This is a very interesting plant that is valued for landscaping gardens and is known by its Latin name Brugmansia (formerly known by its botanical name Datura).
For many amateur gardeners, this is one of the most beautiful garden plants, which is preferred because of its fragrant aroma, which is most pronounced in the evening.
Its popular name, angel trumpet, derives from the structure of colors. They are drooping or often hanging, often reaching 50 cm in length and resembling trumpets. Through this plant is achieved interesting landscaping of otherwise boring objects.
It can be grown in pots, but outside because of its strong aroma. Lovers of exotic vegetation often grow it in their winter gardens, and the most complete pleasure is when you grow it from the beginning – by sowing seeds of varieties from it.
Depending on the variety, you can enjoy flowering in July and September. As is characteristic of the angel trumpet, the colors are first white, then go through orange and pink, and finally turn golden yellow.
In general, the habit of this plant is bushy or resembles a small tree. Leaves of Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet, Brugmansia) The leaves are oval and oblong and dark green in color.
The height that this wonderful plant can reach is from 150 to 400 cm.
If you have chosen to grow this species, it is good to provide for it a place on your balcony or garden, protected from wind.
It is good to place it in the sun or in partial shade. As the plant is quite demanding, you need to water it regularly and quite abundantly, as well as you need to regularly provide it with fertilizer.
Another important point in growing is that overblown flowers and withered leaves often need to be cleaned, even daily.
In winter, it is good to prune brugmansia and store it in the dark, most often in a basement or garage.
It is good when you place it on the balcony or garden to position it so that you can enjoy its beautiful colors as much as possible.
Warning the plant is poisonous! Almost every flower of Brugmansia (angel trumpet, Brugmansia) from this plant is highly poisonous!
If you have small children or pets do not use this plant.
The aroma is also harmful if inhaled for a long time, it can lead to headaches or dizziness.