This type of fir is very similar to ordinary fir in morphological features. In our country it reaches a height of about 25 – 30 m, but in its natural habitat the mountains of the Caucasus reaches a height of 55 – 65 m.
Its crown is very dense, sometimes located at the base of the crown and has a narrow conical shape (sample photos taken by lorca56 and nautical2k), which makes it suitable for landscaping of yards and gardens, landscaping of private villas and houses. At first the twigs are hairy, but as it grows a little they become smooth. The leaves are 2 to 4 cm long, flat at the top, rounded or incised.
On the upper side the leaves are dark green and shiny, and on the lower side they are light green with two white stripes. The cones are relatively long, reaching about 20 cm. Fir cones are made up of two types of scales, one called seed or seed scales and the other type of roof or roof scales.
Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana разделител за райграс и градина) It is characteristic of the Caucasian fir that the roof husk, which is located behind the seed, protrudes and has a sharp tip curled to the base. This is a pretty good diagnostic sign by which professionals who deal with tree diversity (dendrologists) recognize this type of fir.
The distribution of Caucasian fir is not very wide. It is found in the mountains of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. As the altitude at which it climbs is a maximum of 2000 m, and the minimum altitude at which it can be found and at which it does not suffer damage is 800 m.
There have been attempts by American and English dendrologists to introduce it to lower parts of the terrain, but it has been found that this species suffers because it is quite attached to humidity. Especially in urban environments, this species is in a rather poor decorative condition, not only because of the dry air but also because of the air pollution with various gases.
This type of fir is very resistant to shade, grows in shady places, but this does not mean that it does not like sunny places. This property makes it quite malleable and suitable for use in different sunbathing areas.
Caucasian fir is not particularly demanding of soil conditions, can grow on any soil, but grows best on deep moist and fertile soils. Caucasian fir is a moderately cold-resistant species. It can withstand cold and low temperatures in the range of -25 degrees.
If the conditions in which it grows are favorable, the longevity of this fir can reach 500 years. Its growth is slightly faster than that of ordinary fir. This quality must be taken into account when used in combination with ordinary fir, because competition can occur between the two species and one to suffocate the other.
Caucasian fir is used as well as ordinary fir. It is used in landscaping, afforestation, landscaping and others.
It is used for both single and group plantings with other types of trees. In forest park construction it is used to create pure or mixed plantations.