Packaging: 5 kg, 10 kg.
Sowing rate: When building new stadiums for 30 to 35 square meters, 1 kg of seeds is needed (5 kg are enough for grassing a stadium or sports field with dimensions 142 – 165 sq.m.). When restoring old and damaged sports fields, a norm of 1 kg is recommended for 30 – 50 sq.m. тревна смеска за стадиони
Dredging resistance: Extremely high trampling resistance and very good regenerative ability.
Terrain lighting: In sunny areas, but also grows in partially shaded areas.
Need for watering: Regular daily watering without overwatering. The soil of the terrain should be kept constantly slightly moist, but in no case wet.
Features of mowing: The first mowing is done at a height of 5-7 centimeters. It gives the best decorative effect at low mowing – 1.5 to 2 cm, but it can be maintained without problems at 3-4 cm height.
Soil conditions: Nutrient-rich draining soils.
Resistance to low temperatures: Very high resistance, 100% winter hardy and evergreen.
Leaf characteristics: Very fine leaves of the highest class, at the same time resistant to draft.
Suitable fertilizers: Fertilizers for lawns or new grass.
Sowing period: In mid-March to late June and in September-October.
Sowing depth: 1 cm with good rolling.
Soil temperature at sowing: At 15-25 degrees, but not below 5 degrees Celsius.
Germination period: From 5 to 14 days.
Professional grass mixture for Performance stadiums is part of the rich catalog of our online store Semenata.Shop. This quality ryegrass was created and selected for the purpose of construction or restoration of sports areas such as stadium complexes, sports grounds and courts, training grounds, basketball and volleyball courts, tennis courts and more.
The selection of the unique Landscaper pro Performance includes a quality type of ryegrass mixed with red fescue. The stadium mix builds a very dense and very flat pavement of strong grass, highly valued for its high resistance to trampling, pressure and trampling. Among its great merits, which are highly valued in the construction of sports grounds, is its incredible ability to recover after being subjected to intensive trampling and trampling. This saves a lot of costs in the maintenance of stadiums that are used frequently.
With this professional sports grass mixture Performance in our country grass complexes, training grounds and courts for all types of sports games and competitions, golf complexes, rugby courts, baseball, cricket, handball, volleyball, basketball, grass tennis and hockey are massively grassed. on grass, even horse racing tracks.
The fine leaves of the grass mixture for stadiums are very durable. This makes them preferred not only for the construction of sports areas, but also for grassing parks, yards and gardens, public green spots, picnic areas, areas near sports complexes, hypermarkets, gas stations or hospital complexes, around swimming pools, restaurants. meals, restaurants with gardens, etc.
It is important to know when sowing that the sports performance grass mixture develops best and fully on sunlit areas all day long. It grows well and in partially shaded areas, but in this case it is good to provide at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Performance seeds are characterized by the amazing ability to germinate at an accelerated rate on suitable nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. With proper care – irrigation, mowing and fertilizing, they quickly make a dense and dense grass cover with a rich green color, which makes them suitable for grassing a variety of functional lawns. When mowing, it is good to know that it allows mowing low (1.5 – 2 cm) and it is not good to leave it to germinate at a great height in order to preserve the practical and aesthetic qualities of the lawn built with Performance. .
It is sown in spring and autumn at temperatures of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. It is not good to sow when the temperature is lower than 5 degrees Celsius, because then germination is delayed until the temperature rises again to the desired parameters.
Due to its great regenerative abilities and the fast growth rates of the sprouts, Performance is preferred not only for the creation of new grass areas, but also for their restoration.
This grass mixture for professional Landscaper Pro Performance stadiums contains the following specially selected grass types:
Pasture ryegrass (Lolium perenne) – 80%
Red fescue (Festuca rubra commutata) – 10%
Red fescue (Festuca rubra rubra) – 10%