Elegant drought-resistant turf (grass rolls) and delivery for all of Maryland

We present to your attention an extremely drought-resistant grass rolls composed of a special hybrid grass mixture (Bermuda grass), resistant to drought and dry terrain. The turf is very dense, with delicate beautiful leaves and a rich dark green color.

This turf is known for its resistance to growing in hot areas (withstands over 40 ° C) and has a low need for water – it requires up to 60% less watering than standard grass turf (about 45 liters / sq m of water per week).

It can be irrigated with biologically treated water (from treatment plants), you can even irrigate it with a mixture of 30% seawater. Another main advantage is that it withstands low mowing (1 – 2 cm in height) and can be mowed every 10 days.

This drought-resistant turf is extremely resistant to most grass diseases. In addition to drought resistance, this turf is resistant to intense stress.

The lawns are manufactured by a reputable manufacturer of grass lawns. In them, you will not find weeds, insects, and other pests. The soil is extremely fertile and free of stones and impurities. A special net is woven into the lawns, which makes them strong and easy to install.

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