How to make money from cryptocurrency mining at the basement in garden

People extracting cryptocurrency have driven the price of GPUs. So if you are a gamer and you already have a powerful GPU in your gaming PC, can you really make some extra cash mining cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) with your PC? How to make money in the garden

We are not talking about setting up a dedicated mine or getting too technical here. And we certainly do not recommend that you buy hardware just for the mine. We’ve seen reports that anyone with a reasonably powerful GPU can just download user-friendly software and put the GPU to work, and that’s what we tested.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin was worth $ 9000 USD, and we used an NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti video card for mining. Your results will vary greatly depending on your hardware and the price of cryptocurrency at that moment.

How does mining work?
If you are not familiar with mining, here you can see how it works. The software basically maximizes your GPU’s resources by working. This causes your GPU to use more electricity than it would normally use when idle, which in turn increases your electricity bill. It also generates additional heat, so you will need to make sure your PC is properly cooled. Technically, mining involves solving mathematical equations for blockchain.

RELATED: What is a „Blockchain“?

You probably do not play 24/7 (everyone needs to sleep sometimes!), So the cryptocurrency miner software can turn on the GPU power when you are not using it. You’ll have to stop the mining software when you want to use your GPU for gaming, but it’s easy enough if you make money while not in use, right?

What is NiceHash?
NiceHash provides easy software that allows you to sell the „hashing power“ of your GPUs. You create a NiceHash account, download the graphic NiceHash miner software, and click a few buttons. This makes you a „seller“ of processing power.

“Buyers” of power processing place orders on the NiceHash market, and the NiceHash software on your computer automatically works on the most profitable orders. You become part of a great mining industry with mining altcoins for anyone. NiceHash pays you into Bitcoin.

RELATED: What are Altcoins and Why Do They Exist?

NiceHash is easy to use and any player can perform mining just by installing and running a graphics application. But is it worth it?

How Much Money Can You Actually Make?
The real question is how profitable this mining is. NiceHash offers a Profitability Calculator page that told me I could earn about $ 70 a month after electricity costs with my NVIDIA GTX 980 TI hardware and $ 0.10 USD / kWh electricity prices. However, this is an estimate based on earnings during the previous month.

You make more money if you have a faster GPU as it can do more work. But if you have to pay more for electricity, it will cut into your profits.

NiceHash’s profitability calculator made it sound pretty good, so I installed the NiceHash software and let it work for a day.

I was disappointed with the earnings, which were predicted to be somewhere between $ 1.50 and $ 2 a day – and that’s before electricity costs. It is also assumed that I ran NiceHash 24 hours a day.

Speaking of electrical costs, I connected my PC to a Kill-a-Watt and measured its power consumption. The PC used about 65 watts of power at idle and could use about 300 watts during mining.

So to convert watts to kWh per. Day and then see how much it costs at $ 0.10 per day. KWh, we perform the following mathematics:

300 watts * 24 hours a day = 7200 watts hours a day

7200 watt timer per. Day / 1000 = 7.2 kWh pr. Day

7.2 kWh * 0.10 $ = 0.72 $

In other words, provided I keep my PC running all day mining, it costs me $ 0.72 in electricity. With an average of $ 1.75 received from mining, I may earn a dollar a day after electricity costs.

We can donate about this math – maybe the PC will run all day anyway, so you only look at another 235 watts, for example – but it will not change things too much. It’s a very small profit for all the heat generated and possible wear and tear on my computer’s components, so I do not want mining with NiceHash on my PC.

The NiceHash calculator is a bit misleading because it trumpets the numbers from the previous month, but it seems to be accurate – if you look closely. If you actually look at the numbers, Nicehash says I would have earned $ 1.43 in profits over the last day, which is about what I saw. This is also in line with the average profit shown in the last week.

So when using the NiceHash profitability calculator, look at the „1 day“ information instead of dwelling on the optimistic „1 month“ figure that NiceHash is pushing for. The return from mining with a graphics card for consumers is clearly falling.

In my experience, you will not make a significant amount of money from mining, even with a tea high-end graphics card. You may be able to make more money if you have a newer, faster graphics card, but certainly not buy a graphics card just to extract cryptocurrency.

How to try it yourself
If you want to mess with NiceHash yourself and see how your hardware works, you can easily do so. Just go to and register a new account. You become a „seller“ when you sell your computing power.

Once you have created an account, download the NiceHash miner software and install it on your PC. Burn it up, enter the email address associated with your NiceHash account, and then let it perform some benchmarks.

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When it’s all ready to use, you can click „Start“ to start mining and „Stop“ to stop mining when you want to use your GPU for something else.

In the lower right corner of the window there is a „Fan Control“ button. Click it to get your GPUs fan running at maximum speed if you need cooling. Be sure to monitor the temperature of your GPU so that it does not overheat.

Everything happens automatically during mining. You will see a command prompt window with information about what is going on, but you can just ignore it.

Remember, while NiceHash shows your earnings as USD, they actually pay you in Bitcoin.

Note that there are service and withdrawal fees to get Bitcoin out of the NiceHash miner to the NiceHash wallet or an external Bitcoin wallet. You also charge additional transaction fees if you want to sell Bitcoin and convert it to USD for another currency. And of course, all these fees will also cut into your profits.
How a beginner makes money on cryptocurrency: analysis and features of the cryptocurrency market
June 30, 2021
How a beginner makes money on cryptocurrency: analysis and features of the cryptocurrency market

The market for cryptocurrency is extremely volatile, interest rate jumps can be more than 10% per day. For example, last week bitcoin for the first time since January this year fell to the level of $ 28.8 thousand. Thereafter, the prices of the main cryptocurrency returned to the range of $ 32-36 thousand. As of June 30, BTC is trading in the $ 35,000 range and its capitalization is $ 657 billion.

High volatility opens up great earnings opportunities for inverters. The experts explained how beginners can learn to see cryptocurrency market signals and use them to find entry points.

Key points in the analysis of the cryptocurrency market
Beginning of time
A successful investment is a daily diligent work, studying market trends, monitoring specialized forums and social networks, analyzing technical analysis and properly putting together a portfolio, explained Nikita Soshnikov, CEO of Alfacash. According to him, the complexity of investing activity is that it is associated with risks and a huge psychological burden that it is difficult for beginners to resist.

„This is the most difficult thing for newcomers: not to panic, but also not to remain in an asset that is doomed.“, – said the expert.

Also, successful investments do not mean that the investor does not take the wrong strategic steps at all, even professionals make mistakes, so the most important thing is the total investment return (investment return, investment return) distributed on all assets in the investment portfolio, Soshnikov added.

First step to making money – analysis
Any financial market, including the cryptocurrency market, does not tolerate a superficial approach and will penalize it with a loss, says TradingView analyst Maxim Lushnikov. According to him, in order for a beginner to consciously find the starting point of an asset, you need to have basic concepts about the economy, the rules of price formation in the market and know the basics of technical analysis.

Stock trading has a century and a half of history, while the crypto market is almost 10 years old, said Mikhail Karkhalev, financial analyst at crypto exchange. A crypto investor can find many answers in traditional markets. The analyst advised to study the basic basic technical analyzes: moving averages, key support and resistance levels.

“To begin with, this will be enough to understand some of the mechanics of the market. Then you can dive into something more serious, such as cluster analysis. But it will take more than a year of investigation. „, – remarked Karkhalev.

It is worth learning the basic concepts of diversification investment portfolio and understanding what cryptocurrencies exist in principle and whether they can be categorized in any way, advises the director of Alfacash. According to him, separate asset classes include digital coins used as a means of payment, blockchain platforms for DeFi and smart contracts, as well as tokens for crypto exchanges and decentralized trading platforms.

You should not completely ignore technical analysis, but in general, if we do not talk about several transactions during the day, then we can do without it, Soshnikov said. He argues that an investor should take the time to study the technology itself to understand what he is investing in.

“If an investor does not understand what he is investing in, how it works, then investing is not worth it. Better to buy something understandable „- added the expert.

What you need to know before entering the crypto market?
Basic Factors a Crypto Investor Must Understand Before Buying Digital Coins:

There is no endless growth;
You are guaranteed high profitability for a month, and in return they just ask you to send a referral link and „bring a friend“? This is probably a deception;
You have read the project description but do not understand because there are too many technical terms that you do not understand? Do not invest. You will not be able to reasonably assess the prospects of an incomprehensible project;
Be sure to check your country’s digital property tax laws. Think about it now before you buy;
You have created an investment portfolio, but a few projects, contrary to your forecast, are steadily getting cheaper. „Probably cryptocurrencies are not mine,“ the thought thinks. Throw it away, even multi-billion dollar managers do not have a fully growing investment portfolio.
How is the potential for a token determined?
If you are investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum, tode most popular and stable coins, it makes no sense to make an in-depth analysis as these coins are promising in advance, says the financial analyst at cryptocurrency exchange. According to him, when buying another token, apply the approach of a venture investor and understand that you are not investing in a digital currency, but in a startup and its team, Karkhalev explained.

In this case, evaluate the idea of the project, the reality of the implementation of his idea, the economics of the project, what he earns, the use of the symbol, the team and its background, to understand if anyone has invested in this project with large funds and of course at what point he is now, the analyst added. He reminded that according to statistics, 95% of startups cease to exist in the first year.

Crypto-investor tools
All the latest news and reference material on cryptocurrencies and trading can be found at

You should also study Binance-tutorials.Academy, advised Nikita Soshnikov, Director of Alfacash. In his opinion, this is an excellent guide for those who have just begun to dive into a world of cryptocurrencies. Soshnikov also recommended researching the community by reading comments on Reddit. Another expert tip is to follow the movements of large amounts of digital coins using the Whale Alert service on Twitter.

For more advanced market participants, financialCrypto exchange analyst advised using Glassnode, CryptoQuant or Skew services. According to Karkhalev, it is important to analyze how these measurements behave during periods of market decline and rally to identify patterns.

Features of cryptocurrency trading
As we already wrote, cryptocurrencies are very volatile. And have technological properties that are not inherent in conventional assets. The experts explained what is special about digital coins and what prospects it opens up for investing in cryptocurrencies.

What caused the high volatility?
The young market is always more unstable than mature and time-tested, explained Vladimir Smetanin, director of the financial company Newcent. According to him, regulators are banning large players (such as public funds and conservative investors) from trading in cryptocurrencies, so the market is not yet liquid enough.

The exchange rate for many fiat currencies depends on the exchange rate of natural resources extracted in the country, as they constitute a significant part of exports, and virtual coins are not tied to tangible values, so their value is quite difficult to understand for an ordinary man on the street. the expert.

According to Smetanin, high volatility can be attributed to both negative and positive characteristics, as this factor is used by traders to achieve high returns.

Outside the stock exchanges
In addition to trading on centralized crypto exchange investors can complete transactions on the OTC market (over-the-counter). Its main difference is that OTC transactions are executed directly between buyer and seller.

OTC transaction is more profitable for large transactions from a security and confidentiality perspective, as the user does not have to register on the exchange and go through the verification procedure and reveal his data.

The main advantage of OTC for dealers is the ability not to affect the market with large transactions, hide your intentions and make transactions at the best price, said chief analyst at 8848 Invest Viktor Pershikov.

„OTC trading is the most suitable format for large and institutional participants in the cryptocurrency market“ – he added.

Pump community
Due to low liquidity and high volatility, in addition to lack of regulation, some groups of investors may influence offers on digital coins and use it to their advantage. According to Anton Kravchenko, CEO of Xena Financial Systems, such practices exist in any market, but cryptocurrency is easier to manipulate than traditional assets.

„The higher the liquidity, the harder it is to influence prices. The total capitalization of the entire cryptocurrency market is lower than the capitalization of an Apple company, so there are many manipulative price movements in the cryptocurrency market. „- added the expert.

Coin storage
In the traditional market for securitiesThere are special depots. These are financial institutions that settle transactions and keep track of investors’ rights to securities. Depositories are controlled by financial regulators.

Digital assets are stored in blockchain: a distributed, decentralized ledger that is the backbone of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. A special wallet, which can be of three types: software, exchange or hardware, gives you access to the blockchain and performs transactions with digital coins.

Each cryptocurrency wallet, regardless of operating environment, contains private and public keys.

Public key Is a digital string that everyone can see. It consists of a set of letters and symbols and is used when sending money to a wallet.
Private key Is a kind of security key that consists of a series of cryptographically generated random numbers that cannot be cracked. Basically, it is a 256-bit or 32-byte hexadecimal number that is created to sign translations.
IPO analogues
When companies issue their own securities to attract inv estors, an IPO is carried out (first IPO).

Similar procedures exist in the world.cryptocurrencies: ICO (initial token placement), IEO (initial exchange token placement), IDO (IDO – primary decentralized token placement). The closest thing to an IPO is an IEO. In this case, the cryptocurrency exchange is engaged in the placement of new tokens and their sale to investors. Projects can independently sell their tokens on their own platforms (ICO).

The idea behind IDO is, that projects, tokens are already provided with pools of investor liquidity on decentralized exchanges. Often, the IDO token entitles its holders to vote and control the direction of the underlying protocol.

Non refundable
The decentralization technology on which blockchain is built has a different function. The investor may lose money when sent to another address if he made a mistake while writing it.

When you send digital coins to a non-existent address tokens burn out. Even if the cryptocurrency is sent to a stranger, it is impossible to return it as there are no managing organizations and third parties in the blockchain that can cancel the transaction.

Where is it more profitable to buy cryptocurrency? TOP-5 exchanges
For a safe and convenient purchase of cryptocurrencies with a minimum commission, we have prepared an assessment of the most reliable and popular cryptocurrency exchanges that support the deposit and withdrawal of funds in rubles, hryvnia, dollars and euros.

Website reliability is primarily determined by the volume of sales and the number of users. After all key figures, Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. Binance is also the most popular cryptocurrency exchange in Russia and the CIS, as it has the largest turnover of funds and supports transfers in rubles from bank cards Visa / MasterCard and payment systems QIWI, Advcash, Payeer.

Especially for beginners, we have prepared a detailed guide: How to buy bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange for rubles?

Assessment of cryptocurrency exchanges:

# Exchange: Internet site: Rating:
1 Binance (editor’s choice) 9.7
2 Bybit 7.5
3 OKEx 7.1
4 Exmo 6.9
5 Huobi 6.5
The criteria by which the valuation is stated in our rating of crypto exchanges:

Work reliability – stability in access to all platform functions, including uninterrupted trading, deposit and withdrawal of funds as well as working time in the market and the daily trading volume.
commission – the amount of the commission for on-site trading operations and withdrawal of assets.
Feedback and support – we analyze user reviews and the quality of technical support.
Interface convenience – We assess the functionality and intuitiveness of the interface, possible errors and omissions when working with the exchange.
Platform features – availability of additional features – futures, options, staking, etc.
last grade – the average number of points for all indicators determines the position in the assessment.
the rapid recovery of Bitcoin (BTC) by the end of the $ 46,000 has many traders claiming a price of up to $ 100,000 for the finals of 2021, while the effects of China’s representative media on the mining industry are significant to disappear slowly ya that the hash bag of the red Bitcoin show signs of recovery.

Red hash promotional hash has been released for free
Red hash promotional hash has been released for free
One of the medium-term benefits of China’s media is that it has reduced barriers to entry into the Bitcoin mining space, which has demonstrated a lucrative value in high-income markets such as capital.

The Bitcoin mine is one of the few forms in which investors can purchase BTC directly from the market and is converting rapidly into an industry dominated by major economic interests that can afford the increase in energy and maintenance costs. to operate a „granja“ of cryptocurrency mines.

Here are some options available for the cryptocurrency broker to get more BTC through cloud mining contracts, cryptocurrency platforms and centralized exchanges.

Mining contracts in the cloud
The mining industry in the cloud exists from the first bitcoin divisions, and offers to interested users in Bitcoin mining that cares for space, equipment and electricity needed an opportunity to delegate its production.

Some of the most popular companies that offer mining services in the new genesis are Genesis Mining and HashNest, but the demand for their services has exceeded their capabilities, which has provoked all Bitcoin mining contracts to become obsolete.

One of the current mining operators with available contracts is Shamining, a company based in the United Kingdom that will be active since 2018 and will have worldwide data centers worldwide with locations in California, Mexico, Ciudad del Cabo, South Africa and England .

Throughout this service, users can equip mining equipment and pay the costs associated with using the units, while the company takes care of the physical accommodation, the operation and the maintenance. Once in operation, the generated entries can be retrieved with a user-specified Bitcoin ticket.

Current aliquot contracts include GPU mining options, which cost you $ 283 per 23,580 gigahashes per second (GH / s) or $ 1,066 per 94,340 GH / s, and another option for ASIC mines with an actual cost de u $ s 2,571 per 235,849 GH / s de potencia minera.

All Indian contracts have a profitability of 143%.

Another option that allows users a greater flexibility in terms of the parameters of their mining contract is ECOS, a company that surpasses the Free Economic Zone in Hrazdan, Armenia, and operates since 2017.

Calculator of the profitability of mining in the cloud of ECOS. Source: ECOS
Calculator of the profitability of mining in the cloud of ECOS. Source: ECOS
As seen in the previous graph, a contract of 50 months for 9 terahashes per second is currently up to $ 1,668 and it is expected to have a gain of 272.82% with a BTC price of up to $ 70,000.

It is important to note that all mining services in the cloud offer advertisements for high-risk elevators that can and do not guarantee any level of debt accumulated in various circumstances, such as fluctuations in electricity prices, volatility Bitcoin price and the advances in mining technology that include a substantial increase in mining difficulty, which makes the most ancient teams obsolete.

Crypto-printing services
One more traditional option available for hodlers to consume more Bitcoin using its current services is that it does not require any additional inversion as the mine is undergoing pre-service services that offer a return on deposits.

Nexo and Celsius are among the most well-known performance platforms that allow cryptocurrency users to perform basic tasks against their tenants or gain compensation from depositors.

In addition to this reduction, Celsius offers users an annual percentage return of 6.2% for Bitcoin deposits, and Nexo offers a 5% profitability return on flexible deposits, while deposits to a place other than one the minimum of one month can be 6%.

A third option that offers users a 4% return on BTC’s deposits with BlockFi, a provider of cryptocurrency services that offers accounts receivable and receivables paid by cryptocurrencies and which has recently been released Bitcoin.

Ganar BTC de lo s exchanges centralized
Various centralized exchanges (CEX) also offer Bitcoin holders a profitability on their deposits, even with lesser fees than the previous ones.

Binance, the largest CEX by volume of the crypto ecosystem, offers users an annual percentage return estimated at 0.5%, while the third largest exchange exchange, Huobi, offers 1.32%.

The best return charged by a CEX with a seat in the United States can be found in Gemini, while users can pay 1.65% on their deposits.

KuCoin offers a free market batch for BTC employees in which the performers can establish the parameters of the performance terms, eliciting the duration of contract days, 14 days and 28 days, to be able to consume offers diary interest types to compete with other market performers.

The most frequently quoted item currently available on KuCoin is an 1.82% annualized rate on a site contract.

As is the case with proprietary data, there are many ways to get more Bitcoin by simply buying in the open market, but its every time more than just the right time.

With large institutions, energy companies and governments starting to develop Bitcoin mining infrastructures, the most important participants in the market are all more exclusive, then the mining installations in the cloud are unable to satisfy the demand.

The Bitcoin price tag is as high as the main form in which BTC holders can obtain a paid return on BTC in the future, while the returns paid by Bitcoin offer a form for which users accrue the value of their tokens sin vecesidad de vender y crear un hecho imponible.
Faustino Haran is 26 years old and is dedicated to gastronomy. One day looking for a way to start saving, he found an ad that said „make money with your computer“ and that’s when his life changed. And so he got into the world of cryptocurrencies.

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In Argentina there are still no regulatory authorities or formal statistics on cryptocurrencies: it is believed that there are 2 million accounts that operate with digital assets. However, that does not mean that there are 2 million active users.

Also read: The PayPal plan that those who invest in Bitcoin should know

Platforms such as Binace, Satoshitango and Ripio are used to carry out different types of cryptocurrency transactions. Although, you can obtain those assets yourself with crypto mining, to seek new profitability and escape inflation.

So far, what you hear most about is Bitcoin, but Ethereum is already a reality. It had a jump from 610 to 1200 and today, it is already at a floor of US $ 2,700. That is why the miners are inclined towards this new option.

Cryptocurrencies, which gives better returns Bitcoin vs Ethereum | by ALBERTO TORRES GIL | Code Army
When did you start mining?
– I started mining in 2016. First with my computer and some basic things I had. Later, as I became more internalized, I bought different tools.

How are cryptocurrencies mined?
– As the coins do not have a company to back them, the miners put their computers to work, renting servers to the network of one choose to process transactions. Before it was done with a pc that maybe you had in disuse, currently it is preferable to build a mining rig for these tasks.

How do you build a Mining Rig and how much does it cost to build?
– A Rig is armed with the same components as a computer, but with one more source and several video cards, essential for Ethereum mining. It can also be done with ASIC but that is used to mine Bitcoin, Litcoin, among others. The values at this time are high because there are shortages of plates, prices vary between six thousand and seven thousand dollars with a five plate rig.

Mining Ethereum with NVIDIA GPUs: Optimization and Complete Guide
Why is it preferable to mine Ethereum and not Bitcoin?
– Because today it is the most profitable currency, very few are those who choose Bitcoin. Plus, it’s as simple as going to a local, buying five boards, two fonts, a motherboard, and building a Home Rig for ETH. On the other hand, if you want to mine BTC with those elements, the mining power is so low that it is not profitable.

What is the profit?
– A rig with six 1660 video cards (quite chosen for mining), leaves you around 250 dollars a month. However, that can vary depending on the value of the currency you are using. Today the currency that leaves you the most money is Firo with a value of almost 300 dollars a month. On the other hand, you can expand that Rig and create a Farm.

What is a Farm? Did you build any?
– A Farm is the same, but bigger and with more components. After setting up several Rigs, different people and companies hired me to build their Farms for them so that they could continue with this business.
Here is the testimony of a young man who combined his work with the world of cryptocurrencies and obtained incredible results. What is needed and how much money does it allow to mine cryptocurrencies.
May 31, 2021 14.49
Faustino Haran is 26 years old and is dedicated to gastronomy. One day looking for a way to start saving, he found an ad that said „make money with your computer“ and that’s when he changed his life. And so he got into the world of cryptocurrencies.

What is bitcoin mining?
Mining bitcoins is the process of investing computational capacity to process transactions, ensure network security, and ensure that all participants are in sync.

What is cryptocurrency mining?
Mining or mining is a computerized process by which currencies that circulate on the network are searched. In this way, when a block of information is verified, the miner receives a reward in the form of new cryptocurrencies that are introduced to the market.

What is bitcoin mining?
Cryptocurrency mining is the process of solving a mathematical problem (for example a sum) using computer equipment. … Basically, what these computers do is launch a series of possible solutions, until the proposed solution matches the hash value of the block.

In Argentina there are still no regulatory authorities or formal statistics on cryptocurrencies: it is believed that there are 2 million accounts that operate with digital assets. However, that does not mean that there are 2 million active users.

Platforms such as Binace, Satoshitango and Ripio are used to carry out different types of cryptocurrency transactions. Although, you can obtain those assets yourself with crypto mining, to seek new profitability and escape inflation.

So far, what you hear most about is Bitcoin, but Ethereum is already a reality. It had a jump from 610 to 1200 and today, it is already at a floor of US $ 2,700. That is why the miners are inclined towards this new option.

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Cryptocurrencies, which gives better returns Bitcoin vs Ethereum | by ALBERTO TORRES GIL | Code Army
When did you start mining?
– I started mining in 2016. First with my computer and some basic things I had. Later, as I became more internalized, I bought different tools.

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How are cryptocurrencies mined?
– As the coins do not have a company to back them, the miners put their computers to work, renting servers to the network of one choose to process transactions. Before it was done with a pc that maybe you had in disuse, currently it is preferable to build a mining rig for these tasks.

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How do you build a Mining Rig and how much does it cost to build?
– A Rig is armed with the same components as a computer, but with one more source and several video cards, essential for Ethereum mining. It can also be done with ASIC but that is used to mine Bitcoin, Litcoin, among others. The values at this time are high because there are shortages of plates, prices vary between six thousand and seven thousand dollars with a five plate rig.

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Mining Ethereum with NVIDIA GPUs: Optimization and Complete Guide
Why is it preferable to mine Ethereum and not Bitcoin?
– Because today it is the most profitable currency, very few are those who choose Bitcoin. Plus, it’s as simple as going to a local, buying five boards, two fonts, a motherboard, and building a Home Rig for ETH. On the other hand, if you want to mine BTC with those elements, the mining power is so low that it is not profitable.

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What is the profit?
– A rig with six 1660 video cards (quite chosen for mining), leaves you around 250 dollars a month. However, that can vary depending on the value of the currency you are using. Today the currency that leaves you the most money is Firo with a value of almost 300 dollars a month. On the other hand, you can expand that Rig and create a Farm.

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What is a Farm? Did you build any?
– A Farm is the same, but bigger and with more components. After setting up several Rigs, different people and companies hired me to build their Farms for them so that they could continue with this business.
How to make money with cryptocurrencies? Is it possible to make money with cryptocurrencies?

These are some of the questions we most often hear and which are searched on the web by those approaching this relatively new market for the first time, the cryptocurrency market.

We will not talk about what a cryptocurrency is or how it works in this article, but we will focus on the ways, some better known, some less so, through which to profit from these virtual currencies.

Before seeing the most used techniques to make money with cryptocurrencies, however, we need to make some clarifications. First of all, we are talking about a new market, an innovative reality which, being still young, has both strengths and some limitations, typical of innovations.

The advantages and disadvantages of investing in cryptocurrencies
Among the advantages there is certainly the capitalization which has not yet reached very high levels. In fact, although in 2017 they exceeded 900 billion, the figures reached in recent years are around 300 billion. It is therefore a still young market, in a growth phase and at the moment little affected by the traditional market.

Another advantage is the presence of regulatory and market gaps and holes that can be exploited to monetize. This is always due to the fact that it is still not very stable and efficient.

However, it is one of the two sides of the coin: these characteristics in fact also determine some cons, to be taken into consideration when deciding to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Since, as we have said, the laws change often and we are also talking about a volatile and fragile market where a small indiscretion by a merchant bank can cause a peak or a collapse in the value of cryptocurrencies.

Not only that, given its instability it is not a market within the reach of any investor. To be able to make big profits you need to accept high risks and not everyone can afford it. There are no low-risk investments that generate large profits, if you hear this, you are probably facing a Ponzi or a scam.

If you are tempted to invest part of your savings in cryptocurrencies, it is good to rely on conservative operational strategies.

This market is suitable for those with a high propensity for risk and a well-diversified portfolio: those who invest in medium-low risk assets can think of putting a part of it in the world of cryptocurrencies, or a high-risk investment.

It is not wise to think of using all the available sum only in this economic reality, since without other investments of lesser risk, the possible loss could empty your pockets of everything you have.

The 9 ways to make money in the world of cryptocurrencies
1. Holding
The holding strategy, also nicely called HODL, consists of buying cryptocurrencies, holding them for a period of time (drawer operation) and finally reselling them at a price higher than the purchase.

From a more practical perspective, holding company means investing materially in a crypto that you think will increase in value and keep it in your wallet in the hope that it will appreciate over time.

Those who opt for this method very often buy several to diversify the basket and increase the probability of earning. So that if he were to lose by selling one, there is the possibility of compensating the loss with the others.

In any case, less experienced investors are advised to limit themselves to buying cryptocurrencies that have already shown a certain stability and trust over the years.

2. Trading
The term trading refers to a multiplicity of very short speculative operations. We are talking about a behavior opposite to that seen in the previous point, in fact, with trading we try to make the most profit in the shortest possible time, owning the crypto as long as it takes to earn.

You go to buy and sell even within the same day or month many times a single coin to make lower (1-3%) but repeated profits.

They are micro operations which, however, carried out constantly over time, can guarantee a high profit.

In order to trade with the lowest risk, it is good to carry out an in-depth technical analysis of the trend of the reference market, using statistically valid strategies and with an always favorable risk / return ratio.

Trading can be done through Exchange platforms or through derivative instruments.

3. Mining
The term mining means to dig, or rather to extract. This technique consists in the extraction of virtual coins through a long and complex work that exploits the computing capacity of computers.

It therefore consists in purchasing machines that solve calculations to extract rewards from the network ense, or the coins.

In fact, some coins are released from the network whenever computational power is made available to solve particular complex calculations.

There are two best ways to profit from mining: the first is to directly purchase important hardware that is used in these calculations, obviously taking into account the maintenance price of the former and the actual reward given by the latter. Currently this methodology tends to be not very convenient.

A second method, potentially cheaper, instead provides for the rental and not the actual purchase of the machines, thus sheltering from expensive prices and possible economic loss in case of loss of earnings. Basically you join other people by investing

in a mining pool. The profit is then divided among all participants.

4. Refereeing
Cryptocurrency arbitrage is the method that allows you to earn from the price difference that is created between two or more exchanges.

To better understand, let’s make an example. Suppose you buy a Bitcoin at the price of 10,000 on an Exchange and resell it on a second Exchange in which Bitcoin is exchanged for 10,050, obviously the values indicated are invented, but it can help you understand how arbitrage works.

There are two particular modes of cryptocurrency arbitrage: Regular and Triangular.

With Regular Arbitrage, you buy and sell the same crypto on different Exchanges with a significant price difference, as in the example mentioned above.

Triangular arbitrage, on the other hand, exploits the price difference obtained through an intermediate currency. For example, you buy Bitcoin by paying in Euros, convert Bitcoins to Ethereum, finally exchange Ethereum into Euros, for a value higher than that initially invested. This technique exploits the advantages in the exchange rates of the various exchanges.

Arbitrators earn money through micro transactions from one Exchange platform to another by taking advantage of price gaps

. Cryptocurrency arbitrage is very similar to the Surebets of the Betting world, to do so you need to have the right tools and have good timing.

5. Staking
Cryptocurrency Staking can be seen as an alternative to mining that requires, however, the use of fewer resources.

It consists of holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the security and operations of a project or blockchain. More simply, we can say that staking consists of blocking cryptocurrencies to receive rewards.

In most cases, you will be able to stake your coins directly from the wallet. In addition, several Exchange platforms offer staking services to their users.

The gain is considered annualized and the period varies according to the contract signed.

Among the most famous is, which allows you to block cryptocurrencies to periodically make a profit. The percentage usually fluctuates between 2 and 5% depending on the type of currency that you decide to entrust.

6. Syndacate has contributed to the spread of syndacates, special promotions that are made by platforms to promote a cryptocurrency.

Opportunities are often not lacking, for example it may happen that there are some offers related to coins, which are sold at reduced prices.

There are conditions to be accepted in order to participate and take advantage of the Syndacates, but the gain can be advantageous.

7. Airdrop
Similar to Syndacates, Airdrops allow you to receive coins for free. What is required is the execution of small operations such as subscribing to a Telegram channel or a newsletter.

An Airdrop is nothing more than a gift given by the founders of a cryptocurrency for a predominantly self-promotional purpose. It is therefore a marketing activity of the team to make the new token or cryptocurrency known to the vast community. Coins can appreciate over time.

8. Fork
The term Fork of cryptocurrencies defines a change to the original code whose purpose is the improvement of a digital currency. This allows you to generate a new version of the coin or token, while maintaining all the previous history.

The mechanism in question has allowed the birth of new coins with different characteristics than the original cryptocurrency.

This is a particular phase of the coin, where for certain factors it is doubled and if you are the owner you will find yourself with two coins instead of one at two different prices. Both are immediately usable and monetizable.

9. Dark Pool
Little known and very innovative, they are an excellent tool for creating interesting performances. Large capital is required to participate in a Dark Pool.

Dark Pools are an alternative trading system that allows institutional investors to effect
anonymously making large orders without having to publicly disclose your intentions when searching for buyers or sellers.

The advantage of this tool is that investors tend to buy in blocks, in order to avoid slippage and to trigger a potential adverse price movement.

Some experienced traders use this system to gain access to inside information or to make money through arbitrage between the dark pool book and the public book.

Other ways to make money with cryptocurrencies
Here, therefore, are explained the main methods with which you can earn in the world of Cryptocurrencies. If you know others and want to share them with us, enter the Investhero community and write a post about them, you will be able to compare yourself with other investors like you.
Browsing the Internet, you have often read about cryptocurrencies: digital currencies that promise to complement traditional currency in many areas, from online payments to the use of goods and services and which are characterized by the absence of a central bank. Furthermore, in recent times, you have noticed that the price of the main cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, has undergone important changes. You have therefore wondered if and how to earn free cryptocurrencies, in order to enter this innovative world, and would like to know if I can give you some information about it.

That’s the way it is, right? Then know that you have come across the guide that’s right for you! In this tutorial, in fact, I’m going to explain step by step how to get cryptocurrencies without too much effort and without particularly in-depth technical knowledge. And, above all, in a completely free way (yes, it is possible, even if as easily understood you have to be careful of scams).

Well, are you ready to find out more? Yup? Great! Then make yourself comfortable and take a few minutes to follow my advice: at the end of this guide, you will know how to get free cryptocurrencies without risk and, above all, in a fairly simple way. I wish you a good read and I wish you a big good luck for everything!

Preliminary Information
How to earn free cryptocurrencies
How to earn free cryptocurrencies with Airdrops
How to earn free cryptocurrencies on Coinbase

Preliminary Information

Before explaining in detail the operations to be done to obtain cryptocurrencies completely free, I would like to give you some more information that I am sure will be useful to make the most of the opportunities I am about to present to you.

In fact, you must know that, as in any other field, there are no services or websites that can make you earn cryptocurrencies without getting something in return: so be very careful not to believe those who promise you immediate earnings or those who offer you opportunities that are too good to be true. In the field of cryptocurrencies, still in strong evolution and subject to sudden changes, attempts to scam users are not uncommon.

In the next chapters, therefore, I will explain to you which are the most reliable sites that will allow you to really earn free cryptocurrencies without the risk of scam or broken promises. Precisely for this reason I strongly advise you to read my instructions carefully and to proceed with reading this guide so as not to waste time with deceptive advertisements or scam sites.

How to earn free cryptocurrencies

If you are ready to find out how to earn free cryptocurrencies, continue reading this guide: you will soon realize that there are many opportunities to get some cryptocurrency without spending money. These occasions are mainly divided into two categories.

The most common method to obtain cryptocurrencies for free is to take advantage of the so-called Airdrops which, as you will discover in the next chapter, are very useful tools to increase the spread of a cryptocurrency by distributing a certain amount of it completely free of charge.

In addition to Airdrops, however, there is another way to get digital currency as a gift. Some websites specialized in cryptocurrencies, in fact, periodically propose events, often in the form of quizzes, which aim to spread knowledge about the functioning of one or more digital currencies and which, as an incentive, allow you to obtain a certain amount for free. .

How to earn free cryptocurrencies with Airdrops

As I mentioned earlier, Airdrops are systems through which emerging cryptocurrencies can be spread among users through their free distribution. Another possible use of Airdrops is to make known services or portals by encouraging their use through the donation of cryptocurrencies as a reward.

New Aridrop are constantly being created on the Web, in such a massive number that it is impossible to keep them in mind and discover them all in a constant and efficient way. For this reason, there are portals designed specifically to help you discover the best Airdrops active on the Web and to guide the user in using them. Not all portals of this type, however, are equally reliable or animated by good intentions: for this reason, I recommend that you only contact those with proven reliability, such as

To use it, the first step you need to take is to open your favorite navigation program, making sure it is advanced enough to be able to access Any modern browser falls within this definition, but if you want to be sure, I recommend using Google Chrome, the browser program created by Go ogle. If you don’t know how, I suggest you read my guide on how to download and install Google Chrome.

On the main page of you can have an overview of the main Airdrops on the Web. As you have surely noticed, there are many and do not immediately allow you to understand which operations to take to obtain the promised cryptocurrencies. Don’t worry though: I’m here to help you understand how this portal works in detail.

The three main sections that make up the portal are the Latest Airdrops, which allows you to explore the latest Airdrops added to the site; the Hottest Airdrops section, which lists the hottest and most used Airdrops of the moment, and the Holder Airdrops section, which includes all the Airdrops for which it is necessary to have a certain amount of cryptocurrency in order to participate. If you want to earn some cryptocurrency quickly and without special prerequisites, the Latest Airdrops and Hottest Airdrops sections are definitely the ones that suit you best.

In the list of Airdrops that make up these two sections, you can see that under the title of the Airdrop there is a brief description of the activity in question. The estimated monetary value of the Airdrop, for example, is indicated next to the word Value, and the possibility of increasing your earnings by inviting other people to join the Airdrop is indicated, if present, with the writing + ref next to the value monetary. Furthermore, if it is necessary to own other cryptocurrencies to participate in the Airdrop, for example Bitcoins, the wording For BTC holders is indicated.

Once you have chosen the Airdrop that seems most promising to you, click on it to enter the page that will provide you with instructions on how to participate in the initiative. At this stage you will have to pay close attention to the instructions given by, as each Airdrop has very precise rules to be able to obtain the promised reward.

As you can see, in the center of the page there is a brief description of the chosen Airdrop. Reading it is very important: in this way you will discover the purposes and reasons for the distribution of cryptocurrency and you can decide if it is for you or if it is better to choose another one.

Below the description, in the Step-by-Step Guide section, provides a detailed guide on how to take advantage of the chosen Airdrop. If there are any requirements, you can find them in the Requisites section below the detailed guide.

I recommend: follow the steps listed carefully and without skipping any. If some steps are incorrect or no longer available, I recommend that you stop using this Airdrop and choose another from the list. Once you have completed the steps described, you will have obtained your amount of cryptocurrencies completely free.

In addition to providing a very useful and easy-to-use portal, also offers you other ways to stay informed about new and popular Airdrops available. In fact, you can use Telegram to receive the latest updates in real time by connecting to the Telegram channel or subscribe to the newsletter to receive updates conveniently in your mailbox. Useful, right?

How to earn free cryptocurrencies on Coinbase

As I explained to you at the beginning of this guide, some websites specialized in cryptocurrencies offer the possibility of earning digital coins for free simply by carrying out certain activities.

Among the many sites of this type, I have chosen to explain to you how to get free cryptocurrencies on Coinbase, the famous free and reliable cryptocurrency wallet known all over the world.

In order to earn free cryptocurrencies on Coinbase, you need to have an account on the platform. If you don’t have one yet, read my guide on how to sign up for Coinbase, which will allow you to open an account quickly and without difficulty.

To earn free cryptocurrencies on Coinbase, go to the Coinbase Earn page, which will take you to the section of the site dedicated to earning cryptocurrencies through the completion of short tasks.

As you can see, there are many activities you can do to obtain cryptocurrencies, each accompanied by a description of the currency it refers to. After choosing the one that seems most promising to you, press the Start the course button at the end of the description to start the activity.

In this section you can read the detailed information about the cryptocurrency you have chosen. To continue with the activity, press the Start here button.

On the page you just opened, you can carry out the various activities that will allow you to earn some units of the cryptocurrency you have chosen for free. Pressing the button Earn 2 USD DAI, in this case, opens ir will be a short video related to the digital currency in question.

Watching it, you will learn the basics that will allow you to answer the quiz proposed at the end of the video: do not worry if you do not answer correctly right away, because you will always have the possibility to try to answer again.

After the quiz, the earned cryptocurrencies will be added to your Coinbase wallet. You can check the actual amount of your cryptocurrencies by clicking on the top menu item Wallet and scrolling to the digital currency you just got.

By completing all the activities proposed on Coinbase Earn, you can earn a good amount of cryptocurrencies for free, while learning the functioning and the ideas behind the digital coins you have earned. Simple, don’t you think?
Today, making money on the internet quickly and for free is a viable option to make ends meet. Do you have an internet connection? If so, why not take advantage of it to make gains without initial capital. In this article, we’re going to go over the best ways to get rich on the internet without specific skills. So how do you make easy money on the Internet? What are the methods that really work?

15 Ways to Make Money on the Internet
1 – Make money at a bitcoin casino
2 – Trading crypto currencies
3 – Invest in real estate
4 – invest your money in the stock market
5 – Respond to paid surveys
6 – Use cash back sites
7 – Betting on sport
8 – Read paid emails
9 – Bitcoin mining
10 – Do affiliate marketing
11 – Testing mobile applications
12 – Selling on the Internet
13 – Freelancing
14 – Make YouTube videos
15 – Create your own blog
Start Trading

How to earn money on the internet ?
Make Money on the Internet 15 Ideas If you surf the web regularly, you’ve probably already received pop-up ads offering options for making money on the web. Nothing to do with false ads that cover up online scams. We recommend that you be extremely vigilant so as not to fall into the hands of crooked scammers.

Truth be told, there are a lot of online businesses that allow internet users to make a living. To be convinced of this, we have found that millions of people use the web as a lush workspace.

All you need is a good Internet connection to work from home and generate huge profits. It takes seriousness, honesty and perseverance. It would also be important to know the new digital tools. From then on, you can offer services to those who need them on the web.

1. Make Money on the Internet at a Bitcoin Casino
Making Money on the Internet at a Bitcoin Casino Bitcoin fans have the opportunity to earn money online by playing the casino games offered by Bitcoin casinos. Most online bitcoin casinos offer bonuses even without depositing funds first.

Also, choosing bitcoin as a payment method is enough for you to earn a bonus. While some e-casinos only offer slot machines, others offer card games, roulette, video poker and more.

To get the bitcoins, you need to choose a bitcoin casino, create a bitcoin electronic wallet, deposit the bitcoins at the casino, and withdraw the bitcoin winnings.

Benefits of Bitcoin Casinos for Making Money
Earn money while playing, the fun way
Bitcoin no deposit bonus
Fast payments, often in less than 24 hours
Transparency and anonymity
For Provably Fair systems, a guarantee of games with no hidden disadvantage
Games not always fair
Bitcoin not approved in several countries
Most bonuses have complicated wagering requirements
Make Money on the Internet with a Bitcoin Casino: 3 Best Sites
King Bit Casino: 110% match bonus up to 1 BTC 100% match bonus up to € 200
TrustDice: 2000+ games and a free Bitcoin faucet
Play at a Bitcoin Casino

2. Make Money on the Internet by Trading Crypto Currencies
Trading Cryptocurrencies to Make Money on the Internet One of the best ways to make money on the Internet is to trade cryptocurrencies. The question that then arises is how to succeed in crypto trading operations. The first thing to do is to choose a secure, efficient and reliable online broker. Then, use technical analysis to determine crypto bullish and bearish trends.

For profitable crypto trading, you should first and foremost understand the crypto market. We also suggest that you never invest the amount that you cannot bear the loss. There is no need to remember that the crypto market is essentially volatile. Finally, you will benefit from choosing copy trading sites for inspiration from professional traders.

Possibility of making very interesting gains
Invest with leverage and a little capital
You don’t need to be an expert if you invest through a social trading broker like eToro
Possibility of losing your investment in the event of downward trading
Cryptocurrency Volality
Make Money on the Internet with Cryptos: 3 Best Sites
eToro: best site for beginners who want to trade cryptocurrencies. Find Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum and 23+ cryptocurrencies.
AvaTrade: advanced platform with research tools he and technical analysis available
Libertex: reliable and regulated site for cryptocurrency trading by CFDs
Trading Cryptos
67% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should ask yourself if you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

3. Make Money on the Internet with Real Estate
Investing in real estate to make money on the internet Thanks to the world of the web, it is now possible to invest in real estate in SCPI from your sofa. Technological developments therefore make it possible to invest in real estate funds and real estate stocks without owning the real estate yourself. Most investors go into buying real estate directly to build up wealth.

Besides, you can rent out real estate to supplement your income. It is not excluded to transform this business idea into a real estate purchase. We have identified 3 sites for you that make it easier to invest in real estate on the Internet.

It guarantees a regular return through additional income
You can guarantee income for the future and build up assets
A large capital or a need for a mortgage may be necessary
4 sites to make money with real estate investing
Airbnb: rent your property or rooms to customers in this marketplace open to all online travel agency for accommodation reservations
Logic-Immo: rent your apartment or house through a reputable real estate agency
eToro: to invest in real estate via real estate ETFs
Invest in Real Estate

4. Make Money on the Internet by Investing in the Stock Market
Investing your money in the stock market You can also make money on the web by investing in the stock market. Before getting started, it is essential to make sure that online trading is indeed your business. The process is quite simple. Start by choosing a stock broker who will allow you to buy or sell stock orders securely. For this you need to determine your trading style and practice on the trading platforms offered.

Thereafter, you need to create a trading account in order to speculate on thousands of financial assets. To buy, for example, the shares from a stock broker, you need to fund the account. As a reminder, be aware that trading has associated risks.

Actions are an excellent and privileged means of carrying out long-term projects
The financial profitability of the stock markets encourages any investor to place money on the stock market
The possibility of recovering your capital, because the stock markets are liquid
It is possible to diversify your investments in the financial markets
Financial markets carry the risk of losses
It is not easy to find a profitable financial asset
The taxation of stock market investment penalizes investors
3 brokers to invest in the stock market
eToro: buy stock market shares without commissions
AvaTrade: invest in the stock market on a serious and regulated platform
Libertex: trading of stock market shares in CFDs
Stock market trader

5. Make Money on the Internet with Paid Surveys
Responding to Paid Surveys It is possible to make easy money on the Internet by responding only to product reviews and online surveys. It is a method that allows you to earn freebies or cash rewards. Very often, it is companies and brands that provide these micro-tasks in order to improve their services or products.

With the concept of paid survey, you can more or less win 200 euros according to your ambitions. Therefore, all you have to do is register on a site and answer certain questions normally. It is not excluded to register on several online survey sites in order to reap substantial income at the end of the month.

This is an online activity without constraints and it allows you to organize yourself as you see fit
Paid surveys are open to everyone without distinction
Costs and cases of error are drastically reduced
Possible cases of fraud can arise on sites developed by scammers
Sites can take up to 3 weeks to pay
The use of discounts and gift certificates eliminates applicants from certain regions, the case of Africa
3 sites to Make Money on the Internet via Survey Sites
Your Opinion: A reliable internet-based survey site where you can get valid vouchers in exchange for tailor-made surveys.
LifePoints: a user-friendly survey site to increase income by responding to garden shop pro

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