „How to reduce the pH of the soil“.
Start planting
Seed from the core
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 5
Remove and clean the core. Getting the core from a ripe avocado is easy. Use a paring knife along the center line of the avocado, and cut both sides, then grab the sides and twist below to divide the avocado into two halves. Dig the core out of the pulp. Wash the remaining pulp from the core until it is smooth and clean.
Don’t throw away the avocado pulp. You can make guacamole, spread on toast or eat directly. It is a nutritious snack.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 6
Let the stone suspend in the water. Avocado cores cannot be planted directly in the soil. They must first undergo hydroponic cultivation until the rhizome grows to support the entire plant. A simple way to suspend the core in water: evenly insert three toothpicks on the side of the core so that it can be fixed on the surface of the cup or bowl. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt the avocado. Fill the cup or bowl with water and let the bottom of the core soak in the water.
Distinguish the top and bottom of the pit. The upper end is rounded or pointed (like the upper end of an egg), while the bottom in the water is somewhat flat and mottled in color.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 7
Place on a sunny window and add water as needed. Put the container with the pits suspended on the side of a window with sunlight (not direct sunlight), and receive light for several hours a day. Take care and add water when the water drops to the bottom of the core. After about a month and a half, a stem will grow from the upper end of the core, and a root system will grow from the lower end.
The initial phase will last 2-6 weeks. [5] The core may not change at first, you need to be patient, you will eventually see rhizomes from the core.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 8
When the stem grows to 15 cm long, it needs to be trimmed. After the roots have grown from the pit, you still need to take care of them and add water as needed. When the stem grows to 15 cm, it needs to be trimmed, leaving 7.5 cm. In this way, the core will grow a new root system and then grow into an avocado tree.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 9
Transplant the avocado tree. After a few weeks, the avocado tree should grow branches and leaves and the rhizomes should be transplanted into pots. Remove the toothpicks and transplant the roots of the avocado tree down into well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. Flower pots with a diameter of 25-30 cm are best. If the pot is too small, the root system of the plant will be restricted and growth will be hindered.
It is not possible to bury the core completely in the soil, just bury the root system so that the upper part of the core is exposed.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 10
Give plenty of sunshine and water frequently. Just after transplanting the plants in the pots, water them well to gently moisten the soil. The water used in the future should be able to keep the soil moist and not too wet. Place the flowerpot in a sunny place (but not continuous direct sunlight). If the local climate is hot, it should not be placed in direct sunlight.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 11
Pick leaves every 15 cm long. After transplanting to a flower pot, water frequently with enough sunshine. When the avocado tree grows to 30 cm long, start picking new leaves. Remove the newest and tallest leaves for every 15 cm long and high.
Picking leaves is to allow the avocado tree to grow branches and make it more lush. Don’t worry, picking leaves will not harm the avocado tree.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 12
Let the avocado tree grow to 0.6-0.9 meters high. As mentioned above, the time required from the start of the core to the result is not certain. Some avocado trees will bear fruit in a few years, and some will take longer or never bear fruit. [6] In order to speed up this process, professional budding methods can be adopted. Bud grafting requires two avocado trees, a mature avocado tree that can produce fruit, and a seedling of an avocado tree that is at least 60-75 cm tall.
Try to choose healthy and productive mature avocado trees for budding. Because budding needs to actually connect the branches of the mature tree to the seedlings, the health of the branches must be ensured.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 13
Make a T-shaped cut on the branch of the avocado seedling. Make a T-shaped cut with a sharp knife at a distance of 20-30 cm from the root of the avocado seedling. The depth of the horizontal cutting edge is 1/3 of the stalk, and the length of the vertical cutting edge is about 2.5 cm. Cut the bark of the seedling with a knife.
The cut should not be too deep. The cut is for budding, and should not harm the saplings.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 14
Take a bud from the mature avocado tree. Take a healthy bud from the ripe avocado tree of your choice. Make a diagonal cut at 1.2 to 2.5 cm under the pre-fetched buds. If the bud is in the middle of the original branch, make a cut on the upper part of the bud.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 15
budding. Insert the removed buds into the T-shaped knife edge of the seedling obliquely. Let the green tissues under the bark touch each other, or budding may not succeed. After inserting it, fix it with rubber tape (available at a gardening store).
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 16
Waiting for engagement. If the budding is successful, the inserted branches will eventually merge with the seedlings. For example, in the spring, the mating is generally within one month, and it may take two months in the slow-growing season. After fully joining, remove the rubber tape. You can also cut the original main stem of the seedling to 2.5-5 cm, so that the bud grafted branches become the main stem.
Always remember that it takes 5-13 years for an avocado to go from the pit to the fruit. [7]
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 17
Water frequently, but not excessively. Like other plants in the garden, the avocado tree needs a lot of water. However, too much water is not good for any kind of plant. It is advisable to water the soil in an appropriate amount and not to make the soil mushy. Use well-drained soil, preferably soil rich in organic matter. If planting in a flowerpot, make sure that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the flowerpot. In this way, the water absorbed by the avocado tree will not be excessive.
If you have watered several times recently, the leaves of the avocado have turned yellow, indicating that there is too much water. You should stop watering immediately and wait for the soil to dry before watering.
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 18
Only fertilize occasionally. Without fertilization, avocados can grow healthily. However, proper use of fertilizers can promote the growth of avocado trees. After the avocado root system is stable, add organic fertilizers according to the instructions in the vigorous season. Don’t overdo it and control the amount of fertilizer. Water after fertilization to disperse the fertilizer in the soil for easy absorption by the root system.
Like many other plants, avocado trees should not be fertilized when they are immature, otherwise they may be burned by the fertilizer. Fertilize at least one year after planting.
Watch for signs of excessive soil salinity. Compared with other plants, avocado trees are more sensitive to salt. If the soil has a high salt content, avocado leaves may be browned. In this case, water a lot of water at least once a month to moisten the soil and wash the salt into the underlying soil to prevent damage to the root system. [8]
Image titled Grow Avocados Step 20
Insects and cures diseases. Like other crops, avocados are also affected by pests, which affect the quality and survival rate of avocados. In order for the avocado tree to grow healthily, it is necessary to understand how to recognize and respond to pests. The following are some common diseases, please consult a plant expert for details. [9]
Festering: Plant cells are swollen and sap may flow out. Cut off the festering branches, if the main pole festers, the plant may die.
Root rot: usually caused by overwatering. Accompanied by symptoms such as yellow leaves and wilting. Excessive watering should be stopped immediately. If the situation is serious, the root system should be exposed to the air. In severe cases, it can be fatal.
Fusarium wilt: There are markings on the tree. The infected area should be removed immediately, and the tools used must be strictly cleaned to prevent secondary infection.
Net bug: Yellow spots appear on the leaves, and the withered leaves will fall. Insecticides such as pyrethrins should be used.
Borer: Small holes appear in the tree, and sap may flow out. Prevention is always better than cure. If a problem has already occurred, the pests must be removed as soon as possible to prevent spread.
How to plant an avocado
How to plant an avocado from seed: from the first steps to germinate the avocado seed to actual cultivation. Display, pruning and tips on how to grow an avocado tree.
Avocado is a fruit tree that belongs to the Lauraceae family. It is native to a vast geographical area that extends from the central and western mountains of Mexico, through Guatemala to the coasts of the Pacific Ocean in Central America. Even if its origins are so far from Europe, it is also possible to grow avocado on our territory: the plant adapts well to the mild climate of the Mediterranean, in particular of Southern Italy.
Avocado tree
The avocado tree is medium in size, measuring about 10-12 meters in height, although many specimens, in the right conditions, reach and exceed 20 meters. The foliage is wide and leafy, the trunk is covered with a greyish rind while the leaves are long, oval, and vary from 12 to over 25-30 cm.
How to grow avocado starting from the seed
In the home, it is possible to grow avocado starting from the seed.
The procedure is simple, just buy an avocado, extract the seed and root it point up in the water as shown in the photo above.
Only when the roots are well developed can this be transplanted into well-drained soil. With this procedure it will be possible to obtain vigorous plants but do not expect fruit immediately! Avocado grown from seed bears fruit, but years will pass.
Avocado plant, temperature
Avocado needs a tropical or sub-tropical climate, it is not resistant to cold enough to already suffer at temperatures below 4 ° C.
The avocado plant thrives with an ideal temperature between 16 and 29 ° C.
Avocado plant, exhibition
The pot must be placed in a sunny area. Those who live in southern Italy will be able to plant them in the ground after a couple of years of cultivation in pots.
How to plant an avocado starting from the seed
In summary, those who want to plant avocado will have to:
1) Remove and gently clean the seed from the drupe, taking care not to remove the thin brown film that surrounds it.
2) Take three toothpicks from skewers and place them along the circumference of the seed. Each toothpick should form a 45 ° angle.
Please note: the network of three toothpicks will serve to form a support to rest on the edge of a large jar filled with water in order to keep the seed afloat.
3) Fill a jar with water and place it in a sunny place – the ideal could be a window sill facing South -.
4) Place the seed in the jar: the tip must be the part immersed in the water. Change the water in the jar at least once a week.
5) To get the roots it will be necessary to wait about 8 weeks. After the roots appear, the seed must never lack water.
6) When the plant has reached a length of 15-20 cm, it will have to be “cut off” by 5-7 cm in order to encourage further thickening of the base.
7) When the plant has reached the length of 20-25 cm again, it will be good to transplant it into a pot filled with well-drained and humus-rich soil.
When transplanting the avocado, make sure that the upper part of the seed remains exposed to the air.
avocado seed
Tip: to encourage proper growth it is good to perform periodic pruning. When the plant has reached 30 centimeters it can be pruned by cutting off the top leaves. This can be done for every 15 centimeters of growth.
When to plant an avocado
In theory, in a home environment, it is possible to sprout the avocado seed at any time of the year. In fact, we advise you to sprout the avocado seed in spring, so as to be able to bury the well-germinated seed and the well-formed plant, when the outside temperatures will not be below 16 ° C.
How to plant avocado
The sprouted seed can be planted in a pot when the roots are numerous and well developed and when the leaves have developed. At this stage, you must gently remove the toothpicks and transfer the plant to a pot with fertile soil. Lightly press the soil around the seed.
Avocado from seed: how long does it take to bear fruit?
From seed to fruit, how long will you have to wait? In theory, within 4 years you could already be harvesting the first fruits of avocado. Personally, for my plant, I had to wait 7 years! For other instructions on the care to be given to the plant: how to grow avocado.