Croton is a plant with incredibly colorful and colorful leaves, which brings variety to the home. The size is suitable for growing indoors or in the garden on the balcony, as well as in production in a greenhouse made of Israeli polyethylene. израелски найлон (полиетилен) за оранжерии
Croton is famous for being poisoned, which is not true. There can be bad consequences only if you eat part of it. It is one of these plants suitable for indoor conditions.
The origin of this plant is from Malaysia and is one of the suitable interior species.
The leaves of the plant are upright, fleshy and are in amazing colors and pronounced ribs.
The plant reaches 45-60 cm in height and 30-45 cm in width.
It grows best at low temperatures. The most favorable for the development of Croton are 13 – 15 degrees in winter and 10 – 18 in summer. For the good development of the plant it is good to have high humidity.
Interesting leaves of Croton (Codiaeum variagatum pictum) Dry air does not tolerate the plant well and impairs its decorative effect.
Regarding watering, it is good to keep the substrate relatively moist in winter, and in summer it should be watered abundantly and the pot should be well drained so that water does not collect along the roots.
Water along the roots can cause them to rot and the plant to die. For this it is recommended to place broken tiles on the bottom of the pot and about 2 cm of sand on them.
The soil mixture on which Croton grows well is composed of equal parts leaf, peat, chimovka and sand. The soil should be rich in nutrients. In order for the plant to grow well and have the maximum decorative effect, it should be fertilized every two weeks in the period from June to September.
Croton (Codiaeum variagatum pictum) Propagation is relatively easy by taking cuttings about 10 cm long and placed in sand or perlite.
After rooting (emergence of roots) the plant is placed in the above substrate for further development.
One of the reasons for the deterioration of the appearance and condition of the plant is the sharp change in temperature. It is good to place a container of water around the plant so that there is constant evaporation around it and to increase the humidity.
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