Stylish self-watering pot for small plants at a low price in transparent white color

If you want to decorate your home or office easily and quickly, then an ornamental plant planted in an extravagant transparent self-watering pot is the ideal way. Garden online store „Garden“ offers plastic pots at a reasonable price. They are made of durable, smooth plastic, have an elegant shape, and have an interesting white transparent color. The pot is offered with a special system for self-irrigation by the capillary way, which will save you the annoying daily watering.

The self-watering pot is valued for planting and growing various small and large plants. It can be beautifully decorated with various flowering species, exotic small deciduous, suitable for arrangements with dried flowers and even orchids.

In the plastic self-watering pot in the transparent white color, you can easily grow flowering plants such as tagetes, daffodils, tulips, and crocuses, it is suitable for sowing seeds of various types of home spices – mint, parsley, basil, and others.

For those of you who are fans of houseplants, some of the suitable species for transparent self-watering pots are ficus benjamin (dwarf forms or small plants), various types of ferns, aloe, tree of life, chlorophytum, and many other deciduous interior plants.

The shape of this self-watering pot makes it ideal for growing different types of climbing vines that would be suitable for decorating roof gardens, terraces, and balconies.

If you are still looking for a bolder solution for the transparent container, you could always plant ornamental grass or even strawberries for your office or office.

Pots of this model self-watering are not suitable for growing different types of bonsai.

Color: Pleasant and interesting transparent white color.

Dimensions of the pot: Ф11 / H10.5

Capacity: about 0.6 liters of soil substrate.

Product weight: 0.177 kg

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